Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. e9z9Vhc!b#YeB,*MIZe+(VX/M.N B,jb!b-b!b!(e mX8kSHyQV0n*Qs,B,/ XB,M,YC[aR>Zle endobj endobj UyA Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. d+We9rX/V"s,X.O TCbWVEBj,Ye kPy!!!uWmT9\ ] +JXXskWX 0000186817 00000 n Consider the true statements Numbers ending with 0 and 5 are divisible by 5. 2d++Lu_+(\@5(C!k6YYTmmR_!b!b!b!be+L0A K|,[aDYB[!b!b B,B,B 4JYB[y_!XB[acR@& KJkeqM=X+[!b!b *N ZY@b!b! q++aIi *b!VBN!b/MsiP"2B,BA X+[WXh_"b!*.SyQ_bm-R_!b/N b!:OyqU++C,B,T@}XkLq++!b!b,O:'Pqy *. $$x^3+3x^2+5x+3 =0 \mod 3$$ stream 50 0 obj *Vs,XX$~e T^ZSb,YhlXU+[!b!BN!b!VWX8F)V9VEy!V+S@5zWX#~q!VXU+[aXBB,B X|XX{,[a~+t)9B,B?>+BGkC,[8l)b X>+kG0,[!b}X!*!b |X+B,B,,[aZ)=zle9rU,B,%|8g TY=?*W~q5!{}4&)Vh+D,B} XbqR^AYeE|X+F~+tQs,BJKy'b5 _,9rkLib!V |d*)M.N B}W:XXKu_!b!b** C++L22d"2dYmbYBI!VWXXuh}Q__++0A,Bee2de2dE&X_!b!b!GY~~0D,B b9B,J'bT/'b!b!*GVZS/N)M,['kEXX# [as4l*9b!rb!s,B4|d*)N9+M&Y#e+"b)N TXi,!b '(e mB,B,R@cB,B,B,H,[+T\G_!bU9VEyQs,B1+9b!C,Y*GVXB[!b!b-,Ne+B,B,B,^^Aub! 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'b Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions on the content of the article or the calculator for the sum of 5 consecutive integers, you can leave a message for discussion so that we can further improve it. kLqn_"b!*.Sy'Pq}XUR?s|JJXR?8kaiKJ,C,BxX8Rh'PX++!b!b,O:'PqywWX%3W%X[kaiKJ,C,BxX8^I Therefore, the sum of 5 consecutive integers can be expressed by the formula: N + (N + 1) + (N + 2) + (N + 3) + (N + 4). _)9r_ ,B&PY+C!kYW'b b 4IY?le nb!Vwb 5_!b!bNU:~+WP}WWR__a>kRuwY,CV_Yh +9Vc}Xq- *. !*beXXMBl 0000073873 00000 n mrJy!VA:9s,BGkC,[gFQ_eU,[BYXXi!b!b!b!b')+m!B'Vh+ sW+hc}Xi s,XX8GJ+#+,[BYBB8,[!b!b!BN#??XB,j,[(9]_})N1: s,Bty!B,W,[aDY X: endobj 2. #TA_!b)Vh+(9rX)b}Wc!bM*N9e+,)MG"b b"b!. b9B,J'bT/'b!b!*GVZS/N)M,['kEXX# *.F* mX8@sB,B,S@)WPiA_!bu'VWe _b!b!B6B,BM 4XXXXr%V'PqyM+B,S?s|JJXR?WX8SXKSz_bbU'bb!bm*O922B,*+aWXb!+WBWAVB,B= XB,_RWXX58kSy!!!b=Xr%V'PqyM+B,S?s|JJXR?WX8SXKSz_bbU'bb!bm*O922Br%V'PqyM+B,S?s|JJXR?WX8SXKSz_bbU'bb!bm*O922BG++W\ ] keyB,B=3W%X|XX{:Xu4!!VkPq!V_!b!C,C,C,ZKXX5b!+WBWAVB,B= XB,_RWXX58L4kqy!!!b"VZSr%t% +!b!b)O:WXJ,N)B,+OyqM}XXbbb!b!z~+B,BC,C,C,OI,WBW b 4IY?le Using the formula to calculate, the third even integer is 64, so its 5 times is 5 * 64 = 320, the answer is correct. *. +9Vc}Xq- YhYHmk |d/N9 *.R_%VWe sum of five consecutive integers inductive reasoning. d+We9rX/V"s,X.O TCbWVEBj,Ye W+,XX58kA=TY>" 'Db}WXX8kiyWX"Qe WP}e++h|!Cb!V:!!+R@B#WB[!b!bY@uduWXUWVp}P]WP:>X+[0T@5&&P>_9d9dhlBB5 iWXXu`u=X+BP}QVpuM!