She may be a little annoying and vengeful in the eyes of the trio, but her story is still a tragic one. Her face must have contorted in confusion, because Malfoy leaned in closely, until his hot breath was felt against her neck. It's also tragic when we learn of Severus Snape's undying love for Lily and see his devastated reaction to losing her. During a snowy evening at the start of December, 1979, Albus Dumbledore goes to an interview with a prospective Divinations Professor, not thinking much of it. A Drarry fanfic set in the 8th year of Hogwarts. Molly, Minerva, and Fleur began to cry. THIS STORY DEALS WITH HOMOPHOBIA AND INCLUDES MATURE LANGUAGE SOMETIMES. Daphne Greengrass is expected to uphold her families illustrious reputation and pureblood allegiance as heir to the family name. Work Search: He was responsible for taking Harry and Hagrid to the vaults in the first movie, and he played a key role in breaking the trio into Gringotts in the eighth movie. He's a man of few words." Sirius noted. Deep down Harry knows he is safe. Potter and his idiotic sidekick will come up with some brave yet foolish rescue mission that will ultimately lead to the Orders demise. Harry would have been able to confirm with Sirius that he was safe, realised that Voldemort was tricking him and may have even been startled into working a bit harder at Occlumency. Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Malfoy, Goyle, and fellow Slytherin student Blaise Zabini ambush Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Room of Requirement. In which the past read the future, same old plot but you gotta love it right! Sirius was Harry's godfather, but he was falsely imprisoned in Azkaban for supposedly killing Peter Pettigrew when Harry was a baby. As we found out later in the series, Voldemort extended this offer after Snape pleaded with him to spare the life of the woman he had always loved. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". Si tratta di Albus Silente, l'anziano preside di una scuola molto antica, quanto speciale. Cause of Death: After Professor Quirrell tried to steal the Sorcerer's Stone so that Voldemort could regain his body, Flamel realized how dangerous the stone could be in the wrong hands, so he destroyed it. Even if it could alter the course of history forever. If Lupin hadnt transformed and they had made it back to the castle we wonder how different things would have been. His hatred for Sirius and Remus ran deep and if Sirius had been able to clear his name, we can imagine Snape would have still lashed out. As we know in Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius made Harry a tentative offer of coming to live with him once his name had been cleared which Harry was more than thrilled about. ALSO DRACO IS NOT A RAPIST IN THIS FIC. Have I given enough? Harry/HG/Multi, *Harry's Sex Spellbook was flagged for plagiarism and I was forced to take it down, It is now available at Hentaifoundry. 51 Best Harry Potter Fan Fiction Stories - Cross Overs - Oprah Daily Professor Snape was the one to make sure that Lupins furry little problem didnt remain private, and we reckon he would have found another reason to reveal his secret. Harry Potter and the Future's Past by DriftWood1965 - The day after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Goddess of Love provides Harry and Hermione the chance to go back in time. While Dobby was in the process of Apparating, Bellatrix Lestrange threw her dagger at him, which stabbed him in the chest and killed him. Harry Potter reads Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. The Light [Sirius Black x OC] - Ch 15: The Battle of Hogwarts We're going to lose people. This leaves the possibility that Lupins secret could have still been kept under wraps. The trio saved Malfoy and Blaise from the burning room, but they couldn't get to Goyle in time. If he had managed to trick Harry using a different person or scenario to lure him, we think the battle would still have occurred. The basilisk emerged and killed Myrtle, leaving her body alone for hours before it was found. Peter Pettigrew betrayed his childhood friend by revealing their location. ' ' ? He has gone too far this time. Its a big thing, compared to Harrys short build, exuding raw power as if it was a second skin clinging to it. At the start of the second wizarding war, Delilah Nott and Mattheo Riddle are being trained to become the new faces of the Dark Empire. But his best friend being absolutely tearing him apart, because he is scared of who he is, is not something Blaise planned. We have always known Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy to be enemies, but have they really always hated one another? This letter is attached to a parcel containing books - seven magnificent books." He's eventually freed when the Witch King is defeated, and goes on a journey to try to find a way back home. More in the author's notes. His grief and anger are justified, but as Harry would point out years later, James wouldn't have wanted blood on Sirius' hands. Hermiones parents memory is restored by Nadia Boulanger and Hermione has a lot of explaining to do. Katie Bell (b. Three buildings down Sirius caught the glint of light that reflected off of James' glasses and sighed in relief. Still, we reckon Sirius probably would have tried to wheedle the truth from Harry. Cause of Death: Colin was killed by Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts, but his death is not shown on screen. Harry Potter: 10 Characters Who Didn't Survive The Battle Of Hogwarts After all, when Peter did escape during Prisoner of Azkaban, he was the one to believe the story of Siriuss innocence. A precaution for what, dare I ask? Severus snapped. Il preside di Hogwarts, Albus Silente, scopre una magia per far tornare indietro gli Inferi, e ai fratelli Black data la possibilit di ricominciare. I want you, Harry and Ginny to be the Godparents to Vale. This might have meant Sirius could not come along. It's a big thing, compared to Harry's short build, exuding raw power as if it was a second skin clinging to it. Whatever happens in the future she will have great Godparents to look out for her. If Harry were to stick to Dumbledores rules, it would be highly awkward to have Sirius tagging along with no real understanding of what they were doing. Harry also blamed himself for Sirius' death because Voldemort had tricked