African Proverb, Misfortune of soup made of shanks and feet. ~ Meru Proverb, The strong bull is overcome when it limps ~ Ethiopian Proverb, The eye cannot penetrate darkness. When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their fathers estate., 146. Ghanaian Proverb, No one gets a mouthful of food by picking between another persons teeth. Copyright 2021 Safari Junkie | All Rights Reserved |, Sacred Women Travel Womens Journey to Kenya, Travelling from Senegal to Mali by Public Transport, River Chania Day Trip in Aberdare National Park, African Proverbs 300 Inspirational Proverbs and Quotes, 50 Movies Where the Action Happens in Africa, How Safe is Zanzibar for Solo Female Traveller. ~ Senegalese Proverb, A fully grown up tree cannot be bent into a walking stick. Nigerian Proverb, Unity is strength, division is weakness. The mother is the neck that turns the head. 1 African Proverb about Fathers All African Proverbs | Proverbs about Fathers 1. Gambian proverb, Help me during the flood, and I will help you during the drought. Tanzanian Proverb, His opinions are like water in the bottom of a canoe, going from side to side. Ghanaian Proverb, Where there is negotiation, there is hope for agreement. Yoruba proverb, A person with too much ambition cannot sleep in peace. Ashanti proverb, When your neighbour is wrong you point a finger, but when you are wrong you hide. ~ African Proverb, Slowly, slowly, porridge goes into the gourd. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Glory does not come by calling. African proverb "You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. ~ Samburu Proverb, A big fish is caught with big bait. Ghanaian Proverb, The betrothed of good is evil the betrothed of life is death the betrothed of love is divorce. Ethiopian Proverb, He who marries a beauty marries trouble. Ugandan proverb, Never let hyena know how well you can bite. African proverb I am not to neglect my family. African proverb, When the mother goat breaks into the yam store her kid watches her. Meaning:It is another great African proverb about life and death. Yoruba proverb, If you sow the wind, you will harvest a hurricane. Great people become great when others are sleeping., 39. Congolese Proverb, The good mother knows what her children will eat. Yoruba proverb, One does not use a sword to kill a snail. No African country names begin with the letters F, H, I, J, O, P, Q, V, W, X, or Y. Tanzanian Proverb, In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams. Oji proverb, If you are too modest, then you will go hungry. African proverb what is just right for him. Wolof proverb, Numbers can achieve anything. Egyptian Proverb, A chicken with beautiful plumage does not sit in a corner. Amharic Proverb, If you are looking for a fly in your food it means that you are full. Igbo Proverb, No partridge scratches the ground in search of food for another. Malagasy Proverb, By crawling a child learns to stand. Meaning:You should forget and forgive anything your relatives did to you. African Proverbs on Fathers (6 Proverbs) Your mother is the bodyguard of your father. Proverbs 23:24, ESV Father's Day Scriptures & Dad Verses 6. Nigerian proverb, A childs fingers are not scalded by a piece of hot yam which his mother puts into his palm. ~ Maasai Proverb, We are what our thinking makes us. ~ Guinean proverb ~ Bantu Proverb, Around a flowering tree there are many insects. Jabo proverb, One cannot part two fighting bulls. In African Proverbs for All Ages, noted anthropologist and educator Dr. Johnetta Betsch Cole and award-winning illustrator Nelda La Teef invite children and adults to explore and reflect on complex notions about relationships, identity, society, and the human condition. Kenyan Proverb, The hen with baby chicks doesnt swallow the worm. Jabo proverb, It is not the cooks fault when the cassava turns out to be hard and tasteless. "Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs" . Sudanese Proverb, Do not follow a person who is running away. Meaning:Do not insult someone who is taking care of your responsibility or taking care of you. Congolese Proverb, A tree does not move unless there is wind. Niger Proverbs, Every living thing has a story to tell. Kenyan Proverb, Parents give birth to the body of their children, but not always to their characters. African proverb Togo Proverb, Repetition is the mother of knowledge. African proverb, When a man has no one to play with he plays with his enemy. Kenyan Proverb, The cradle is rocked but the baby is pinched. ~ Somali Proverb, The jungle is stronger than the elephant. Baguirmi Proverb, You are beautiful, but learn to work, for you cannot eat your beauty. The baby is not yet born, and yet you say that his nose is like his grandfather's. - Indian Proverb. ~ Kenyan Proverb, The words of the elders become sweet some day. ~ Euripides My dear father! what is too little for him and Ovambo proverb, He who burns down his house knows why ashes cost a fortune. Mauritanian, Nigerian, and Niger Proverb, Man is like a pepper, till you have chewed it you do not know how hot it is. Tshi proverb, If a stranger comes to stay with you, do not forget when you lay aside his weapons that he is hungry. ~ Senegalese proverb, An ox shits more than a hundred mosquitoes Mozambican proverb, Can be used, for instance, in this situation:some weak men trying to lift a big weight, and a strong man comes up lifting the weight effortlessly . African Proverb, If the elders leave you a legacy of dignified language, you do not abandon it and speak childish language. - Traditional African Proverb . African proverb, If you are rich, always shut your door. Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly but flooding the river., 58. The father is the head of the family. African proverb Swahili proverb, A wise man doesnt know everythingonly a fool does. African proverb, The teeth of a dog do not lock together. Ghanaian Proverb, All monkeys cannot hang on the same branch. Sierra Leone proverb, It is difficult for two long-nosed lovers to kiss. ~African Proverb, One fly does not provide for another ~ Xhosa Proverb, It is not the cooks fault when the cassava turns out to be hard and tasteless. Bemba proverb, Be a mountain or lean on one. Hausa proverb, Being happy is better than being king. ~ Malawian Proverb, More precious than our children are the children of our children. Wisdom is wealth. A masterpiece. Your body is a temple of knowledge., 105. For he will go on loving but he will hate you., 60. Yoruba proverb, Do a good deed and throw it into the sea. Can zebras wipe away their stripes? Mauritania, He who receives a gift does not measure. African Country from largest to smallest Area sq mile Area sq km Algeria 919,595 2,381,740 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 905,568 2,345,410 Sudan 718,723 1,861,484 Libya 679,362 1,759,540 Chad 495,755 1,284,000 Niger 489,191 1,267,000 Angola 481,354 1,246,700 Mali 478,767 1,240,000 South Africa 471,011 1,219,912 Ethiopia 435,186 1,127,127 Mauritania 397,95, Usage of Amen and Ashe or Ase Ashe to Amen learn about the custom of using the words Ashe and Amen historically. Ashanti Proverb, He is an enemy who slanders ones name. A Sudanese proverb says that 'we desire to bequeath two things to our children; the first one is roots, the other one is wings'. ~ Krio (Sierra Leona) Proverb, He is a fool whose sheep runs away twice. African Proverb, Seeing is different than being told. African proverb, A united family eats from the same plate. Being African in America I have grown up learning about different ethnic cultures. ~ African Proverb, If the palm of the hand itches it signifies the coming of great luck. African proverb, To be without a friend is to be poor indeed. African Proverb, To run is not necessarily to arrive. If you educate a man, you educate one person. African proverb, People who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrow knows how to swim. When one is in love, a mountain top becomes a flat field., 78. Zambian proverb, When your gold dust is becoming finished, then you become prudent. Nigerian Proverb, Beautiful discourse is rarer than emerald yet it can be found among the servant girls at the grindstones. Ghanaian proverb, A happy man marries the girl he loves, but a happier man loves the girl he marries. ~ Nigerian Proverb, Even the Niger river must flow around an island. Zambian proverb, The wrong-headed fool, who refuses counsel, will come to grief. ~ Kenyan Proverb, The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth doesnt change colors to match the chameleon. Akan (Ghana, Ivory Coast) proverb, There is no fool who is disowned by his family. ~ African Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=Rising early makes the road short. ~ Somali Proverb, If the wind blows, it enters every crevice. ~ Swahili Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=He who tells the truth is never wrong. - African proverb "No man, however, great is greater than his people". ~ Ghanaian Proverb, If you educate a man you educate one individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family. The wise man is father of the fool. Brothers love each other when they are equally rich., 139. African proverb, If you refuse the advice of an elder, you will walk until sunset. Yoruba proverb, Prepare now for the solutions of tomorrow. Swahili proverb, One must talk little and listen much. Hausa proverb, When the lion cannot find meat, it eats grass. ~ Ugandan Proverb, The big game often appears when the hunter has given up the hunt for the day. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. No man can outwit their ancestors., 110. Pictured is Walter M. Schirra Jr. NASA/Wikipedia. ~Meru Proverb, If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy. Where there are many, nothing goes wrong., 120. - Henry Ward Beecher. African Proverb, Dont think there are no crocodiles just because the waters calm. Swahili saying, Where a woman rules, streams run uphill. Will be added to this article shortly! African Proverb, A day of hunger is not starvation. She "wore" you around and you are far more beautiful than crowned jewels. ~ Tanzanian Proverb, A little rain each day will fill the rivers to overflowing. African proverb, The sun never sets without fresh news. Sudan proverb, Love has to be shown by deeds not words. he cannot live long in this world: Swahili proverb, A person is not his words. Having a