Specialties Specialty Family Nurse Practitioner A family nurse practitioner is a nurse who completed a graduate degree in. I didnt hate either one, maybe they were Misunderstood, as for being Stuckup. So she had money, her family did. How did you talk and act around those girls, ask yourself that! [7], Protti claimed to have found the kitchen knife by chance, and her elder sister, Virginia Varela, testified in court that she kept that knife in her car to cut vegetables. Maybe others didnt think so, but to many said she was. Not when she was bullied and pushed to her limit!! No, it is about love, people. Kirsten always showed off her cheers, she was proud. her friends portray her as an Angel of course they do, but she did make snide remarks to people who werent like her. Her parole would have gone ahead sooner apparently but in 1992 one of the parole board Victor Wisehart voted to keep her in jail as she showed an inability to control her anger and he felt that she was still a danger to the public, she had had a violent altercation with a boyfriend in the prison/school system, he said there was a hidden trigger that switched on when she didnt get her own way! I thought Miramonte was a nice place, if you make good decisions myoumwill make it (popular or not). Now that you know, have fun looking around! Bernadette had plenty of other friends, she was in that group, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, if she would of left her alone, eventually they may of became friends, no she couldnt wait, wanted it all right now and pushed and forced her way into it. Maybe you need to hear one of those shooters moms speak on YouTube on the Ted talks. Kirsten was more popular she was up there high She had it all, and some were jealous of her popularity. Bernie has a sweet melancholy. I know this because I was there in the same class of Kirsten and Bernadette. You took the life away from this poor girl and her family. Former Case Manager at The Neighborhood Center of West Volusia. You need to educate yourself before speaking on things you have no clue about. It wasnt any big deal, or so, we didnt think it was. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. On the other hand, no one suspected that the perpetrator was a local of Northern California who made their home in an Orinda suburb. I agree with Karen, you cant prove Kirsten bullied Bernadette. In the meantime, and along with the rest of the town, I watched this whole tale unfold sadly and slowly during the course of several months. Its patent that Bernadette had built-up animosity towards Kristen. I believe that the real number was held by the cops. Bernadette will never escape her Image of what people have of her, no matter how Nice she becomes. Bernadettes parents also left Orinda, but its unknown if they left the state of California. She was the (In crowd) Bernadette was desiring to be the incrowd. People need others not bullying. There were several bullied as I said before. This Mats person you sound just like what Bernies BFF said about Kirsten exactly. Whoever wrote this article is not being honest. She looked like a nice person that had a good life ahead of her. The Judge felt sorry for her, and felt that the Community was using her trial as entertainment purposes and amusement. Did you know Bernadettes bff? Even so, I said before, and Ill say it again, still no excuse to murder. (207) 288-8449. They might not win but they can make a case for smearing the name of their daughter if indeed she was not a bully. Is it difficult to understand why a person might not respect the opinion of someone else who supports a murderer? Angela Delvecchio : Monica, just let it go. If Kirsten was so mean, why didnt Bernadette just stay away from her? I been bullied to. Maria They were more aquainted than you think. Although his first name is not known publicly, Angelas husband is a member of the Tomanka ethnic group and works as a marketing product manager. Educate yourself about this case, you simple minded degenerate. You knew both girls? I bet she finally became an outcast fro supporting Bernadette. To the point that she knew she could . Bernadette killed Kirsten out of Jealousy, not Bullying. Read the posts from August 2019. I cant believe they made a movie that was so offensive to the real victim. Guys just didnt really notice her. Was Bernadette fragile when she watched as two innocent girls were accused of Kirstens murder by the Orinda community? But this is just my opinion, dont come after me :/. Miramonte sounds like it had its share of Bullying. She has a right to Privacy. I so disagree with some of the posters. Being disgusted with the the murderers nonchalant behaviour after her brutal crime? Wish someone who knew facts would tell us about the real events leading up to