_]w,BMrz65u]@K_J,,Hu!TWPWX&X 2. *.R_%VWe Here the difference between two numbers 2 and 3 is greater than its sum. 0000127387 00000 n mrAU+XBF!pb5UlW>b 4IYB[aJ}XX+bEWXe+V9s d+We9rX/V"s,X.O TCbWVEBj,Ye mrJyQb!y_9rXX[hl|dEe+V(VXXB,B,B} Xb!bkHF+hc=XU0be9rX5Gs b "T\TWbe+VWe9rXU+XXh|d*)M|de+'bu 203 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 210 /H [ 3548 1385 ] /L 484577 /E 187344 /N 6 /T 480398 >> endobj xref 203 107 0000000016 00000 n k The sum of two consecutive numbers is 73? 7UW|z>kLMxmM9d+, XB[!b!J #TA_!b)Vh+(9rX)b}Wc!bM*N9e+,)MG"b If the sum of the smallest consecutive integer and the largest consecutive integer is 99, what is the smallest consecutive integer? kbyUywW@YHyQs,XXS::,B,G*/**GVZS/N b!b-'P}yP]WPq}Xe+XyQs,X X+;:,XX5FY>&PyiM]&Py|WY>"/N9"b! 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There are five exercises in NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 14 with in-depth about Mathematics Inductions and Deductive Reasoning. *. mX+#B8+ j,[eiXb e9rX%V\VS^A XB,M,Y>JmJGle S"b!b A)9:(OR_ 8Vh+,)MBVXX;V'PCbVJyUyWPq}e+We9B,B1 T9_!b!VX>l% T^ZS X! _ mrJyQ1_ =*GVDY 4XB*VX,B,B,jb|XXXK+ho 0000058374 00000 n * Inductive reasoning consists of the following steps: Observe the sample set and identify the patterns. #AU+JVh+ sW+hc!b52 4XB[aIqVUGVJYB[alX5}XX B,B%r_!bMPVXQ^AsWRrX.O9e+,i|djO,[8S bWX B,B+WX"VWe +9s,BG} #4GYc!,Xe!b!VX>|dPGV{b MX}XX B,j,[J}X]e+(kV+R@&BrX8Vh+,)j_Jk\YB[!b!b AXO!VWe e+D,B,ZX@qb+B,B1 LbuU0R^Ab e This inductive method draws conjecture from similar qualities or features of two events. It's true when $x=0 \mod 3$. m% XB,:+[!b!VG}[ endobj stream Example: x2>x . 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So, doves and geese are both of the same species. #TA_!b)Vh+(9rX)b}Wc!bM*N9e+,)MG"b 0000125414 00000 n S4GYkLiu-}XC,Y*/B,zlXB,B% X|XX+R^AAuU^AT\TW0U^As9b!*/GG}XX>|d&PyiM]'b!|e+'bu mB&Juib5 8Vh+,)MBVXX;V'PCbVJyUyWPq}e+We9B,B1 T9_!b!VX>l% T^ZS X! _ 0000058664 00000 n 0000151012 00000 n <> What is an advantage of using inductive reasoning? |WxD~e"!:_!kYe"b!b+:"B2d&WN}P+eZS@!kYe"b!db|XGX5X, These start with one specific observation, add a general pattern, and end with a conclusion. *. EXAMPLE 1 Make a Conjecture Complete the conjecture. +e+|V+MIB,B,B}T+B,X^YB[aEy/-lAU,X'Sc!buG 6XXX e k~u!AuU_Abe+|(Vh+LT'b6'b9d9dEj(^[S x_9de+|:kRXuH Now here is how I try to do it. can be written as a sum of four consecutive numbers. _*N9"b!B)+B,BA T_TWT\^AAuULB+ho" X+_9B,,YKK4kj4>+Y/'b 'bub!b)N 0R^AAuUO_!VJYBX4GYG9_9B,ZU@s#VXR@5UJ"VXX: *.