good discussion is like having riches., 28. African proverb, Indecision is the house of hunger. African proverb, Difficult tasks call for strong men. ~ Kikuyu Proverb, Baboons do not go far from the place of their birth. Why give yourself to death when you could be immortal. African proverb, Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases. African Proverb, The axe forgets but the tree remember. Serve immediately with vegetables, stew, or any dish you would use a spoon with to soak up the sauce, ugali is purposely bland tasting on its own. African proverb Fanti Proverb, Advice is a stranger; if hes welcome he stays for the night; if not, he leaves the same day. African Proverb, The person going home is not stopped by the dusk. Meaning:If someone is busy doing nothing or is involved in what he does not know about, it is easy for him/her to get into trouble. African proverb, A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness. Gandan proverb, People should not talk while they are eating or pepper may go down the wrong way. African proverb, Do not try to fight a lion if you are not one yourself. Nigerian Proverb, We desire to bequeath two things to our children; the first one is roots, the other one is wings. Another great African Proverb, thanks for sharing! African Proverb, Its much easier to fall in love than to stay in love. Namibian proverb, Once swallowed it is not sweet anymore. African proverb Swahili Proverb, I cannot hear what you say for the thunder of what you are. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Good music goes with good food. Egyptian proverb, It is better to be loved than feared. Slowly pour cornmeal into boiling water stirring continuously. African Proverb, One fly does not provide for another. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst. African Proverb, If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard. African proverb, An orphaned calf licks its own back. Do not treat your loved one like a swinging door: you are fond of it but you push it back and forth., 54. African proverb, Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. Ghanaian Proverb, Dont fight a lion with a stick. Ethiopian Proverb, Even the best cooking pot will not produce food. Without fools there would be no wisdom. None cares the way you plan it. 2 ; ~ African Proverb, If you do not know death, look at the grave. ~ Cameroonian Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=Rain does not fall on one roof alone. Somalian proverb, Much silence makes a powerful noise. African proverb, Crawling on hands and knees has never prevented anyone from walking upright. After a foolish deed comes remorse. ~ Zinza People of Tanzania, Crying a lot does not give you peace of mind. Cameroon, Lack of money is lack of friends; if you have money at your disposal, every dog and goat will claim to be related to you. If I am in harmony with my family, that's success. I share the proverbs here. It is the word utilized to end prayers as an affirmation for the requests to be provided by God. ~ African Proverb, An empty pot makes the loudest noise. Swahili proverb, Water does not boil if taken away from fire. African Proverb, If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off your lips. Ghana, Money is sharper than the sword. African Proverb, An ugly child of your own is more to you than a beautiful one belonging to your neighbor. ~ Kenyan Proverb Even if you bewitch in the night, you will be known. If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy., 47. Congolese Proverb, Youth is beauty, even in cattle. Kikuyu Proverb, Rich people sometimes eat bad food. ~ African Proverb, When the baobab tree has fallen, the goats start climbing on it. - from Kenya. Bemba proverb, When a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it. "A child does not laugh at the ugliness of its mother". ~ African Proverb], If the elders leave you a legacy of dignified language, you do not abandon it and speak childish language. Kenyan Proverb, He who learns, teaches. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old fathers quotes, fathers sayings, and fathers proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. African proverb, What you learn is what you die with. ~ Ethiopian Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=Coffee and love taste best when hot. It takes a whole village to raise a child. Ashanti proverb, It takes a whole village to raise a child. "Around a flowering tree, there are many insects.". African proverb. 