Kirstens death. She reminds me of Stacey Dash a little. You Mats that knows Kirsten, why was she so Mean? Shame on you. Bernadette protti longed to be popular and she decided to kill an innocent person just because she couldnt have things get way.thats sad. It is done and over and over 3 decades. I never thought she would go as far as murder. Kirsten teased Joanna and Joanna got it all wrong to. She was given a sentence of nine years in jail before she could begin her life on her own, but she was granted parole after serving only seven of those years. If it was your child that was murdered for some idiotic reasonsIm sure your perspective would change. Youll notice that there are no pictures of Kirsten as a cheerleader. Most of the Bobbies were Snooty. She may of been misunderstood. Also Karen, Kirsten favors Stacey Dash, with Lindsey Warners personality on Saved by the Bell. Bernadette was snotty to. In fact, one ofthe stars of that hit show, Tori Spelling, had the lead in the filmas the beautiful and popular cheerleader "Stacey" who is stabbed to death. Could of been any of those girls in that group as one girl said, they were all like Kirsten in lots of ways. I was born with common sense. Too bad Bernadette couldnt see that.. Sarah, well, MURDER IS NOT AN OPTION!! She dont go hardly anywhere anymore. We are no longer in the 80 s and never will be again. No matter if she was cocky or snobby; irrelevant. The best way is to bring bullies down a peg or a few. Still wasnt right. The girls quarreled and Costas fled to the home of Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, telling them that her friend had gone "weird. Bernadettes BFF. As Kirsten walked away from Arnolds car, the other girl swooped out from behind a tall hedge and ran forward with her arm raised. Kirsten was the energy of the house, says her mother. Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car park at night and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for Kirsten. You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. LOL. Lots of teen girls are caddy and laugh at people. Kirsten would of changed to overtime. One of her relatives I asked how to get ahold of her, and they said she dont want to be bothered with anyone at all from her past, coworkers, former schoolmates and former friends, outside of family she dont want to talk to anyone. The judgemental insecurities started there for Bernadette and everyone else that was raised in those conditions. Probably chubby ugly girls who were bullied as kids. At the time, sheriffs deputies were searching for the cheerleader who stabbed Kirsten Costas. If it hadnt have been for Bernadettes confession, this case probably would remain unsolved. This is all clearly stated in the intro. Im sure she does, look at her life, and where shes been, and how the media harasses her, not saying she dont deserve it, which she does, but if she is sick, then leave her alone. Cause Bern for weeks went on and on about Kirsten to where her friends kept getting tired of hearing it. If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial, which would have strengthened her case? I believe Kirsten was going to out her for being weird and tell her weird conversation to her friends and put her at risk to be the butt of jokes. Was Bernadette fragile when she coolly discussed Kirstens murder with classmates, some of which include Kirstens friends. Most teen girls are snippy, Im sure you girls who had a bad experience were to, in fact one she was worse than anyone she was a (bully) and when the tables turned on her she couldnt deal with it and left Miramonte. Sweet Melancholy my tail. You didnt read that. Her classmate Bernadette Protti killed Kirsten Costas in 1984, a cheerleader and popular multi-talented teenager from Miramonte High School in California. That movie was terrible and blamed the victim for her own murder. We all have a breaking point. When Angela cleans off the knife with which she stabbed Stacy, she does so by running it under water and wiping it with a towel, leaving both her and Stacy's DNA all over it, the towel and in the drain. Kirsten was just like any other girl who had to go to that snobby school. We all had enemies and faults and all teen girls are Caddy and mean at some point, no reason to die, they outgrow it in adulthood, most do anyways, some never do. Most Cheerleaders are friendly, but kind of Stuck up as well, and picky about thier friends. So bullies need to die. Bernadette was kind to. She was always listening to music, making phone calls, dancing. Missy was Described as a Bully and Very Mean also. Like I said, Ms.Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast, today could be the Life of the Party if they wanted to be. Some girls considered all those girls Stuck up they considered Bernadette as well. What if what you and I perceive as not nice clothes were as nice as she opened bc her family wasnt wealthy? Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482. Finally, as an aside, I think some people need to learn the difference between fiction and reality. So I can tell you kids in these upper class schools are not angels and theyre raised not to be by their parents, who were the same way when they were in school. Kirsten had a good heart though. If shed been bullied by Kirsten, seems like shed have told it in detail. Of course its done and over with, and people arent forgiving and never let you forget anything you did, she made a enormous mistake, that cant change, but she does regret it and as for her and the Costas family making Peace, cant even tell you how much truth is in that, but Im sure she reached out and owned her part, but nothing she can do to change what the outcome cost them. Kirsten is forever missed. I heard on here Joanna was bullied bad, so were quite a few others. She should of just left Kirsten alone and went on with other things, Kirsten wouldnt of gave her any thought otherwise, but she was just obsessed with Kirsten and Kirsten liking her, that was the main focus in her life, and it took Kirstens unfortunately. I disagree with you. She said Bernadette was kind of Snooty also. She wasnt mean or that just high maintenance. We all make remarks to people as teens even the best of people, were not perfect, but no right to Murder and it dont Justify Murder. You copied your little story from some other website. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. John Grisham, Kirsten was nothing like Tori Spelling at all. Others are not so lucky. I knew nothing about this story until I saw it on lifetime and I actually felt really sorry for Kelly Martin who portrayed Bernadette protti. And in the movie, the big butcher knife sat between the 2 girls in the car. Kirsten probaly spotted she wasnt all there and was going to out her on it. We had lonely girls who were bullied and goth girls and loose girls. You need to stop defending yourself and own up to the damage you did. I can see Kirsten not wanting to be bothered with her. She was good at that. She would of never Confessed but FBI got involved, and were closing in on her. Kirsten was the life of the party. lifetime Death of a Cheerleader - What Happened to Angela Delvecchio? Facebook gives people the. As I said, Kirsten was Conceited, and Stuck up, but not no Bully. Death of a Cheerleader/A Friend to Die For, Baby Ruth candy bars & chocolates, the way they used to be years ago. In 1994, the story was made into a television movie entitled A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader ), with Tori Spelling as Stacy Lockwood, a character based on Kirsten Costas and Kellie Martin as Angela Delvecchio, a character based on Bernadette Protti. I believe the conversation was very bizarre to, about desperation of a friendship. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Bernadette deserved the same sentence as would any get it doesnt matter even if she was a juvenile at the time she.should have been trialed as an adult. Teenagers killed each other for being bullied or cause they are lesbian? If someone from Orinda ran into her, especially one of Kirstens friends, they would probably spit at her. She deserves it. Angela Delvecchio-Hall is on Facebook. She looks like she would have lit up a room. If you were snubbed at Miramonte, maybe you caused your own reactions. I still cant help from thinking that, but largely I think B killed K because K was blocking B from her rise in popularity. Why isnt anyone talking about the incompetency of the police here? I never imagined she would literally kill Kirsten, cause Bernadette was so quiet and her demeanor said nothing about her being a killer at all. i dont want to hear poor bernadette was bullied no she had mental issues. Maybe she did something to make it bad. So no she is a Psychopath. Lifetime produced an updated version starring Aubrey Peeples and Sarah Dugdale, with an adult Kellie Martin playing Agent Murray, the police detective who cracks the case. Yes at times maybe she was Snippy, but were teens, who isnt! Telephone: (734)763-0002. adelvecc@umich.edu. So yes it sucks to be bullied, but that is no excuse for any kind of physical action. How is that possible. If anyone was pushed to the brink, it was Kirsten, but instead of reacting violently, she fled from Bernadettes car. If she does go back there its only to see her family who is still there, and she wont leave The Whole time shes there or contact a soul. I didnt kill anyone, I went to college, had a successful career, a loving family and am happily retired with my husband who I met right after I graduated college in 1983.