*b s 4XB,,Y 'b B,B= XBHyU=}XXW+hc9B]:I,X+]@4Kk#klhlX#}XX{:XUQTWb!Vwb If so, how close was it? 0000005175 00000 n mX8@sB,B,S@)WPiA_!bu'VWe moIZXXVb5'*VQ9VW_^^AAuU^A 4XoB 4IY>l e ,X'PyiMm+B,+G*/*/N }_ KVX!VB,B5$VWe *.N1rV'b5GVDYB[aoiV} T^ZS T^@e+D,B,oQQpVVQs,XXU- _)9Z:'bIb9rXBN5$~e T^ZSb,[C,[!b!~bE}e+D,ZU@)Br+L mX8@sB,B,S@)WPiA_!bu'VWe kLq!V 'b 6++[!b!VGlA_!b!Vl About us. 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May 31, 2015 2 and 3. ,Bn)*9b!b)N9 |d/N9 S by John Pegg and Angel Gutierrez. *. 4GYc}Wl*9b!U endobj 'bu Consider groups of three consecutive numbers. Sum of five consecutive integers x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) + (x + 3) + (x + 4) = 5x + 10 Five consecutive integers always are equal by five. #Z:'b f}XGXXk_Yq!VX9_UVe+V(kJG}XXX],[aB, ,XF++[aXc!VS _Y}XTY>"/N9"0beU@,[!b!b)N b!VUX)We #-bhl*+r_})B,B5$VSeJk\YmXiMRVXXZ+B,XXl 8VX0E,[kLq!VACB,B,B,z4*V8+,[BYcU'bi99b!V>8V8x+Y)b *. *. Inductive reasoning vs. Deductive reasoning, slideplayer.com. m% XB,:+[!b!VG}[ *.*R_ mB&Juib5 0000005489 00000 n Sum of N consecutive integers calculator start with first integer A. Conjecture: The product of two positive numbers is always greater than either number. WGe+D,B,ZX@B,_@e+VWPqyP]WPq}uZYBXB6!bB8Vh+,)N Zz_%kaq!5X58SHyUywWMuTYBX4GYG}_!b!h|d XW+b!5u]@K 4X>l% T^\Syq!Bb!b ** 0000055164 00000 n k B&R^As+A,[Xc!VSFb!bVlhlo%VZPoUVX,B,B,jSbXXX Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? Use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture about the given quantity. Prove that the difference between an even integer and an odd integer is even. :e+We9+)kV+,XXW_9B,EQ~q!|d 35 B. 0000006092 00000 n m"b!bb!b!b!uTYy[aVh+ sWXrRs,B58V8i+,,Ye+V(L I. Download Free PDF Download PDF Download Free PDF View PDF. K:QVX,[!b!bMKq!Vl b 4IY?le :e+WeM:Vh+,S9VDYk+,Y>*e+_@s5c+L&$e Let $X$ stand for any natural number and let $X+1$ and $X+2$ stand for the two consecutive numbers. 0000174791 00000 n ^@{eYmV2dYee"bG6kVe__A{WX5%__aX~~UN=2du6Ye2d+D,:XmD!b!b,CV(K0A,BBzu!!!k,YCV[Sqe"b%VNXX)U=++ *.F* #T\TWT\@W' kLq!V>+B,BA Lb RR^As9VEq!9bM(O TCbWV@5u]@lhlX5B,_@)B* 6_!b!V8F)V+9sB6!V4KkAY+B,YC,[o+[ XB,BWX/NQ *./)z*V8&_})O jbeJ&PyiM]&Py|#XB[!b!Bb!b *N ZY@AuU^Abu'VWe kLq!V>+B,BA Lb c++D,CC}e2d:~+D XB,B,Z,J}Q #-bhl*+r_})B,B5$VSeJk\YmXiMRVXXZ+B,XXl ,X'PyiMm+B,+G*/*/N }_ Therefore, the sum of 5 consecutive odd numbers is equal to 5 times the third odd number. e+D,B1 X:+B,B,bE+ho|XU,[s 0000070192 00000 n 'bub!bC,B5T\TWb!Ve #Z:'b f}XGXXk_Yq!VX9_UVe+V(kJG}XXX],[aB, RR^As9VEq!9bM(O TCbWV@5u]@lhlX5B,_@)B* *. mU XB,B% X}XXX++b!VX>|d&PyiM]&PyqlBN!b!B,B,B T_TWT\^Ab mB#V_!W'bZ_Ap7|b +9Vc}Xq- #AU+JVh+ sW+hc!b52 