4. Thank you for this beautiful collection. ~ Zambian Proverb, If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. Dont think there are no crocodiles just because the water is calm., 29. ~Ghanaian Proverb, The antics of a market buffoon provide laughter, but nobody prays that his child becomes the market buffoon. African Proverb, Dreaming of eating will not satisfy the hungry. African proverb The Republic of the Congo is one of the most urbanized countries in Africa. Ethiopian Proverb, The chicken that digs for food will not sleep hungry. Soga proverb, We are what our thinking makes us. Liberian proverb, Dont meddle with a family feud. A husband with a good wife will never be on the road without supplies., 128. No matter how beautiful and well-crafted a coffin might look, it will not make anyone wish for death. When a man makes a fence, you will know his level of wisdom. Swahili proverb, Avoid those who always praise you. Ovambo proverb, Politeness is not slavery. All monkeys cannot hang from the same branch., 14. ~ Akan Proverb, When the mother goat breaks into the yam store her kid watches her. South African Proverb, A fight between grasshoppers is a joy to the crow. Look where you slipped., 8. A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he married., 67. ~ African Proverb, A rooster is not expected to crow for the whole world. African proverb, Time destroys all things. Hausa proverb, However much it rains on you, no wild banana tree will grow on your head. Ute proverb, If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them? African Proverb quote, Tradition / African Yoruba K nowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. Lesotho Proverb, If the rabbit is your enemy, admit that he can sprint fast. Nigerian proverb, When the shepherd comes home in peace, the milk is sweet. Jabo proverb, A person does not become clever by carrying books along. ~ African Proverb, You cannot climb to the mountain top without crushing some weeds with your feet ~ Ugandan Proverb, Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime. Swahili proverb, For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. ~ Tanzanian Proverb, Discord between the powerful is a fortune for the poor. To break a palm-knell nut for a fowl. Rwandan proverb, If you are building something and a nail breaks, should you stop building altogether, or should you change the nail? Oromo proverb, One spark burned down a forest. Bemba proverb, What you give you get, ten times over. South Africa proverb, Loving someone that does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest. Kuria People of Kenyan & Tanzania, Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. A child who is fearless is going to bring tears to his mother's eyes. African Proverb, After a fish has matured, it ventures into the deep. . African proverb, A letter from the heart can be read on the face. Nigerian Proverb, To have no enemies is the same as having wealth. African proverb, An abundance of food at your neighbours will not satisfy your hunger. African proverb, The needs of the monkey are not those of the anteater. Proverbs 17:6 tells us that grandchildren are the crowned of the aged. Senegalese proverb, An okra tree does not grow taller that its master. Chadian Proverb, A mans actions are more important than his ancestry. Kenyan Proverb, It is the one who lives in the house who knows where the roof leaks. ~ Ethiopian proverb. If I am in harmony with my family, thats success., 118. People take it from others. ~ Yoruba Proverb, All heads are the same, but not all thoughts are the same. ~ Ghanaian Proverb, Those who are born on top of the anthill take a short time to grow tall. My favourite at the moment is Tuareg proverb: God has created lands with lakes and rivers for man to live. The Spiritual Life 2010 - 2030. Love doesnt rely on physical features., 63. African proverb African proverb, A hyena will not change its spots even if it moves to a different forest. Ovambo proverb, Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully. A book about race. 5. African Proverb, Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you. African proverb, He who dictates separates himself from others. And the desert so that he can find his soul.. Kenyan proverb, A word of peace redeems a crime. African Proverb, Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. Africa is known to have a very rich culture and part of it can easily be seen in African quotes. Mandinka Proverb, The hunter who is tracking an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds. ~ African Proverb, To lead is not to run roughshod over people ~ Kenyan Proverb, If while climbing a tree you insist on going beyond the top, the earth will be waiting for you. Igbo proverb, A single bracelet does not jingle. "Rising early makes the road short.". ~Kenyan Proverb, If you are building a house and a nail breaks, do you stop building, or do you change the nail? Haussa Proverb, Nature gave us two cheeks instead of one to make it easier to eat hot food. African proverb, I pointed out the stars and moon to you, but all you saw was the tip of my finger! Tanzanian Proverb, I pointed out to you the stars and all you saw was the tip of my finger. Swahili Proverb, Unity is strength, separation weakness. African proverb, The poor man and the rich man do not play together. Guinean Proverb. African proverb, Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet. African proverb, You are beautiful, but learn to work. African proverb, If the sun claims that it has power over the moon, let it shine in the night. Agege bread is a delicious bread with a very soft center, sweet taste with crunchy crust. The art of negotiating is acquired from childhood. The construct of race has always been used to gain and keep power, to create dynamics that separate and silence. Rwandan proverb, You can outrun what is running after you, but not what is running inside of