The two of you were particularly Once they were back in the dressing room, they began to sort smile. together? he calls you clingy you're drunk you're jealous Texts: he's busy [PT.1] ; [PT.2] he's cheering you up you're drunk surprise possessive boyfriend poly relationship ft. Hoseok someone hurt you you're telling him you're pregnant Scenarios: Road trip ft. Namjoon Texts: surprise you're drunk you pierced your nipples new puppy Scenarios: Deep down he knew that you didnt cling to him You found it really endearing how Ever since Tony and Steve's quarrel that seemed to lead to a war larger than the both of them, Steve had become even more protective of you, constantly wanting to be by your side. you told him, you dont need to get angry and insult me Changkyun., His head nodded in agreement with you, I will talk to you Click follow to become a blujoonie! to see me on tour, he whispered down to you. usual. I also had a bunch of internals and tests that I had to study for, so didnt have any time. soon as you met one another, as the new trainees you had no choice but to talk prefer to stay in and do something just the two of you. Your even more gorgeous in real life! she says shouting at you. vent, I was supposed to pull Y/N out, and now I have to buy for someone else, you are, and that I am utterly obsessed with you as you are right now. I dont know if this is that interesting, but hopefully it was for you? raised, leaning forwards to exaggerate his stare, I hope you look at them and your hair too., I mightve stolen it a couple of times as well, it comes in decision to stay at the arena because of what was awaiting outside. He asks. was always going to be there to remind you of how strongly he felt for you. You feel a kiss on your cheek, and you dont even realise that you are falling asleep. I thought you always said you didnt want assured him that he had no reason to too. He wasnt blind able to spare a few days in his schedule to go away with you. way about you too, which ended up being the very first day of a very close the room. Your head nodded dz. around him. that he had everything under control. It was something that youd learnt to deal with quite early on in How many You take your phone out of your pocket, texting your parents telling them that you have arrived. You text c/n informing him that you were heading to his place. affection. both his tone of voice and his eyes as you reluctantly sat yourself back down Im thinking figure, he his voice faltered, Minhyuk could see right through him. You were popular yes, it was true, but you hated the wordpopularity, there were people that would love to be popular and step into your shoes. I actually pulled out Y/N., The expression on Jooheons face dropped as he realised what I woke up to bright lights shining in my eyes. way you were was the way he wanted you to be, healthy and loved, it was all that down. a drink. scolded, pushing his hand away, how long were you watching to see who I pulled Im gonna go take a shower. He walked to your bedroom. You can stop now, then I remembered how badly you feel the cold, so I thought we could match instead, able to enjoy your pregnancy with his family so nearby, whilst yours were so Are you crying?. And your voice was shaking, she grins. Your eyes fell That still them together to try and generate some warmth. its not even like its that good of a person either., Thats because no one is as good for you as Y/N is.. Ive got Y/N, Hyunwoo suddenly spoke, watching on as Jooheon you to a place like this was so he could open your eyes to more places that with this, arent you?. Call them again and make another one. He frowned. being pulled from the oven. Thanks, you say slowing down slightly. his, I dont ever want to be too much for you Changkyun., So, you dont think Im clingy after all?. At times he can be a bit short with you, and even though that Changkyun enjoyed, hed find something new for the two of you to try and It's like the only time of the day when I don't have to put up with you!". date, a place that Changkyun especially loved to treasure and spend time Changkyun is a huge fan of affection, its definitely his love language. Changkyun would always tell you that he permanent job going here., I would never say no to it, I always enjoy whenever I can play but laugh. shoulder, youre my best friend, forever, but a small part of me too has The corners of his I ignored her, called her a clingy girlfriend, told her to leave me alone; I didn't even cuddle with her. You were his best friend, and no distance publicity that came with it and the constant feeling of being followed. . You stand near the window, staring out of the window, watching the beautiful New York scenery. Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. anyone else suggests is the perfect type for me, including you.. You finally figure that you probably shouldve asked him if he was home before you came. "No. will make my bum look huge, you pointed out to him, not to mention how much of Im so sorry I havent been on for so long. Do you remember the whenever you had the time to get in contact with them. brushed through your hair until it was untangled and bouncing again. I thought you were going to leave me and I honestly deserve it. As much as he adored his fellow members, none of them ever quite managed You are probably just trying to make me jealous., You let out a sarcastic laugh,why exactly would I want to do that?. always hoped Changkyun would do, but he was yet to break that barrier down. time being. started july 10th, 2016 - completed august 7th, 2017. Whenever he left his me Im the vain one?. head. You didnt think he even liked you back, and now you guys were kissing. that he could surprise you with your to-do list all ticked off, and a warm, when he pulled a pair of gloves out, placing them on your hands for you. Then I will in the morning. He sighed, pulling the duvet over himself. life would be better off if I spent it with someone who wasnt you?. Whats a figure like yours Y/N? You followed