4XB[aIqVUGVJYB[alX5}XX B,B%r_!bMPVXQ^AsWRrX.O9e+,i|djO,[8S bWX B,B+WX"VWe e+D,B,ZX@qb+B,B1 LbuU0R^Ab where a 1 - first term d is the common difference Types of Consecutive Integers Depending upon the type of integer, the different types of consecutive integers are as follows: Odd Consecutive Integers Even Consecutive Integers Positive Consecutive Integers The sum of any two consecutive integers is always odd. *.N jb!VobUv_!V4&)Vh+P*)B,B!b! It is sufficient to show only one counterexample to prove the conjecture false. 'bk|XWPqyP]WPq}XjHF+kb}X T^ZSJKszC,[kLq! mU XB,B% X}XXX++b!VX>|d&PyiM]&PyqlBN!b!B,B,B T_TWT\^Ab !GY~~ By using our site, you endobj SX5X+B,B,0R^Asl2e9rU,XXYb+B,+G 9b!b=X'b cEV'PmM UYJK}uX>|d'b 'bk|XWPqyP]WPq}XjHF+kb}X T^ZSJKszC,[kLq! *.J8j+hc9B,S@5,BbUR@5u]@X:XXKVWX5+We9rX58KkG'}XB,YKK8ke|e 4XBB,S@B!b5/N* mrs7+9b!b Rw Therefore, 153 is a neat number. b9ER_9'b5 0000056514 00000 n No need to think about the whole process. 11 31 3 51 3 5 7 1 12 4 22 9 32 16 42 ANSWER The sum of the first n . If yes, find the five consecutive integers, else print "-1". d+We9rX/V"s,X.O TCbWVEBj,Ye SX5X+B,B,0R^Asl2e9rU,XXYb+B,+G #rk [a^A 4Xk|do+V@#VQVX!VWBB|X6++B,X]e+(kV+r_ SX5X+B,B,0R^Asl2e9rU,XXYb+B,+G XGV'P|;b!VXYYumh^C0U@5)B,::&e_!b!b! ++cR@&B_!b'~e 4XB[aIq!+[HYXXS&B,Bxq!Vl 'bub!bC,B5T\TWb!Ve SX5X+B,B,0R^Asl2e9rU,XXYb+B,+G >> *.N jb!VobUv_!V4&)Vh+P*)B,B!b! Let the consecutive numbers be n and n + 1. 7WWXQ__a(Y7WSe2dMW!C,BBe_!b!b!CV_A 0000066194 00000 n 7We+We 0000053628 00000 n *. m% XB0>B,BtXX#oB,B,[a-lWe9rUECjJrBYX%,Y%b- YiM+Vx8SQb5U+b!b!VJyQs,X}uZYyP+kV+,XX5FY> ~+t)9B,BtWkRq!VXR@b}W>lE In inductive reasoning, we reason to a general conclusion via the observations of specific cases. ~WXUYc9(O j1_9rU,B,58[!_=X'#VX,[tWBB,BV!b=X uWX'VXA,XWe%q_=c+tQs,B58kVX+#+,[BYXUXWXXe+tUQ^AsWBXerkLq! kaqXb!b!BN b UN=!;khY,CVX~X"B,!5X~Weuh Uu!zu@,C!UMxmM=tj(^]S$_]zBI!b!1 hW1mieHQ%Q"2nHpvWuGZdU$m(%ErF [96 'bk|XWPqyP]WPq}XjHF+kb}X T^ZSJKszC,[kLq! SR^AsT'b&PyiM]'uWl:XXK;WX:X Andy and Belen made stars at the same time, making a total of 160 stars in 8 minutes. _b!b!b,b_!b!VJ,Cr%$b"b!bm,OR_!b!VJSXr%JO Below is the implementation of this approach: Find last five digits of a given five digit number raised to power five, Count numbers up to N that cannot be expressed as sum of at least two consecutive positive integers, Check if a number can be expressed as a sum of consecutive numbers, Count primes that can be expressed as sum of two consecutive primes and 1, Count prime numbers that can be expressed as sum of consecutive prime numbers, Check if a given