you. ~African proverb. ~ Somali Proverbs, What is inflated too much will break into fragments. ~ African Proverb, A person who has children does not die. African proverb Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother., 131. For you cannot eat your beauty. Fatherly love African proverbs teach us love holds a child tight, supports the soul and teaches how to love the world in return. Ugandan Proverb, A roaring lion kills no game. Namibian proverb, Love is like a baby: it needs to be treated tenderly. Malagasy Proverb, Advice is like a strangerif welcome, he stays the night; if not welcome, he returns home that day. Where there is love there is no darkness. African proverb, If there were no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal. The wrong-headed fool, who refuses counsel, will come to grief. Yoruba proverb, A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning. Malawian Proverb, Even the lion, the king of the forest, protects himself against flies. African Proverb, The elders of the village are the boundaries. Igbo proverb, A boat cannot go forward if each rows his own way. Swahili proverb, You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win. Somali Proverb, A bridge is repaired only when someone falls into the water. Can you please tell the meaning this? African Proverbs The wise create proverbs for fools to learn not to repeat. Egyptian Proverb, Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs. Kikuyu Proverb, When the heart acts, the body is its slave. African proverb, Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly but flooding the river. African Proverb, A horse has four legs, yet it often falls. Kenyan Proverb, A small shrub may grow into a tree. Orbis Books, 1996 - Religion - 400 pages. African Proverb, Much talking does not make you a leader. "He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world.". And the desert so that he can find his soul. African proverb, Only a fool tests the waters depth with both feet. Meaning:Igbegulu is a palm stem. Ashanti Proverb, When building a house, dont measure the timbers in the forest. Congolese Proverb, He who does not seize opportunity today, will be unable to seize tomorrows opportunity. African Proverb, If you have a dog, dont throw away bones. African Proverbs on Wisdom 1. Rain does not fall on one roof alone., 34. Libyan Proverb, If it is dark, all men are black. "If you want to go fast, go alone. Nigerian proverb, A man cannot undo his past. Sudanese proverb, We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children. All things are difficult before they are easy. African Proverb, A flea can trouble a lion more than a lion can trouble a flea. This are the type of things i was trained with from infant. Zulu proverb, The mouth which eats does not talk. Liberian proverb, Greatness and beauty do not belong to the Gods alone. African Proverb, The wise traveler leaves his heart at home. African Proverb, One person cannot move a mountain. Kenyan Proverb, An envious person requires no reason to practice envy. African proverbs . 1. Yoruba proverb, He who wants to be famous will have many sleepless nights. Mozambican proverb, Slowly, slowly, porridge goes into the gourd. A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness. Swahili Proverb, To stay together is to know each other. African proverb, A proverb is the horse of conversation:when the conversation lags, a proverb revives it. Meaning:This proverb could be first of all a gentle reminder for people who may feel tempted to think that they have already achieved so much in this life that no effort is needed from them any more. African proverbs are ancient pearls of wisdom that have passed across time, seasons, and experiences. Hausa proverb, Many are cursed for the crime of one. Others signify life! African Proverb, One who plants grapes by the road side, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same problem. African proverb. Zambian Proverb, Wine, women and food give gladness to the heart. African Proverb, A roaring lion kills no game. Nigerian Proverb, A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground. Swahili proverb, Baboons do not go far from the place of their birth. Swahili proverb, An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend. Ghana proverb, Love doesnt rely on physical features. African Proverb, It is only a male elephant that can save another one from a pit. Meaning:You should never start a battle if you are either not ready for or old enough to become a winner. Mozambican Proverb, A speaker of truth has no friends. Ethiopian proverb, Three things that a man must know to survive: what is too much for him, what is too little, and what is fitting. - Swahili proverb A bad workman blames his tools. South African Proverb, Hope does not kill; I shall live and get what I want one day. Xhosa Proverb, One person is a thin porridge; two or three people are a lump of ugali. Hebrews 12:7 NIV 2. Who knows who will eat the leg? Hausa proverb, He who crosses the sea is wet. The earth is a beehive, we all enter by the same door., 33. Kenyan proverb, Leadership comes from God. Wherever a man goes to dwell, his character goes with him. One of life's greatest mysteries is .