Charlie's a man. Charlie Young I'd beat you up. Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). [11] The reclaiming of this word has helped to spur the transnational movement of the SlutWalk.[12]. Do you know when theyll like us? he retorts. Ainsley Hayes : You're not in enough trouble already? And what kind of feminism do you call that? Ainsley tells Celia to let it go. Celia Walton I think it enhances it. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? and the editor start making some calls to try and find out what might have happened to him. 's office to tell Billy's wife that he is dead. : "I specifically think there are Black women who have used the lipstick category as an entryway into the beauty industry," Harvin says. Actor and writer Eva Reign recalls her complicated relationship with red lipstick. CJ is the one whos outwardly opinionated, but isnt paid much heed by everyone else. It's a portmanteau of feminist and terms like 'Sandinista' that carry radical leftist baggage. : It wasnt just great because of the whole bait-and-switch joke construct, but its incredible just how unflappable Leo is. Some second wave feminists abhorred the idea of men. [2][3] In one sense, the successes of second-wave feminism made it possible to reclaim aspects of femininity that were seen as disempowering, like make-up or stilettos. : Embracing Femininity: My Liaison With Lipstick. I was just talking to Genevieve Koski about this scene, and she made the point that the scene might have been more effective if CJ was part of the conversation as well. And I think you think I'm made out of candy glass, Celia. Donna and Josh watch from the hall and his office, respectively. Sam Seaborn In many ways, Toby is the perpetual idealist of the group, even more so than Bartlet himself. In the Communications Bullpen - Sam greets Ainsley who was paged to return to the White House - he needs her to review a piece of legislation they plan to drop into the UN Speech. But it's your money, it's about to be my money and I sleep fineSay what you'd say to any other patient, Women's BasketballListen, I can tell you're down in the dumps, but let's talk about me, I don't remember having to explain to Italians that our problem wasn't with them, but with Mussolini! The doctor can only show Bartlet empathy as one person to another, not as a man sitting in the presence of the President. Toby is a man who picks his battles. Empathy plays a huge part in Night Five, in that the characters let themselves be vulnerable and receive others vulnerability back. And you -to Celia- stop trying to take the fun out of my day. : This portable projector plays your movies in crisp, high-contrast, 1080p detailno matter where you are. Sorkin writes contradictions well, and the notion that a conservative lawyer would be so forward-thinking about feminism is worth exploring. Nonsense issues distract attention away from real ones. Reflections on Non-Imperialist, Feminist Values. Pay equity, child care, honest-to-God sexual harassment. : Red lipstick remains a powerful symbol of protest, but as writer Darian Harvin explains to Allure, it has also become a way for women of color to express themselves and, in doing so, challenging expectations of what is appropriate for them to wear, especially in a professional setting. : Sam Seaborn : I suppose I am. Ainsley Hayes : And when someone said something that offended me, I did say so. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Plus Charlie said he's fine with it. Plus Charlie said he's fine with it. is talking about the missing reporter, whose wife is now at the White House and waiting in C.J. Sam Seaborn Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. HELPS IMPRISONED REPORTER -- President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) consults a a psychiatrist (guest star Adam Arkin, "Chicago Hope") for a troubling sleep disorder -- and gets a sobering personal assessment -- while C.J. She comments to him that the comments he made to Ainsley were rude and inappropriate.- which gets him thinking about the comments. : If you're willing to let your sexuality diminish your power. I'd say Screw around if you want. So. Official Sites There are weird moments of bluntness on The West Wing amidst the deftness, and they feel not only slapped-on at the last minute but incredibly dated. Ainsley Hayes and Wallace go into C.J. I think you do. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The idea that feminism is decadent, and is destroying Western civilization; the idea that women's natural role is to have children, and to be subservient to men; the idea that strong men are. Its just that you know how CJ gets annoyed when that one reporter wont let something go, and follows her around pestering her until he or she gets the answer theyre looking for? With that, I'm going to get a cupcake. Hes a little nuts. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! You -to Charlie- I don't know what your thng is. A lipstick continues to be seen as a symbol of beautification and something that is exclusively retained to have connotations representing femininity. After all this time, it turns out the man situated at the center of The West Wings (at times) blind optimism isnt Bartlet. and our : He's not a sexist. This protest was created by activist Marlen Chow who was arrested after demonstrating against Ortegas government corruption and move to consolidate power. Theres a scheduled sit-down in two days, and though Josh doesnt have to be there, hes pulled by his loyalty to his friend (something Leo exploits earlier in the episode) and his loyalty to his job, his higher calling. Many stereotypes on red lips continue to persist today. Like the women's clubs, consciousness-raising groups, feminist bookstores . : It only takes a minute to sign up. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? The point is that sexual revolution tends to get in the way of actual revolution. Sam Seaborn Lipsticks with white bases and mattes don't cater to the Black consumer, as Hernandez points out. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Why does the US have to take every Arab country out for an ice cream cone?! Season three, at least from what I've seen, is focused on the kinds of thoughts we as Americans are likely having about our own President. : Celia, I asked Ainsley, and she said she didn't mind at all. | Finding confidence through bold colors shouldnt be something that is frowned upon and wearing these colors shouldnt make someone feel bothered. Harvin notes that Kaoir isnt the only Black woman who has created her own beauty products due to a blatant absence of products catered to darker-skinned women. "Oppression is not okay just because it's institutionalized. [5] From early literature to date, the appearance of femininity has always had a negative relationship with feminism. Em Rata Just Debuted a Chic Italian Bob With Baby Bangs. Official Sites Purportedly as a new hardline of foreign policy, Toby has written a speech to be given at the UN conflating Islam with fundamentalism/terrorism. "I've always noticed how a red lip on a white woman tends to be perceived as classic, polished, and elegant. In the context of the times when that series aired, feminista was a mildly derogatory take on feminist. : It took only two and a half seasons, but for the first time, Bartlet is reduced to being just a guy. Instead, the President decides to just kind of see what happens, is asked a direct question about his stance, and dodges it. [5] If one of main characters have narrow mind or different stance with TWW trying to tell, one of supporting characters (or other main character) point it out, others act like "Oh, she beats you." Pay equity, child care, honest-to-God sexual harassment. Filming & Production One day I got caught. | (Allison Janney) lobbies hard to help secure the release of a White House reporter who's been taken hostage on assignment in the Congo. And, when it comes to wearing specific products, like red lipstick, the division between white women and women of color becomes even more apparent. Many of these pieces of media often depict these heroines as using their femininity to their advantage, and a refusal to conform to more normative standards that would force them to become less feminine. : Sam Seaborn Is the President stressed? Ainsley Hayes Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? Ainsley Hayes Pay equity, child care, honest-to-God sexual harassment. Ainsley Hayes Hernandez describes the choice of wearing red lipstick, especially as a woman of color, to be of crafting one's own image. Celia comes into the bullpen and Ainsley, Sam, and Celia, joined by Charlie, Ginger and Bonnie talk about Sam's comments. I've embraced that I don't care as much if people think I should or shouldn't be wearing red. And in this case, a speech in front of the UN General Assembly. [15][16] Lipstick feminism counter-proposes that the practice of sexual allure is a form of social power in the interpersonal relations between a man and a woman, which may occur in the realms of cultural, social, and gender equality. Of course he is. Others, including Teresa Riordan, author of 'Inventing Beauty', insist it is much older, going right back to Victorian corsets and bustles and Marilyn Monroe's breast implants. "Mented Cosmetics was started by two Black women who couldn't find their perfect shade on nude lipstick," she explains. Oppression is not okay if its institutionalized, he points out, to which his wife worries the Muslim world will hate Americans even more. Sam Seaborn : Quite literally, lipstick feminists believe that wearing makeup and sexy clothes does not make you less of a feminist, on the contrary, it means taking control of society's beauty standards and . You -to Sam- 25 percent on the assessments for Category A. : Thats why Two Cathedrals was such a momentous episode for me: Bartlet was finally moved to listen to his heart, not just give wonderful speeches then kowtow to what he thinks he needs to do in order to win reelection. Its not a means of protest, but a method in which they are able to express themselves and their identity, even if its often met with hostility. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Yeah, I also thinks its important to make clear that I'm not a sexist. And I think you think I'm made out of candy glass, Celia. HELPS IMPRISONED REPORTER -- President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) consults a a psychiatrist (guest star Adam Arkin, "Chicago Hope") for a troubling sleep disorder -- and gets a sobering personal assessment -- while C.J. : The Two Bartlets/Night Five (season 3, episodes 13-14; originally aired January 30, 2002 and February 6, 2002). Celia Walton : I also find Bruno telling CJ she's got a killer body out of nowhere to be icky. 's question. Donna returns to the office - Josh questions where she has been. Episode. You stand taller, you feel more defiant, and people pay attention to what you sayeven if they don't like it. Sentiments began to change once marketing made "paint and powder" cosmetics more easily accessible. Despite Black and brown women leading their own movements towards equality and red lipstick dating back more than 5,000 years the tubes of red lipstick that signified unity and defiance were out of reach for these non-white suffragists. . I didn't say they did. Stiletto feminism, a more ideologically radical variety of lipstick feminism, sees the postmodern use of fetish fashion as empowering;[18] and extends the argument from the acceptance of makeup, to the validity of women practicing occupations specifically predicated upon female physical beauty, such as working as a striptease dancer or as a pole dancer, as well as flashing or sapphic exhibitionism. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? Over 100 years after the suffragists first wore red lips down Fifth Avenue in a feminist-touted move, women and femmes of color continue to be excluded from the narrative. Growing up, she associated red lipstick with being powerful, confident, and bold, but recognized a blatant double standard between herself, a Filipina, and the white women who wore the same bright lips. My kind. - They continue walking around, going up into the residence and into the President's private study. She tells him about the job offer. "Instead I'd be in that other group that didn't belong or deserve to stand out. Technical Specs. Charlie Young : Women in Central and South America have claimed the color as a symbol of protest like the suffragists did over 100 years ago. United States Congressional Election (1982), United States Presidential Election (1998), United States Presidential Election (1960), United States Congressional Election (1998), United States Congressional Election (2000), United States Presidential Election (1994), Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Ainsley Hayes When we win.. Second wave feminism viewed these as bondage, being oppressive and exploitative.[6]. This is an op-ed by Allure contributor Marilyn La Jeunesse. Sam Seaborn Listen, I can tell you are down in the dumps, but let's talk about me. "The Two Bartlets"/"Night Five" (season 3, episodes 13-14; originally aired January 30, 2002 and February 6, 2002) Toby and the President bicker over talking about affirmative . BARTLET FINDS LITTLE REST WHILE C.J. Charlie Young The transformation will take your breath away. In S03E13, Celia point out Sam's comment against Ainsley's dress. [10], - Slut: as lipstick feminists fight for sexual liberation, reclaiming the word slut has been imperative as it has always been used as a double-standard when discussing sexuality amongst men and women. Ainsley Hayes They are going to meet with the Congolese attache, who is on his way to the White House. "I want to set [them] on fire for what they represent," she says of the unused red lipsticks hidden away from the world. Charlie Young Toby is different. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I call it stiletto feminism. Lipstick Feminism which is a cultural feminist movement with an attempt to respond and to b acklash second wave Radical feminism of 1960's - 70 by reclaiming symbols of `feminine' identity . This time around, he re-meets with the UFO guy from earlier in the shows run, who believes the government is stashing an alien ship in Ft. Knox where all the bouillon is. Philosophically, lipstick feminism proposes that a woman can be empowered psychologically, socially, politically by the wearing of cosmetic make up, sensually-appealing clothes, and the embrace of sexual allure for her own self-image as a confidently sexual being. I didn't say they did. Meaning of feminista as used by Josh Lyman in The West Wing? Menu. On how silly complaints move focus from the important stuff and such. So. She has brought some language that she and several other congressmen would like to see inserted. Obviously Ive talked about this a lot, since it comes up a lot, but theres not a single person on this show that doesnt look at Bartlet without even the slightest amount of reverence. It used to be said of feminists that all they needed was "a good seeing to"; life being rich and strange, we have now reached the point where, incredibly, it is the anti-feminists who need a good. First of all, it merits pointing out that bouillon is a funny word. I think you do. She leaves, the phone rings, and Josh begins to detail his account of things without so much as a Hello? This goes on for a second before Leo interrupts him. I call it stiletto feminism. Other feminists object that the so-called empowerment of lipstick feminism is a philosophic contradiction wherein a woman chooses to sexually objectify herself, and so ceases to be her own woman, in control neither of her self nor of her person. Carrie, the lead, was presented as an everywoman figure with her anxieties, insecurities, and emotional needs on the forefront. The rhetoric of choice and empowerment is used to validate such overt sexual practices,[13] because they no longer represent coerced acquiescence to societally established gender roles, such as "the good girl," "the decent woman," "the abnegated mother," or "the virtuous sister" et ali. They'll like us when we WIN!Toby Ziegler, No. : Okay. [19] The point is, there are very few scenes in The West Wing that are so on-the-nose. [6] Some time after, Simone de Beauvoir implored women to go beyond their bodies by rejecting emotional responses and the superficiality of beauty. I said, I'm surprised you're willing to let your sexuality diminish your power. I don't think whatever sexuality I may have diminishes my power. Hes a writer, and as one of my former bosses said once about the comedy business, The difference between a writer and a producer is that a writer is allowed to have his own opinion. Bartlet is the producer; Toby is the writer. But while the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote, because of multiple state laws that required poll taxes and literacy tests, so many Black women werent able to truly exercise that right until 1965 with the passage of the Voting Rights Act. : "It definitely invites catcalls and unwarranted attention from men," she says of the rouge color she chooses to wear now. Josh falls victim to this as well. I said, I'm surprised you're willing to let your sexuality diminish your power. Filming & Production : The word was applied in literature with ironic uses as a way to target the patriarchal standards set for women, creating chick literature heroines within works such as Sex and the City. In the context of the times when that series aired, feminista was a mildly derogatory take on feminist. [14] Feminist scholars have often discussed whether or not the decision to perform traditional gendered actions, such as shaving your legs and wearing short skirts can be considered an act of empowerment. She lays into him on the speech denouncing Islamic "fanaticism.". Toby is in Leo's office, where Leo is reviewing the draft of the speech the President will deliver to the United Nations on Monday. My feeling is that he heard about lipstick/stiletto feminism from female executives who may have used their sexuality to navigate the male-dominated tv/movie industry and he's misapplied them here.