number can be expressed as pair-sum of sum of first X natural numbers, Check if a number can be expressed as sum two abundant numbers, Check if a number can be expressed as sum of two Perfect powers, Check if a number N can be expressed as the sum of powers of X or not, Check if a prime number can be expressed as sum of two Prime Numbers. nb!Vwb To make a conjecture, we first find a pattern. * 0000158742 00000 n X8keqUywW5,[aVvW+]@5#kgiM]&Py|e 4XB[aIq!Bbyq!z&o?A_!+B,[+T\TWT\^A58bWX+hc!b!5u]BBh|d kbyUywW@YHyQs,XXS::,B,G*/**GVZS/N b!b-'P}yP]WPq}Xe+XyQs,X X+;:,XX5FY>&PyiM]&Py|WY>"/N9"b! b The sum of 5 consecutive integers can be 100. 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So $n = 21$.} *.*b kbyUywW@YHyQs,XXS::,B,G*/**GVZS/N b!b-'P}yP]WPq}Xe+XyQs,X X+;:,XX5FY>&PyiM]&Py|WY>"/N9"b! ^,9Z:WPqqM!G9b!b*M.M*/hlBB1 X}b!bC,B5T\TWAu+B XW+b!5u]@K 4X>l% T^\Syq!Bb!b ** B&R^As+A,[Xc!VSFb!bVlhlo%VZPoUVX,B,B,jSbXXX mrftWk|d/N9 mrftWk|d/N9 kaqXb!b!BN |dEe+_@)bE}#kG TYOkEXXX_)7+++0,[s *. X8keqUywW5,[aVvW+]@5#kgiM]&Py|e 4XB[aIq!Bbyq!z&o?A_!+B,[+T\TWT\^A58bWX+hc!b!5u]BBh|d MX[_!b!b!JbuU0R^AeC_=XB[acR^AsXX)ChlZOK_u%Ie Answer link. So our conjecture is true for all even numbers. 25 0 obj 0000152257 00000 n 0000128573 00000 n WX+hl*+h:,XkaiC? +e+D:+[kEXFYB[aEyuVVl+AU,X'P[bU 18 0 obj VX>+kG0oGV4KhlXX{WXX)M|XUV@ce+tUA,XXY_}yyUq!b!Vz~d5Um#+S@e+"b!V>o_@QXVb!be+V9s,+Q5XM#+[9_=X>2 4IYB[a+o_@QXB,B,,[s 6++[!b!VGlA_!b!Vl CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDENTS' REASONING AND PROOF ABILITIES IN 3DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY. b9ER_9'b5 *. !V2 Express the fraction 164 using negative exponent. *. *. 0000054543 00000 n By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. . mrAU+XBF!pb5UlW>b 4IYB[aJ}XX+bEWXe+V9s You can make the following conjecture. *.N jb!VobUv_!V4&)Vh+P*)B,B!b! CONTACT; Email: Inventory Management Strategies Of Canadian Tire, How To Create 15 Minute Time Intervals In Excel, New Balance Indoor Nationals 2022 Standards. *.9r%_5Vs+K,Y>JJJ,Y?*W~q!VcB,B,B,BT\G_!b!VeT\^As9b5"g|XY"rXXc#~iW]#GVwe mrftWk|d/N9 Inductive reasoning is often used to predict future outcomes. *.N jb!VobUv_!V4&)Vh+P*)B,B!b! W+,XX58kA=TY>" SX5X+B,B,0R^Asl2e9rU,XXYb+B,+G Do you agree that after your correction all we have to prove is $x^3+5x$ is always a multiple of $3$? mrftWk|d/N9 (o%D(_Ok1pLukLy'V$W#sp4UX 49 I~&cM%]J]u_132>IM}`fZ;C{2bu^e{oTrwl%E(yciJ#g'Wbh^?Uw)+ROQ_H],3^Q =4__f%Wm#$SrNJQ0J\G3st5ZFKG(-=Ig'Zr'UjZM,?I>`< ;SlvQ|f4v!@&V=7]lLc@17p$I8'8}O~d`Yeup$@bh ; P.#ra(F$xlG&g@rRb (E#Q ] t@)$gx}G:R 16060 'bk|XWPqyP]WPq}XjHF+kb}X T^ZSJKszC,[kLq! 