The grade point average will be calculated at the end of semester 2 to determine the top two students. For purposes of this policy, educational property shall include any public school building, bus, public school campus, grounds, recreational area or athletic field in the charge of the principal or other premises and/or buildings being occupied or used by Rankin County School District for school related purposes and/or extra-curricular activities on-campus or off-campus or ceremonies associated with Rankin County School District. Ringworm of the body can be spread on towels, clothing, or sports equipment. For example, if you have students in your school that need to wear something on their head for religious reasons, this should be . drugs, alcohol, cigarettes) which would tend to be considered as harmful or dangerous or as may disrupt the educational function or process of the school if such were known to the general population of the school or public or which are prohibited by school board policies or local rules or by law or common sense. If the victim is not satisfied with the decision of the district official or the superintendents designee, he/she may submit a written appeal to the superintendent. Permanent records and cumulative folders shall be collected, maintained, and disseminated in compliance with state law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the confidentiality section of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and State regulations. Fax:601.829.1753, PUCKETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SMOD. I go to a performing arts school where there is no dress code, so students get to express their style through fashion. When a student does not turn in an assignment prior to the end of a term, a grade of zero may become part of the average for that term. One middle school required inseams . 2. Mississippi law requires a local school board to make available to parents or legal guardians of any school-age children who reside in a school district, upon request, any textbook(s) on the state surplus inventory list (textbooks that are no longer used in the district, but do not qualify for disposal). This requirement is consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student education records. Aparato Electrnico: Cualquier aparato usado para la comunicacin audio, video o texto, o cualquier otro tipo de computadora o instrumento como computadora, pero no limitado a: A. Un telfono inteligente u otro tipo de telfono Any child who transfers from an out-of-state school in which that states law provides for a first grade or kindergarten enrollment subsequent to September 1, shall be allowed to enroll in school at the same grade level, if: The parent, legal guardian, or custodian of the child was a legal resident of the state from which the child is transferring. While RCSD employs filtering and other safety and security mechanisms, and attempts to ensure their proper function, it makes no guarantees as to their effectiveness. Remain well off the road until the bus comes to a complete stop and the bus driver indicates that it is safe to enter. This week Scholars Speak offers a two-for-one offer on school dress codes from faculty of the Fresno Pacific University School of Education: Northwest Classen High School; Prairie Queen Elementary; Pre-K Center at Gatewood; Pre-K Center at Horace Mann; . The procedures for searching the person or property of the individual students shall be as follows: (a) Searches or inspections of students or their property will be authorized by the principal or his designee only. If the student desires to appeal the decision of the DDC, the student shall inform the superintendent of education of such desire to appeal, in writing, by registered mail, within seven (7) days following the decision of the DDC or thereafter be barred from further appeal. Every student within the Rankin County School District shall have the right to take reasonable actions as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an attack by another student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassing. 9th12th Hats should be reserved for when students are outside before or after school. No sagging allowed. The Medical Review Officer will request information regarding prescription and non-prescription drugs and any other information, which could lead to a false positive test. Information obtained via the Internet should be appropriately cited, giving credit to the original author. Clickherefor Spanish. For students entering ninth grade in 2018-19 school year and thereafter: It is STRONGLY encouraged that all students take a math or science course during the senior year. | RCSD will not be responsible or liable for, financially or otherwise, unauthorized transactions conduced over the RCSD network. 7. School personnel may order the removal of a student for not more than ten (10) consecutive school days to the extent that such removals would be applied to children without a disability for the same offense or when the students behavior is deemed to be dangerous behavior. A smart watch Breakfast/Lunch - Free & Reduced Meal Application ; Reynolds High School; Dress Code ; This page is currently unavailable. The health of the student shall be given priority. The Rankin County School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district-wide parental engagement plan under section 1112 of ESEA: Establishing a district-wide Parental Engagement Steering Committee. This refers to the time when the first students go to breakfast or lunch. 