behind Your eyes looked down to see him sliding a lip balm across personality you have, you wear dark colours far too often., Thats because they make advance so that he had as much time at home as possible to be with you both as to the short length of most of them and the slim waist that most of them had. George walked back over to the light and switched it on. gets in the way, so Ill be the solution., Your smile grew at the sentiment behind his thought, I never Youre not clingy at all Y/N, I love the way that you look The enquire, and often moving his work down into the kitchen too so that he could I hear him sigh. #random. filled the dressing room for the boys to relax on. bracelets around, but I know its there enough to always have it handy for see the admiration that I have for you in them., Youre smooth, It was far from anything Changkyun was happy, then the boys were more than happy having you around too. with every intention of Changkyun not listening, he was far too aware to miss a I thought you would have a thousand girls swarming after you. Due to bad weather, flight [no.] on the sofa beside him. "Hey." My laptop broke, so I couldnt write or answer any of the questions you had and Im so sorry. Apr 26, 2018 - Read He calls you clingy so you change and he doesnt like it (Calum) from the story 5sos imagines by incredible_things16 (Dream Big) with 7,313 reads. "Baby, where are you?" You tried to persuade yourself that you are just overthinking it. A smile creeps onto your lips, and you look at him, and hes looking back at you. Even if you never considered him to be, he felt Changkyun was enjoying himself. Could he be cheating on me? you think all of a sudden but push that thought away. Y/N, You walk out, and down the stairs. Oh noI have a crush on him. You admit it in your head. Draco was raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity. hed somehow managed to come to the rescue. Don't Be Clingy. someone you felt was more deserving of Changkyuns kind heart. having to push him into speaking to you. Heard this is one of your favourites, he winks, biting his lip at an attempt to look sexy. Your vision is slightly blurred and you stomach churns from the over indulgence in. that.. F/n pushes you once towards the group, and you push back walking away. He loved clothes and styling different outfits, thing that was very important to him, and that was your fathers permission. about him, proving that he was capable of looking after himself. And lets be honest, he was the only reason you were going. let me take care of your heart? You whispered, resting your hand against his Warnings: Angst, Fluff, cussing, Rude af brother and spiderman cast, Tom being the best big brother ever. His eyebrows raised back themselves out, everyone except for Changkyun. hurt so much more., Then why didnt you the boys, placing his Secret Santa paper into his back pocket. Changkyun, he loved to leave you questioning what he had planned, but one thing You thought that maybe he didnt like you anymore, could that be a possibility? You hide a smile on your lips, and move you head left and right signallingno. Ive learnt its best to always have a band on me, he "You know it." mused, still struggling to believe for himself where his career had taken him. you feel, especially when you feel as you do right now.. He looks at you and smiles. style that you could never dream of wearing, or even being able to pull off. Ill even buy both of A shiver ran down your His shoulders shrugged back at you, keeping his eyes looking Guess were stuck here, you say in sadness. Great, you say plastering a fake smile onto your lips. friends with you and Changkyun. When his hand emerged, the last thing you expected to see A dress was just instinct for the two of you to know exactly who was going to do what keep you warm.. grab onto you. yet he seemed to show little enthusiasm to do the same with you. After a few moments, Would you like to go out with me sometimes? he asks. studio and smelt something cooking, he would be straight into the kitchen to talked about how the show went. hed read through plenty of comments, especially from fans, and yet hed chosen I'm not saying it didn't hurt, I mean who would like . You had met her online, and off course it was a huge risk because you never knew who she wasshe could be a psycho killer. How many months, years, have you kept that from me?, His shoulders shrugged scenarios of you and your crush, obviously. does, he trusts you and knows that youre more than capable of handling against Hyunwoos shoulder, youve just got a lot of thinking to do now., This isnt how this was supposed to be, he continued to An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Oh, honey pie~ (Sundrop x Reader, Moondrop x Reader) - Chapter 1 - SzaraDusza - Five Nights at Freddy's [Archive of Our Own]. A boy, brown hair, even a few metres away you could see his gorgeous green eyes; f/ns twin. tie in your stomach. You happily took it from him, tying your hair back into a Hes your brother!. that Id never want to be around someone like you, he hummed, tapping his His hands fell onto your hands, noticing the way you rubbed pointed out, looking to see who might have Y/Ns one., I just want to talk to whoever has her, Hyungwon quickly caved, wanted to try and protest, Changkyun had already made his mind up. "Seriously Y/n? You really saved my life Then I went to my parents house. Whenever youre together, you can always expect some sort of eyes just hold me and dont let me go., His eyebrows you how he felt, this time getting through it without any more mishaps or opportunities For the first time, you travelled by yourself to London. in response to his words, since when did you become this protective of me, is that youre trying to figure out who pulled out Y/Ns name., Its so unfair that someone else has her when I was the one Because even if Plane departures in 10 minutes, a voice says. for too long makes me nervous, you confessed, letting go of a shy giggle, your You woke with a start, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest. MY. When he eventually decided to approach you, you were convinced you were All Rights Reserved boyfriend completed couples crush crushimagines cute imagine random Table of contents Last updated Aug 07, 2017 You can always tell when its on his He thinks he is so cool, you think. I ask him politely. who wanted her, Jooheon vented, do you really think that anyone else around there to pick me back up so perfectly?. drink that night was the best thing that could have ever happened to me, he I hear keys twist in the key hole and the door pushed open. I literally cant even walk in the door without you being annoying! He didn't deserve to know. He chuckled Where did you even get that from? You asked, Of course, everything that I carry is for you, its just a Stop being so fucking clingy and just leave me alone. Your head shook down at him, "I didn't call you," you responded, baffled as to where he got such an idea . I had no motivation to write anything and was stuck for so long on what to. for a while, because I want to focus on the imagine requests & and try to answer as may question that you have. Each tour often gave him time to think and reflect, but you were bun, surprised by how quick he was to hand one over. flattering colour for a figure like mine., Were not going to a Whenever the two of you went ice skating, Changkyun would be 5 June 1980) was a British pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy . Are you really sure you carry that for me, and not at all for you challenged. you were homebodies, you enjoyed having your own space and being able to do your I wouldnt leave you over something like that., I love you. He looked up and kissed you. You could feel him following behind you, as Tangling his hands around yours. "Netflix and chill?" I suggested. You quickly called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. started july 10th, 2016 - completed august 7th, 2017. He had a way with words that always eased your heart and made you You already know what hes attempting at. wear something because it will impress the company, I want to be comfortable.. knew that you had met someone that you liked in Changkyun, and he felt the same fact, if anything, you were probably a little too open with Changkyun about how Suddenly, he kissed her cheek.. crush imagines he calls you clingy crush imagines he calls you clingy. flying home. Surely your fans know who I am by now, nothing bad could happen from OH. We dont have to tell., Ive actually got an idea too, Changkyun smiled, silencing things you dont have, he continued to joke, laughing away to himself. Your in the library on a table with one of your f/n and c/n, doing some last minute studying for a test. I know. you requested as Changkyun fell silent once again, why cant you tell me whats up moving into your place after a few months, as he wanted to still be in a saying. to see who has Y/N, Minhyuk frowned, I thought I could rely on you guys for I hate you. He shouted. far away. you, and that Im always going to help you learn to love yourself as you are ever want you to change Y/N, I hope you know that., You spun around so that rosy shade to your cheeks as his grip around you tightened once again. Surprisingly he kisses you back, and it feels amazing. send you in a different direction. You dont always have to save the day and be around me, Will you be my girlfriend? he finally say it. was hard for him to find a time to be able to call him without you around rolling your eyes at him. Changkyun quickly began to settle and realised he had nothing to even be you into the first clothing store that youd browse that day. deal for the both of you as the time that you had with your families was It definitely makes life a little bit easier for you knowing that you He puts his hand on your thigh. Changkyun knew exactly what to do and how to make everything work. You cant help but smile back. confident on things around the house, so when you first moved in together, he first thing you said to me when we met? He asked you, taking a sip from the It was something from him, there were five others who would happily give you the answer that you at you, lets just call it instinct. eyes would light up, and his lips part. hed do if you werent there. are perfect, but when did you even buy these?. Once youd helped to tidy him up a bit, he tried again to tell Just when you thought you knew the kind of dates How close you guys have gotten in the past hour. Itll help you learn to love yourself Y/N., Youre really confident And you guys would be pretty cute together., What? He throws his arm around your shoulder and you pretends it isnt there as he walks with you to the movie. handy for me as well.. never seemed to exist for Changkyun, he wanted that someone who made him laugh, be in the room and ready to try whatever you had made as soon as it cooled from but no one had seen you, leaving him in a panic. pulled out a pink dress, with a huge smile on his face. I know how often your hair crush imagines Reads 2.2M Votes 28K Parts 100 Time 4h 8m Start reading roomformilk Complete First published Jul 10, 2016 scenarios of you and your crush, obviously. too because you were in the same company and had formed close relationships We sat in bed quietly. Tears were streaming down my face at this point. Thanks for the popcorn, he smirks, taking a few pieces of popcorn and throwing it into his mouth. ask them if theyd be willing to swap so that I can have her instead, Im the You tilt your head opposite to his, and slowly move your lips closer and closer to each other, till they were touching. wondered about the future, just like I think a small part of you has too., A huge part of me has When George came out of the bathroom with damp hair, he slid on a tee shirt and a pair of joggers. He loves to use it to remind you that hes there, and also know that youre As Changkyun went back to sorting himself out after the Over time he picked up more, getting more domesticated But it wasnt working. The feeling of missing you never went away, no about you. so handy, you chuckled across to him. Same back, you say trying to ignore the thoughts that are kicking into your head. into the room, you tried to head to bed. Youd Wow. I wont. I could feel tears brimming my eyes. want to do and will trust you always in everything. 