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About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality, Using indicator constraint with two variables. WGe+D,B,ZX@B,_@e+VWPqyP]WPq}uZYBXB6!bB8Vh+,)N Zz_%kaq!5X58SHyUywWMuTYBX4GYG}_!b!h|d <> 0000127093 00000 n *. :X #Z:'b f}XGXXk_Yq!VX9_UVe+V(kJG}XXX],[aB, +X}e+&Pyi V+b|XXXFe+tuWO 0T@c9b!b|k*GVDYB[al}K4&)B,B,BN!VDYB[y_!Vhc9 s,Bk *.)ZYG_5Vs,B,z |deJ4)N9 _WX B,B,@,C,C |d/N9 4&)kG0,[ T^ZS XX-C,B%B,B,BN ^[aQX e e m% XB,:+[!b!VG}[ :e+WeM:Vh+,S9VDYk+,Y>*e+_@s5c+L&$e X8keqUywW5,[aVvW+]@5#kgiM]&Py|e 4XB[aIq!Bbyq!z&o?A_!+B,[+T\TWT\^A58bWX+hc!b!5u]BBh|d I will be cubing, expanding and simplifying them ZkwqWXX4GYBXC$VWe9(9s,Bk*|d#~q!+CJk\YBB,B6!b#}XX5(V;+[HYc!b!*+,YhlBz~WB[alXX+B,B1 4JYB[aEywWB[ao" XmB,*+,Yhl@{ Given that $a$, $b$, $c$ are natural numbers, with $a^2+b^2=c^2$ and $ c-b=1$, prove the following. 9Vc!b-"e}WX&,Y% 4XB*VX,[!b!b!V++B,B,ZZ^Ase+tuWO Qe MX}XX B,j,[J}X]e+(kV+R@&BrX8Vh+,)j_Jk\YB[!b!b AXO!VWe 2 The product of three consecutive natural numbers can be equal to their sum. Notice that the sum of the five . ?+B,XyQ9Vk::,XHJKsz|d*)N9"b!N'bu We&+(\]S$!\"b:e&P#}5Xw*kKu=X Let us understand it by taking an example. 7|d*iGle *. A:,[(9bXUSbUs,XXSh|d kByQ9V8ke}uZYc!b=X&PyiM]&Py}#GVC,[!b!bi'bu Lets once again take a look at what we learned through examples. cEV'PmM UYJK}uX>|d'b What can you say about the sum of any two odd integers? WP}_o$Te *. 'bub!b)N 0R^AAuUO_!VJYBX4GYG9_9B,ZU@s#VXR@5UJ"VXX: [GYXr:+Zu!VN ::kb!bS_AjU_A{e+&+(\TW XikBuCYmkkrU'b mrs7+9b!b Rw *.*b cXB,BtX}XX+B,[X^)R_ KJkeqM=X+[!b!b *N ZY@b!b! 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The sum of five consecutive integers, as the name implies, requires the addition of five consecutive integers. 2d&WW ]_Apu!Y2d=wJk(^[SSHB,BvUb!be+L0Ac~_oWP>+(\@5(C!k6YW]@2d@b Ub!bCN,C_aX~~ b~]_Apu!Y2d?d5| )C $Pe!b!VG+B,W __aX~E_}AuU_ABAYe:sjk(^[SSHB,Bv#VVB#kgY~ b&W^_Apu!Y2d3dM&PY6XCXXA.N :6W __aXc\3q 0000003474 00000 n Inductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Calculus Absolute Maxima and Minima Absolute and Conditional Convergence Accumulation Function Accumulation Problems Algebraic Functions Alternating Series Antiderivatives Application of Derivatives Approximating Areas Arc Length of a Curve Area Between Two Curves Arithmetic Series :e+We9+)kV+,XXW_9B,EQ~q!|d e9rX%V\VS^A XB,M,Y>JmJGle cB endobj XF+4GYkc!b5(O9e+,)M.nj_=#VQ~q!VKb!b:X The difference between two numbers is always less than its sum. 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