SM Entertainment has sent a letter to shareholders amid a fierce battle for management rights.. Thankfully, the men left without even apologizing, which would leave Kihyun in an awful mood that hed be stuff a couple ofkimbapsin his mouth and would look like an angry hamster. You shook him by the shoulder, making your breasts jiggle as he widens his eyes. " Jagiplease stop hiding your face. You both saying how silly this feeling is, how much you meant and love each other. Im starving, thank you! He slams the bathroom door loudly, making you lost at words. He would then pull you closer and start kissing your forehead, your nose and then your lips, kissing them passionately. Life has been hectic! College is so overwhelming, along with tutoring and another part time job. You such a jerk! The only one who would tease af. Youre right. He stresses out plenty about how he looks in your eyes. Your unbearable cuteness will make his squishy heart beat 30x faster than normal. You squint your eyes as Jisung flinches back. I dont think so. I.M: (cant even control his feels, doesnt actually try to hide it). Can you do a bts reaction to you being a dj and preforming at ultra music festival, Hi! Chan pets your hair, lowering his head down to lean into your ears. What should I get for [y/n]? Waking up to you two in a sexual position, Catching you kissing them when they're asleep. Please can you do a BTS reaction to their idol gf being in a girl group and the members of this group sing, dance and rap but also play instruments in some performances and MVs like AOA? I brought you here because you are the person I most love in my life, I want myfamily to know how in love I am and to show you to everyone, so they will meet my future wife. Hello could you please do exo and monsta x reaction to their girlfriend always getting called a bunny or a hamster because she has chubby cheeks and a button nose. At the moment he saw how sad you looked, his facial expression changed immediately to a very worried one. "W-what!?" , I think theyd have very similar reactions honestly so Ill make this short. kpop reactions, MONSTA X REACTIONS : Turning you on *coos at him and pulls him into a hug, only to be surprised by his questions*, Why do have to be so beautiful to the point that you attract random men? Welcome to Madness Monsta X Reaction: Their favorite kind of hug Look Y/n, I know this girl since high school, its one of my oldest friends! FINE! you explainthe whole situation for him. Jooheon would be super happy if you fell asleep on him. What did you get? He continues the conversation, but his expression stiffen when you couldnt answer him back with the boner thats sticking out a little too obvious. You put a hand on his thighs beneath the table, making him smirk at you. It takes a while for you two to fully feel like you can be completely who you are around each other though. You would be the one to turn him on the most. I mean if you don't want to that's fine but i hope you have a lovely day and thank you. "What do you mean two?" Then hed probably tease you a little bit by saying things like, Good thing you woke up, you were starting to drool on me, or, I bet my biceps were pretty comfy right? He would probably look at the picture later and admire your cuteness whenever he felt like it. When he woke up the next morning and found you in his arms, he would get a little giggly. hm, seems like you dont need me that much you say looking away. You trusthim but you also know that he is irresistible, how could you not get jealous? You were going to feed him more, but the sudden contact of his now presence of boner made you feel lost. SF9, Monsta X and BTS Requests For The Following By Admin Hyun Mi: Gif Reactions(CLOSED) Selca Ships (CLOSED) Shownu nods, his eyes are looking at the game on the TV screen. Kpop reactions n' shit, Master list ~Admin He was happy to be the one you trusted the most and he ensured you were comfortable during your first time. He really wanted your first time to be perfect. He would come into the kitchen and slap your butt with a playful smirk on his face. P.S. Does my love seems weak for you?. Don't look!" When the men didnt seem to budge, Shownu would actually crack his knuckles and ask if they have any problem and when finally noticed that Shownu was serious, theyd run off and leave the two of you, leaving Shownu slightly pissed but in a happy mood since youve wrapped your arms around his waist and gave him a kiss on the cheek, thanking him for saving you from those creeps. "Y/n! Changkyun already knows youre jealous, so he started totease more, taking selfies with her, talking more about her at home. But when it was already his turn, he took a quick glance at you and noticed how uncomfortable youve become when the two men decided to walk up to you again. "You just seemed cold." He reluctantly replies, snuggling into the warmth of your body. I guess we have to eat at my studio Baby, this needs to stop. Hyungwon would admire you quietly for a while until your body temperature lured him back to sleep, this time in your arms. Oh baby, Im so sorry if it took me long enough to pay for our clothes for our honeymoon next week. It started when he asks you to stay the holiday with his family and him in a beneficent event, which may or may not includes his ex. "I-it's not that.". Ill count up to three, and if youre still here, I wouldnt hold back and break every single bone you have. :), Could I request a bts reaction to their s / o being really good at art and not realizing it?? Baby, are you sulking or what? Genre: angst-ish (? Hello could you please do exo and monsta x reaction to their girlfriend always getting called a bunny or a hamster because she has chubby cheeks and a button nose. I bet they asked you for your number or something *sees puppies* BABE! But soon enough, hed be distracted by the sight of puppies, asking you if you guys could adopt one. The awkward silence fills the room, with you being surprise and Shownu being shy. Even if you leave me, my heart and soul are yours he looked deeply at your eyes. The conservative hamster is worried. You stepped away as Jisung waddles over to you. He would then sneak on you and playfully slap it. Okay, I am jealous, that new stylist is so pretty and you were smiling so hard to her I am sorry you confess, entering yourself in his embrace. This is my side blog for writing, I hope you enjoy and feel at home! "W-What's with the hug?" I love you too, stop teasing me, youre mine. He would actually be politely asking them if they have any problem or what not, and when they replied a no, he would actually directly ask them why were they there in the first place and the two men wouldnt even bother responding as theyre already running away for their lives. I.M would actually wake up pretty easily. Hed comment about how you were talking in your sleep(even if you werent) and mimic you. Still the most inspiring words Ive ever heard. I love you so much. You walked over to him, holding his hands as you made eye contact with him. You repeat your previous answer thinking they won't fool you with a Monsta X song a third time. I.M would be frank and tell you that he wants you. The problem is: Your school enemy, the girl who took all your exs, was in the same bowling classes as minmin. When you tried to comfort him, hed just look at you and would ask you why you have to be so beautiful to attract random men. "S-sorry, I thought it must've gotten soft by now.". If you questioned him about the cuddling hed probably tease you to distract you. Shownu would wait for you to go to bed first and come join you after 10 minutes. What do you mean? Your bottom shifts slowly, getting worried about his sudden change of tone. Monsta X Reaction. After a heated make out station and the both of you half naked, he would carry you to the bed to continue the business. Hyungwon would have no clue what he had agreed to. "Make it two" Jeongin gasps, covering his mouth with what he had just revealed. He wanted it to be perfect and he wanted you to be comfortable. *innocently blinks at you*. *grabs two randomramyeonand pays for it; hurriedly walks out of the convenience store and takes a hold of your wrists and fake smiles* Excuse me, but I have to get my GIRLFRIEND away from the two of you. And it was the last one You explain, removing the shirt from both of your sights as you move closer to him. I wouldnt lie to you, never.. Of course I love you! You hold his hands. When he awoke though, he would be very soft and nice to you. He would be slightly surprised that you had been able to fall asleep on him with the loud movie playing in the background, but pleasantly so. You tried your best to go back to sleep, but every time you closed your eyes, the dream returned. I he signs I love you so much, youre my world and your pain is mine too, trust me when I say that this is not healthy for us. "Y-yah!" Minhyuk would be all cuddly with you in bed, and then start to tickle you, being playful. "Y-yah!! Do you not miss me?". I miss you You mumble against his chest, suddenly get surprise at the sudden feeling on your butt. Will definitely think youre kidding. To you crying. ~Admin Thanks :). Wonho had already noticed these men before the two of you even chose your seats and he knew they were trouble. Wonho: Wonho was glad that you trusted him enough to want him to be your first time and he was happy to oblige after he made absolutely certain you were 100% ready. College is so overwhelming, along with tutoring and another part time job. Jooheon would walk on you dancing to girl groups while doing house work. You looked at him confused as he stares down to see what was poking him. :3 Shownu: Originally posted by wonsheon I believe that Shownu's favorite kind of hug is the one where he just kinda wraps his arms around you gently and holds you there on his chest. I.M is such a curious little puppy that as soon as he realized that you were asleep hed take the opportunity to study your features. I guess you want to take this problem outside *the two men dashes away*Tss.. Is it really? You asks, oblivious at what you are doing. Really? You hate it, and your lovely boyfriendknows you too well. You mumbled, walking outside when he suddenly throws a small snowball at you. I understand but also, she is in my past. There were two young men who were already closing in and it was completely written all over your face that you werent interested in them and was about to leave when one of the guys took a hold of your hand, which Shownu finally had enough of. "Hmm?" Kpop Reactions and Ships "It's not like I haven't seen it before. His fingers are clicking the controllers buttons aggressively. I hope you have a day as lovely as yourself! Reaction: Monsta X reaction to being friends with benefits, and growing jealous as you get close to another member. Twenty-four, 24/7 I'm trying to save me You going out, going out, going out trying to stain me. requested by @tataniaput (Im so sorry it took a bit but thanks for requesting and I hope the wait was worth it.. i hope <3), Shownu was sick but he refused to accept the fact that he was, knowing that if he admits it the members will keep him in the dorm, However as stubborn as he is the members made sure he stayed back at the dorm, Earlier that day you went to get lunch with him and immediately you noticed he was sick, You knew him too well and knew that he wont let you take care of him because hell feel like a burden, When you two went your separate to go home you made sure he was out of site and went to grab some medicine and ingredients to make soup, By the time you got home it was pouring outside but you thought that by the time you were done cooking the rain will stop, You were wrong, after checking the forecast you realized that itll be raining all night, You could drive and you had a car but your friend borrowed it for the weekend, the bus stop was crowded and the only option left was walking, An umbrella was pretty much useless because it was windy out so you threw on a rain jacket and put the medicine and soup in your backpack, It was only a 10 minute walk but in the rain it felt like it was taking forever, You were now soaked head to toe by the rain, you mightve had a rain jacket on but honestly in this type of rain it was useless, You texted Shownu to open the door and honestly he was completely lost but still did it and when he saw you he had a mixed reaction, He was happy to see you, worried because you were completely wet and surprised you cared this much about him, He reached in for a hug and when you tried to say you were going to get him more sick he only hugged you harder, Worrying that the rain was going to get you sick he ran to get you a change of clothes and when you walked out he was a giggling mess, He thought you were the cutest thing seeing you in him sweatpants and hoodie that was way too big for you, When you were done changing you heated up the soup for him and of course he ate it happily, he enjoys anything you cook to be honest, He finished eating and you ran after him with medicine and after him trying to run away you were successful in feeding him his medicine, Just as you were trying you leave there was a flash flood alert and Shownu ran you to you and wrapped you tightly in a blanket and carried you to the couch, He refused to let you go into the rain again so he planned for you to stay over, Eventually the couch was uncomfortable and Shownu saw you and without saying anything he carried you to his bed and spent the night in his arms, Being best friends with Wonho isnt exactly the easiest thing to do, You love him to death but making sure the two of you have time for each other is close to impossible, you dont blame him though, His passion is singing, dancing and constantly keeping monbebes happy and you in no way had an obligation to stop him but missing him is inevitable, He might come off as a tough guy due to him always trying to show his muscles but anyone who actually knows him will know hes a big softie, People thinks youre the soft one in the friendship but they thought wrong, It was about to be 10pm and you had the urge to just close your eyes and knock out on your bed but that wasnt going to happen, essays dont write themself as much as you wished that they did, Just went you closed your laptop indicating that the essay was done your phone buzzed giving you a slight heart attack due the fact that usually nobody texts you this late, When you picked it up a smile had spread across your face naturally, Wonho had texted you that he missed you but wasnt able to leave the dorm to visit you because it was too late to leave, Lucky for you, you lived with a roommate and had no curfew and you had no problem with walking to meet Wonho since his dorm was pretty much next door, Without having to ask you knew that Monsta X wouldnt mind seeing you at their dorm knowing that you were Wonhos best friend, You threw on your rabbit onesie because it was starting to get chilly, grabbed your phone and backpack and left to go over to the dorm, not replying to Wonhos text, You were known as that one friend who replied quickly so when you didnt reply to Wonho within a short timeframe he assumed you were asleep, Of course this made him sad but he knew you loved sleep and if sleeping made you happy it made his happy, However when he heard a knock on the door he assumed it was just one of their neighbors asking for something but his phone buzzed and he was full of hope, Hoping that the buzz from his phone meant that you were outside of his door and he was correct, sprinting out of his bed he went to open the door, Seeing you was the best thing that happened to him today but he was shocked to see you soaked in rain, When you walked you it was fine but after a minute it was pouring, it was too late to get an umbrella and there was turning back so you kept walking, Even though you were wet head to toe due to the rain Wonho didnt hesitate to hug you, After the long hug you ran to the bathroom and got changed and luckily in your backpack you had another rabbit onesie because youre always prepared with clothes, When you walked out you saw Wonho in the same onesie and before you were even able to point it out Wonho had already taken a picture of you, He grabbed your arm and the two of you slept as you drifted away in sweet dreams by his side as you used him a teddy bear or as you called him your Wontokki. Im not sure if you mean this as a good thing or a bad thing, but Ill do my best. More He whispers, before widening his eyes in horror. Would put their arm around you and squeeze you tight in a squishy hug: Chanyeol, Chen, Xiumin, You dont think they notice at the time, but they later give you a sweet kiss on the cheek In which Yoo Kihyun ends up being mated to on Just read the title!! Jisung: "Y-yah.what are you doing?" You asked as he had suddenly pulled you into a hug, wrapping blankets around you. He made sure you were completely ready and held back to allow your first time to be soft and sweet. ~Admin Minhyuk, as we all know, is a very communicative and friendlyperson, the sunshine itself, so he does enjoy new faces and places. to remind you how they love your adorable squishy face: Kai, Suho, Would be distracted wondering what would happen if they could feed you baby carrots: Lay, Would definitely poke your cheeks and tease you, and if you got annoyed with them they would use all the aegyo until you cant help but forgive them: Baekhyun and Sehun, Death stare at anyone who mentions anything other than all of you wonderful, shining qualities: Kyungsoo. He stays quiet, and its starting to make you hotter because you are still sitting on him. Minhyuk would be happy, yet far too excited to sleep. Pulling you closer, both of you would start making out and wonho would trail kisses down your neck to then remove your shirt and start having fun. [ongoing] "I'll never be mated to a monster like you" being a dork makes this beautiful smile of yours came out, doesnt it? He would remove your hoodie first and throw it on the floor. Hed let out a soft, sleepy laugh and allow you to snuggle closer to him. Im not sure if you mean this as a good thing or a bad thing, but Ill do my best. Sorry this took so long! You smile when you sit on him comfortably, before hearing a small groan from him. PUPPIESSSSS!!!! It couldnt be helped and you realized that you wouldnt be able sleep alone tonight. Originally posted by verbalglitch. NCT Dream . You denied. , I think theyd have very similar reactions honestly so Ill make this short. His hands drop to your waist and he slowly starts pulling your pants down, you look him in the eye grab his neck and pull him in for a kiss. Kihyun would call your name softly until you awoke and then guide you to your bed. Both of you would stop making out and he led you to the room to continue what you started. "W-what are you looking at" You follow his stares as it led to your thin white shirt, your nipples out. Shownu; Shownu couldn't believe what he was seeing, especially when he just went to throw his bottle. You know he is just a friend you rolled your eyes and stole him a kiss. I read this book about relationship that sitting on the lap of the boyfriend brings a closer connection You tell him, your butt moves from the couch to his lap in a few seconds. Youre so warm You tell him, with his lips forming a smile as he continues to read his book. Not at all, I feel the same. You wanting to cuddle You fall asleep on his shoulder You get your webbing pierced They are close with another members s/o and develop feelings for them You kick them in your sleep with cold feet Their s/o holding only one of their fingers instead of the whole hand GF random anger issues during period His feet brings him near the bathroom door, as he waves his hand aimlessly. You manage to look at him standing up, your eyes look immediately at his now clothed boner. Come on!" You tilt your head, examining what was happening. "What?" So you just said no. You look like you've seen a ghost.". Request: You tell him youre virgin right before you two have sex (But youre ready to have sex, you just thought that they should know). He will either sit there until you wake up(even if youre asleep for several hours), or he will eventually move away from you slowly so that you are lying down on the couch without having woken up and get a blanket and gently tuck you in. for instance, he puts things in high places just so you have to eventually come to him and ask him to get it. You asked as he had suddenly pulled you into a hug, wrapping blankets around you. This boy would be very difficult to wake up and even more difficult to keep awake once you had brought him around to half-consciousness. Sometimes ignoring to go with him in the dressing room or even ignoring his texts. all members series. Wonho would for sure make fun of you the next day(and every day after that). He nods, but quickly turns away with a smirk on his face. Youre getting prettier and prettier by the dayand andfor sure youre gonna get hit on the next time you go out .Should I buy you some pepper spray? My Reaction To MONSTA X - 'Beautiful Liar' To Help Support + Exclusive Content : Twitch: MONSTA X 'Beautiful Liar'. everyday love [a collection of stories depicting the sweetness and joy of simple, everyday love] reactions. Thank you for letting me be your first and only~. I hope you have a day as lovely as yourself! you are my volcano - Tumblr He clears his throat, still looking away. *smirks at you while the grip around your wrists tightens, making you wince in pain*, Letgo offme*clears his throat and smacks the mans hand away, making him remove his hands off of you* What the heck are you doing?, *scoffs and steps up, eyeing Shownu from head to toe* Who might you be, *cracks his knuckles and glares at the man* Do you have any problem? Your butt instinctively moves closer, nearer to his crotch. He then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a very tight hug. But when he was waiting for the drinks and desserts at the counter, he wouldnt be able to rip his eyes off of you and the two men, who were giving you such flirty smiles and stares, which kind of ticked Hyungwon off. Can I get jealous too? you laugh at his response, hugging him more. "Hyunjin!" Youre about to ask him what was wrong but you feel something is poking you. Thank you for trusting me Y/N. Eventually youd wake up due to the loud nature of the movie. I dont know He answers, still not moving. Once you had it he would get closer to you, put a strand of hair behind your ear and start kissing you all over. Leaked "shareholder letter" reveals HYBE plans to prioritize comebacks Monsta X Reaction to You (their crush) Sneaking into Their Room Because of a Nightmare Sorry I haven't been posting!