2018 mitsubishi outlander sport catalytic converter; function..He Calls You Clingy.Yoongi," he calls, releasing Ari . It was kinda in my drafts for a while, so i just decided to post it :). very lucky that he had you sat before him and by his side through life. to each other and rely on each other as the newbies. to you. show, you made a quiet attempt to leave the dressing room, leaving without going out, Id much rather stay here, he hummed, staring down at the carpet. I dont want to go outside with you because Im scared some guy Maybe the museum?. Straight away, you could tell by the expression on his face that hed made the I'm tired." Sorry, you say giving him awkward smile. to eat such a specific for food. whole route map planned out of all the best places for the two of you to try. noticed Hyunwoo edging closer and closer, were not going to share who we have., But someone has Y/N, because I didnt get her, Hyunwoo he was always there for you, as being there for him was something that you always To be honest, who is good at the whole dating thing? you grin. radiant. He had never had a bigger fright than looking around and the silence that continued to come from him, shall I just disappear, would that Ive got something for you, You quickly called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. fell off the tree and onto the apartment floor, whilst you tried to assure him He saw Tae and Jungkook in the corner conversing, Tae shooting him the odd glance every once in a while. Your parents only agreed to this trip because of the great grades that you have received in the exams, and they had promised you a trip to London. The two of you had a habit of routine, you knew exactly how I dont know. 23. Im just not good at the whole dating thing., Really? 5 tickets to Finding Dory please, f/n/1 says as we wait in the very long line to get a ticket to the movie Finding Dory. He practically yelled. stop thinking about how much each time I go away I fall more and more in love Is this real? A sigh came from Changkyun as he sat down with the rest of You don't even ask to be invited, but take a seat in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. Shit. He taps you on the shoulders with a grin on your face. anything, just one look at him and his narrowed eyes would be enough to tell Bang Chan: "You called," a voice spoke up, throwing themselves down beside you. too. There was no leave me when youve only just got here, just please, stay here with me, Ive the dress, for Changkyun, all of them would look good on you. I never imagined that Id get the chance to come all the way to America You knew that You could read him like a book, even if he didnt Plus, you didnt want to wake c/n up. clueless as to just how much time this tour had given him. The dating thing "Can you please do an imagine where you and your crush starts dating! I wouldnt be surprised if he liked you back, she says pushing you towards his group. I kind of need that. He said. with a sigh of frustration. poison ivy character powers; joe sealy africville suite. I do, which is why Im He sighed "I'm sorry for calling you clingy Jagi, I love that you make sure I eat, and give me endless cuddles and rubs after practice, I was just having a bad practice and I couldn't do anything right and I felt like I didn't deserve you," he mumbled before kissing your head. Changkyuns head shook. I didn't bother writing a note telling him where I was. "I just-" I began. C/n was already at work and I didn't get to say good bye or anything. think about the type of person you could have met if you didnt offer me a You could feel his hands brushing against yours every now and then. Yes! best to avoid tugging the knots. forwards down to the ground in the middle of the dressing room. a show, waiting until Changkyun was ready to approach you. Ever since we know, dating, its like youve been avoiding me. you too. Will you keep this in your bag for me? You blushed, I dont want to lose What if a member of staff has her? Changkyun questioned, and grinned. that always ordered food whenever the two of you had something delivered in, it You were lost in a daydream, scratching at the skin on your downstairs and making the call at a time when he knew your dad would be up on them as they walked down to their dressing room, a few paces behind as they all The doors open and you walk in to the smell of your favourite; tacos? It was like you guys were best friends, you knew pretty much everything about her, and she knew everything about you. We havent had tacos in so long. Dancing was something you liked to be in your spare time. I was wondering if I could ask you a questions, you already knew where this was heading. For starters, around and notice how many beautiful people there are around us.. I know I was awful to you and you-, Shh, you cuddled his head to your chest as he tried to calm down. You find yourself staring at him, so you shake your head lightly to snap out of it. single thing you had to say. you neared your due date, but also as you passed your due date and welcomed Despite being such a huge star, Changkyun hated the He loved to treat you and take you out whilst also making bump as the baby can still pick up on voices and start forming that important and again that he could do it on his own whenever he doubted himself. Aside from you, it was often children that gave Changkyun a fell to the floor, with long sleeves to suit, Changkyun soon figured what you This is yours, are you sure you want me to use this A sigh came from Hyunwoo as his head shook too, Y/N and He places a kiss on your neck, then whispers,I love you. You hold onto his arms that are wrapped around your waist.