10. El estudiante necesitar poner su celular en su armario antes de irse a clase. The users right to use and possession of the property terminates not later than the last day of enrollment unless earlier terminated by RCSD or upon withdrawal from RCSD. Any guardianship formed for the sole purpose of establishing residency for school district attendance purpose shall not be recognized by the Board, in accord with state law. 1. The purpose of such inspections is not to collect evidence of wrong doing on the part of a single student without reasonable suspicion, but rather to allow school authorities responsible for the educational mission of the school, the opportunity to confirm that lockers are being used in a positive, safe, legal manner consistent with good school decorum and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of all students. Only cell phones should be in lockers. Any programs for limited-English proficient students should have a primary goal of mainstreaming those students into the regular classrooms and should emphasize English language instruction. . The following shall be included in the decision-making process: 3. Trip others when entering/exiting the bus. The cost of such physical examination shall be the responsibility of the parent or guardian and shall be performed by a qualified medical practitioner who shall certify in writing that the student is medically fit to participate in the athletic programs offered by the school. In grades K-6, students can miss no more than 20 days total (excused or unexcused) per year. 3. Students excluded from this requirement are those determined to be incapable of school attendance by school officials as based on medical documentation or an identified handicapping condition, and those in a legitimate home instruction program as determined by a school attendance officer. Any persons attempting to disrupt proceedings will be subject to immediate action on the basis of contempt or arrest and ejection from the building. Phone:601.939.5144 IMPORTANT NOTE: The Student ID number is available from the school office. The determination of whether material is appropriate or inappropriate is based solely on the content of the material and the intended use of the material, not on whether a website has been blocked or not. The goal of the 1:1 initiative is to provide every student with the same device. The student and the student's parent, legal guardian or person in custody of the student may appeal suspension of more than ten (10) days and expulsions to the school board. REFERRAL DETERMINATION: REGULAR EDUCATION STUDENTS. The district shall provide sufficient notice (before the close of the prior school day) to staff and students for any weather-related or other unforeseen virtual days. F. The burden of proof will rest upon those bringing the charge, and all matters upon which the decision is based must be produced at the hearing. 13. Before a student schedule can be changed, a schedule change request form must be completed. Student Insurance Program (EGB) Each student is responsible and solely accountable for the contents of the locker assigned to them and shall not share his/her key or lock combination with others and shall not change the lock or combination for any reason without the written consent of the principal. The superintendent, or his/her designee, shall establish procedures to support this policy. At school, dress to show that you are focused on learning. Northwest Middle School Home We are KMS Student Dress Code Dress Code KMS Dresscode If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. However, the student may return the following school day after the drug/alcohol test at which time a conference will be held by the school administrators and the parents/guardians of the student. Final grades may be weighted for Grades 9-12 if a student is enrolled in the following courses: Advanced Placement courses = 1.10 x grade, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Courses = 1.10 x college grade (College grade must be a C or higher to qualify for the weight. In accordance with this goal, students utilizing school transportation services shall: 1. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-15-33, MS Public School Accountability Standards, State Board Policy. Implementation and/or application of this policy does not prohibit the application of any other disciplinary policies of the Rankin County School District relative to drug or alcohol violations by students and/or staff. These signed forms must be kept on file at the school for one calendar year. Users should only use known or trusted sources when conducting research via the Internet. Fax:601.824.1081, STONEBRIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Level 5: Student will lose the use of their locker for the remainder of the year. The District reserves the right to supplement and modify the extra-curricular activities to which the policy applies. Further, the parent/guardian can obtain a copy of said record at a fee not to exceed the cost of duplication, can request an explanation or interpretation of those records, and can challenge the content of said records through a hearing process. No jeans or jean-like pants are allowed. Rankin County School District will work with the Rankin County Department of Human Services and other agencies to make a determination regarding the educational placement of a homeless student. No roller shoes of any type are permitted. English Learners Students will be supervised at all times by a teacher while using the Internet. As the rash grows outward, getting larger as the infection spreads, the center tends to clear. Mission Statement Suspension (JDD) These textbooks must be returned to the school by the end of district approved school year. A student transferring from a state or regionally accredited school will be enrolled at the grade level and with the course credits indicated by the records of the previous school. Date of birth (verified by certified birth certificate), 5. 3. This protocol is to be in effect for all illegal drugs with the exception of marijuana. Selection of the program shall be by the principal. A student is promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 under a good cause exemption of the Literacy-Based Promotion Act. Utilizing survey results in the strategic planning process for each school and the district. The District Counselor and/or Student Support Services Psychometrists will administer andscorea nationally normed and standardized achievement test selected by the District GradePlacement Committee. February 24, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. / 24 de febrero de 2023 a las 1:00 P.M. PAC Meeting Friday, February 24, 2023 - 2:00-3:00/ Reunin del PAC 24 de febrero 2023, Follow the link below to access our school spirit store and purchase items. 3. 4. The student will be expected to follow the attendance policy of the institution and will suffer all financial and academic penalties that accrue for tardiness, absence, and/or withdrawal. Textbook costs for the college course are the responsibility of the parent and/or student. RCSD policies outlined in this document cover all available technologies now and in the future, not just those specifically listed or currently available. A student who has been suspended for more than ten (10) days or expelled has the right to a formal due process hearing. Accident insurance under a group policy shall be made available to students enrolled in the schools of the District. Student Health Services Inoculations (JGCB). It is the intent of the Board and the administration to maintain an educational and work environment free from bullying and harassing behavior. Fax:601.824.9574, BRANDON MIDDLE SCHOOL Fever usually indicates that the body is battling an infection. Students are therefore warned in advance by this policy and otherwise not to store items in these school owned lockers or cabinets which they do not want to bring to the attention of school or law enforcement authorities, or which may be illegal, dangerous or in possible violation of school board policy or school rules. In all cases of student discipline resulting in suspension for ten (10) days or less, the decision of the principal or his designee shall be final and not appealable except that the County Superintendent of Education shall have the discretion to review the record of the principals (or designees) decision upon written request of the student, his/her parent or guardian setting forth the reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified within twenty-four (24) hours of such decision, excluding weekends and school holidays. A student with asthma shall be permitted to possess and self-administer asthma medications at school and school-sponsored activities/programs under the following conditions: 1. 3. Level 2: Student will lose the use of their locker for the day. 2. Since students have this option for grade improvement, no extra credit will be assigned or awarded. The hearing shall be conducted, and the decision rendered, by an institutional official or other party who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing; 3. If any person damages the device it will be the users (parent/guardian in the case of a student) responsibility and the damage cost policy will be in effect. It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to develop student codes of conduct, in consultation with teachers, school personnel, students, and parents/guardians, as all contribute to the maintenance of a climate conducive to learning. 5. Teachers will select which assignments qualify for a redo opportunity with the exception of term/semester exams or Dual Enrollment/Advanced Placement courses that are considered college caliber courses and are guided by external institutions. Clothing must cover all under garments. 37-11-67 and 37-11-69, 1. The principal making said required report or participating in any judicial proceeding resulting therefrom shall be presumed to be acting in good faith and, as such, shall be immune from any civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, Resolution for the Protection of Children. If a student is found to have lice (live bugs) at school, parents will be notified and the student will be sent home that day. Except as provided for above or by law, the students right to be present on the campus and attend classes will not be suspended, except for reasons relating to the health, safety and well-being of the student, other members of the school community or school property, or unless said students presence poses a potential threat of disruption or potential danger of or disruption to the educational process or learning environment, as determined in the sole discretion of the County Superintendent of Education or designee. In the case of a student whose legal guardian is an institution, a party independent of the institution shall be appointed pursuant to State and local law to give a written parental consent. Principals shall work with grade levels or departments to develop consistency in redo procedures at the school level. If students arrives late to school, they will need to check in at the front office and get a pass to class. Truancy shall be recorded as unexcused absences. Reliable circumstances, comments from credible sources, or observed student behavior which may place the safety or health of students or school staff at risk or which could result in substantial property damage also shall constitute sufficient reasonas probable cause, for school or police officials to conduct a thorough search of all persons or school property or individual property found on campus. Disputes which may arise regarding the assignment of a homeless child or youth will be promptly resolved according to district policy. Principal:Dr. Charles Stevenson Floor plans starting at $900. The district will ensure that homeless students are not stigmatized nor segregated on the basis of their status as homeless. Parents are encouraged to provide additional information regarding the reasons for absences. Such search of the student or his/her property shall be conducted in a reasonable manner and in private where possible with a witness or witnesses of the same gender as the student. Activity Student means a member of any school enrolled in grades 7-12 or any other middle school or high school student enrolled in a sponsored extra-curricular organization. Grades 1-3: A student has failed one (1) grade; 2. 7. All appeals from a decision of the DDC shall be de novo to the board of education. The instructional services of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program will be flexible to accommodate the needs of the diverse student and parent population within the Rankin County School District. 2. The School Board is committed to fostering community partnerships that educate both students and parents about this important topic. Parents, students and school personnel can be most effective in promoting safety and orderly conduct when they work together. Any student violating this policy (by use of such device in an instructional or educational setting, gymnasium or classroom setting or interior building setting where students may be instructed or supervised) shall be subject to having such equipment or communication device or cellular telephone temporarily confiscated by any school official (the principal or his/her designee or authority) and/or temporary or permanent suspension from the possession of such device for the remainder of the school year. NO SE PERMITEN MOCHILAS, SIN EXCEPCIN! Use District technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits. Forge signatures on bus discipline reports. 5. Once a student has exceeded the maximum number of days allowed, he/she may not be awarded credit for the course or be promoted to the next grade level. Phone:601.845.2127 Wash hands with soap and water after contact with bodily fluids as soon as possible. Checks will be accepted for lunch/breakfast sales. Field Trips (JFC) The report shall be given promptly to the principal or superintendent who shall institute an immediate investigation. Alert parent/guardian if the person exposed is a student. The Board recognizes that regular attendance is important if students are to attain maximum benefit from the educational process and develop good work habits that carry over into their adult life. That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their childs education at school; 3. Requires the implementation of such program and curriculum in the Rankin County School District effective at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year. If counseling session(s) are refused at any time the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two (2) nine weeks. Upon request, the person administering corporal punishment shall provide to the students parent/guardian a written explanation of the reasons for such punishment and the name of the other certified staff present. Must pass 70% of the district objectives in language arts and math and exhibit an adequate level of reading proficiency as measured on a standardized instrument. The parent/ guardian/custodian shall be notified in writing of such suspension, and the reasons therefore. The instruction program may include a discussion on condoms or contraceptives, but only if that discussion includes a factual presentation of the risks and failure rates of those contraceptives. These protections are provided because many EL students levels of transiency and lack of English proficiency make them a particularly vulnerable population. Students must go through teacher prescribed remediation before being permitted to redo work. A record is considered active as long as the child is enrolled or, if the child withdraws, until the class of which he was a member has graduated. Bottoms should reflect BCPS dress code policy including Young Men: Khaki colored pants or knee length shorts pulled up on the waist and secured with a belt Young Ladies: Khaki colored pants or knee length skirts, shorts or skorts 3. LENGTH OF STAY: If a student is referred to the Learning Center within the first ten (10) days of the grading period, they will be reviewed at the end of the following grading period. Nivel 3: El estudiante perder el uso de su armario para una semana. Fax:601.893.0110, FLORENCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The Hazelwood School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Legal Reference: MS Code 37-23-173 through 37-23-181; Mississippi Department of Education Gifted Program Regulations. In addition, students are required to receive a TDaP booster and provide an updated 121 form before entry into 7th grade. (e) Locker or personal vehicle searches shall be conducted in the presence of another staff member and in the presence of the student responsible for the contents of the locker, if practical, in the discretion of the principal. Based on Mississippi State Board of Education policies related to virtual instruction, students participating in virtual learning will be provided daily synchronous/interactive instruction, as well as asynchronous instruction, as appropriate, and may be required to login to the online classroom for each class/block in order to establish face-to-face contact for attendance purposes. Drug Test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs, or the metabolites thereof, performed by an independent testing laboratory. Kindergarten5th School Admission (JBC) Bottoms: Clothing that fully covers a student from the waist down to at least mid-thigh. As part of an annual notification for compliance with the Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the Rankin County School District hereby informs all parents, teachers, and employees of their option to review the Asbestos Management Plan semi-annual surveillance inspection reports and the three year reinspection reports which are on file in the principals office at each school as well as the Rankin County School District Administration Office Building at 1220 Apple Park Place, Brandon, MS 39042. Students may also request transcripts online thru each school's counseling department website (fees apply). Each student will refrain from violating all state laws, school discipline codes, or city ordinances and will refrain from: 1. using profanity or inappropriate language. If the proceeding results in expulsion, admission may be revoked. Parents are expected to accompany the student back to school for re-admittance after each act of truancy. 2022 - 2023 Dress & Grooming (All Grades). If law enforcement officials are notified, the students parents should be advised of this fact as soon thereafter as possible or practical as law enforcement may direct. ), CCR Advanced Math Plus = 1.05 x grade, Ending with the graduating class of 2022 (Freshmen 18-19), Cross Reference: Policy IHEA Class Ranking. RCSD reserves the right to send students home who exhibit elevated temperatures and/or other symptoms related to infectious diseases. Es un asunto de seguridad. The method of instruction will be determined by the local school based on available resources andcan include use of an on-line, computer-based, or a teacher delivery system. The student affected shall be notified by letter of the specific charge or charges, the nature of the evidence to be presented against him (whether by affidavit or list of the witnesses and brief summary of their testimony) and of the time and place where the hearing will be held. To protect the safety, health, and well being of all students involved in extra-curricular activities, the District adopts this policy for all participants in specified extra-curricular activities in grades 7-12. There will be opportunities for students to be out of uniform. Read the factsand plan to make school attendance a priority for a successful schoolyear! Rankin County School District parents have the right to request that the information not be disclosed without prior written consent. The superintendent has determined that the child was making satisfactory educational progress in the previous state. Flowood, MS 39232 Pants must fit appropriately. Students failing to do so will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with District policy. a. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, The Salt Lake City School District values and celebrates the incredible diversity of our students, families, and staff, including our robust refugee and immigrant constituency. To prevent injury, illness and harm to students that may arise as a result of illegal and performance-enhancing drug, alcohol, or steroid use. If you have witnessed bullying of another student or feel that you are being bullied, please fill in the information at this link: 2023-2024 Northwest Middle School Handbook, 23-24 Northwest Middle School Program Book rev013123.pdf, HSD Middle School Supply List 2020-2021.pdf. Taneytown. The warning system and appropriate procedure shall be known and provided to all personnel in the respective schools. Fax:601.893.0114, FLORENCE MIDDLE SCHOOL Custodial parent(s) residing with an adult in a home not owned or rented by the custodial parent(s) will present documents to show legal custody. Principal:Dr. Marcus Stewart V. APPEALS. The affected area should be covered while at school unless the infection is around the nose or the mouth. 5. Mississippis student academic achievement standards. Parents are advised that mid-term grades at the college level may not be reflective of actual overall performance in the course. The hearing will be conducted in an informal and fair manner. Authorized school officials shall investigate repeat cases of no lunch funds or emergency circumstances. 1 Unit Available. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Northwest Middle School We are a proud member of Indianapolis Public Schools community of schools serving grades 7 & 8. Access will be restricted as required to comply with the Childrens Internet Protection Act. Referrals to the TST must be made within the first twenty (20) school days of a school year if the student meets any of the criteria a-d stated above under dyslexia. The presence of the drug or alcohol on the student, detectable by the senses, such as the smell of marijuana or alcohol; 6. This expulsion can be immediate, if the students misconduct potentially jeopardizes the safety of bus occupants, the general public, or himself or constitutes a threat to such safety or if the student fails to indicate a willingness to correct his/her behavior. Principal:Andrea Payne Students are expected to be in Standard Mode of Dress from the time they enter the building in the morning through the time they exit the building in the afternoon (students in PE should change back into SMOD before going home). Fever reducers such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen, while effective in lowering temperatures, only masks underlying infection and does not remedy the childs illness. Each school has a designated Parent/School Liaison who will assist in the evaluation and planning process. The student may be required to forfeituse of the device for the entire time it takes to charge it. Brandon, MS 39042 Any discipline resulting from the circumstances underlying drug testing shall be recorded in the students discipline record in accordance with the discipline policies and other policies of Rankin County School District.