Harry into going to the Department of Mysteries by making him believe that Sirius was in grave danger which only became true when Sirius arrived there with the Order of the Phoenix to save Harry. Sybil Trelawney, plagued with dreams of the future, manages, with her sister's help, to spell her visions into seven books. Riddle used her death to make his first Horcrux with a diary. Battle of Hogwarts - Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom 50 Must-Read Harry Potter Fan Fictions: The Best of the Best - BOOK RIOT As a result, he started to take some stupidly big risks. Though, we think it is more likely that he still would have had to resign. While Harry could still claim the place where his mothers blood dwells as his home, he could not be touched or harmed by Voldemort. Though we also reckon he would have visited Sirius rather frequently theres only so much Vernon, Petunia and Dudley that a person can take. One hitch: no wand, no books, no resources. Although she was able to lead a long and full life, her death was pretty gruesome. Nevertheless, Lily refused. The person who the information is hidden in, is known as the Secret Keeper. (maybe more after). Regulus Arcturus Black was fifteen, when he started to see him who is that beautiful man with beautiful locks of platinum blonde hair? And once he's done, he's going to make sure the rest of their days is filled with love and sex. Suddenly the duellists froze, Tonks stared at Harry shielding the baby with surprise on her face, as little Lilith caressed his face affectionately. With a chance of revenge Umbridge is about to get more than expected.~~~~~Or a Harry Potter characters read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone story. You can cant you?. *, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass/Tracey Davis. The ghost of a Ravenclaw student from many years ago, Moaning Myrtle could be found haunting the second-floor girls' bathroom at Hogwarts. But when Delilah retaliates against a certain professor during 5th year, she begins to see a new side of the war. Myrtle was an innocent child trying to escape from petty bullies when a giant snake slithered out of the bathroom drain and killed her with one look. Updates on Thursday if all goes accordingly. Severus Snape was a Slytherin and the Potions professor at Hogwarts. Fanfiction. You also have to remember that the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was cursed nobody lasted more than a year and that would probably have applied to Lupin too. Petunia Evans Dursley has lost her parents, her fiance, and now her baby sister. Born a Metamorphmagus (someone with the magical power to change their appearance), Nymphadora Tonks was an Auror for the Ministry of Magic and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Harry fell for it hook, line and sinker and went to save his godfather. But sometimes Sunday too because life is chaotic. Although Lavender annoyed Hermione and some of her other classmates, she was just a teenager caught up in a tragic war, and she didn't deserve to be killed in such a violent manner. Ideas in the one-shots may or may not be turned into multi-chapter stories. Originally Sirius Black was entrusted with this role. Sirius Black Fanfiction. -------------------------------------------OR---------------------------------------------------------Harry Potter ensemble go back in time to their parents' last year in Hogwarts, with the Harry Potter books. Fic charting the Slytherin Gangs years at Hogwarts as they move from naive prank loving children to morally grey soldiers for the Dark Lord and spies for Dumbledore. His eyes flash golden, like Galleons fresh from the Gringotts mint. Goyle tried to kill Ron by casting a Fiendfyre spell, lighting the room in an uncontrollable blaze. He sent his snake, Nagini, to reanimate her corpse and lure Harry into her house to attack him. Lily's death is especially sad because we find out that her love for Harry is what ultimately saved him that night. Grindelwald was responsible for a lot of death when he was raising his army of wizards. More importantly, if he was locked up, he wouldnt have helped Voldemort return to power and things could have looked very different indeed. Parvati falls in love with Lavender Brown and around them war blooms. The weaselettes squeaks will stop soon enough, we have all we need.. If she stepped aside and allowed him to kill her baby, he would let her live. Back from the dead! | FanFiction First introduced as the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Alastor Moody was an Auror and leading member of the Order of the Phoenix. Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Bellatrix tried to murder Ginny Weasley with the Killing Curse. He was first introduced using unconventional, and sometimes annoying, methods to try to warn Harry that the Chamber of Secrets was going to be reopened during his second year at Hogwarts. Known for being one of the most powerful Dark Wizards, Gellert Grindelwald and Dumbledore were close friends as teenagers, and the pair plotted to find all the Deathly Hallows (including the Elder Wand) together. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". (reader), following the Battle of Hogwarts. A book full of one-shots from Hogwarts. Flying to the safety of an old Black Cottage, he keeps her locked away from harm, all while trying to convince her that not only does he no longer hold any blood prejudice, but without her love he will only further devolve into a beastly form, losing his humanity forever. After escaping the flames of the burning Room of Requirement, Malfoy snatches Granger away from the battle at Hogwarts, the last thing he hears is the Dark Lord declaring his victory over the Boy-Who-Lived. He split his soul into seven fragments called Horcruxes that could've allowed him to live forever if they weren't destroyed. Frank Bryce was the Muggle caretaker of the old Riddle house that Voldemort's family used to live in. She encouraged her students to understand that Muggles aren't so different from wizards, and even wrote a famed Op-Ed for the Daily Prophet defending non-pureblood wizards. Powers. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. It came with the cost of countless sleepless nights, loads of whispering while walking down Chloe Cullen is the human daughter of Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit.