How will it playout for both? You are spiritually plentiful; thus, your wealth is abundant as well. You are an appreciative person. Maybe I was a bit afraid to lose him without his bad habits but/and on the other hand I couldn't deal with it at-ALL when we were too close. The 12th house is associated with the subconscious mind, dreams, and hidden aspects of the psyche, and with Venus placed there, the woman may be drawn to partners who bring out her spiritual side or who share her dreams and ideals. Since house 9 is not a romantic house, why do I have this intense feelings and love to him if all those planets reside in my house 9? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They may have a secret crush on you. Venus people who do not have your best interests at heart can use their knowledge of your shortcomings to manipulate you. They inspire appreciation of the arts. Sun: 219 Scorpio AS: 2208 Scorpio Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus is all about love and beauty! One person may put his Mercury on the NN of the other. Venus Conjunct Neptune: You Put The Love On Top! They even have penetrating stare. Its the planet of harmony, after all, and it brings harmony and luck to its house in your natal chart. Another planet I thought of was Neptune, as it can cause some illusion as to what someone is feeling towards another. What I have understood from your reply is that , to be able to understand each other, both mans and womans moon should make an aspect to each others planets? Venus in Geminis are masters of communication. Sometimes you are in a relationship or even married when you fall in love with someone. Their partners often have traits related to the 12 th house areas of rulership. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house of the zodiac. When your relationship partners Venus is in your twelfth house, you will feel intrigued and fascinated by your partner, but at the same time insecure with your position. They charm you. Mutual sympathy and understanding. Venus retrograde has me reflecting about exes, patterns of unhealthy love and the sense of hopelessness I feel with my Venus in 12th house (in Scorpio, to make matters worse). I have my venus, pluto, mercury in his 12th house. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Planets in the 12th are considered to be undevelopd or lacking something in terms of karma. Venus in House 12 Gemini, George Michael Born: June 25, 1963 It contributes to the betterment of your spiritual chasm and insight. Either way, honesty is particularly important here, because one or both people can hide things and conceal the truth. Sun: 1934 Scorpio AS: 442 Scorpio Remember to talk to your partner, and keep your arrogance in check when your loved one isn't as comfortable in the spotlight as you. I know Moon-Pluto people are into all or nothing in relationship. They desire to achieve wisdom of a higher vibration and may also take interest in psychedelics and other substances that can provide a deeply eye-opening spiritual experience. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. His venus is in Aquarius though and he stays very loosely in touch with mehes always working. Their presence encourages you to be cooperative and pleasant. Accordingly, if Venus is dignified in the given house, it indicates the ability to spend wisely and avoid unnecessary wastes and expenses. Social norms about love might not be your cup of tea. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. Venus in the 12th house are charming dreamers who may have a penchant for saying profound and poetic things. Negative Effect: On a negative part, Venus on the first house may lead one to act arrogant and selfish. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Your heart, your mind, your body, your soul. That is other aspects, which I will address shortly. But I observed that in our relationship, Im the one who always give and hes not too much, just accept them or do nothing about it. I sit and stare at the mars combo. Venus in House 12 Virgo, Alain Delon Born: November 8, 1935 You were one of the most beautiful people in the past. Perhaps the 12th house person doesnt want to acknowledge the relationship. As much as possible, you want love to spread everywhere! I am talking about soul here, the kind one has with ones best friend. There will be a lot of co-operation and support from spouse. Venus in House 12 Virgo, Penlope Cruz Born: April 28, 1974 Venus in the 12th House Marriage As Per Vedic Astrology. You must know what you have and what you need. You give so much love, and you get hurt so much at the end. On the dark side, there can be events taking place that lead to incarceration or isolation from others. This would extend to all aspects of life from music to clothes to cars to home furnishings. Use your friends and family as well to help you find a suitable date. Moon: 850 Aquarius MC: 2036 Gemini Hes 7 years younger than me, but I felt he has more authority and most of the time I felt neglected by him even though I knew that he loves and really care for me. Both form biquintiles). You pay attention to others' problems and issues that you forget you have your own. Or could be that men and women attract on different levels: men with the physical, women with the heart. You can easily tap into the mysterious world of Neptune and this placement is a source of inspiration in your life. Heres what Venus means in astrology. Also, she has many Pluto aspects in her chart. It's good to study all the astrology houses what Venus and other planets mean and where each falls in your natal chart. A natal Venus in twelfth house suggests that you have artistic talents. Sun: 319 Leo AS: 2625 Gemini The Venus in the 12th . He was the Mars, I was the AS. This is classic, my Friend. Especially, to someone who loves your everything. An emphasized twelfth house gives enhanced sensitivity and strong intuition, but for these to work properly, solitude is a must. When we look at both charts, we might accuse someone who has Gemini Sun, and Aries Moon like Jolie, would probably into superficial relationship. Venus in House 12 Leo, Grace Kelly Born: November 12, 1929 However, it's important to keep in mind that one has to help themselves first before others can help them. The other person may put his Venus on the NN of the other. They will make their own world of their partner and they will be very hurt if they do not see the line between their own needs. Moon: 2614 Sagittarius MC: 101 Pisces Moon: 849 Cancer MC: 716 Sagittarius To know more, let's dive and look into the depth of this placement! My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. The house person isn't always the one who feels intruded upon. If Venus is weak in your chart, for example, its in a sign where it cant function well or it receives hard aspects, you often feel that you are not worthy of love. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. Venus in House 12 Gemini, John Mayer Born: October 16, 1977 I need an answer. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Hence, if a client brings me a chart with one persons moon unaspected to the other person, I see no future for the relationship.By unaspected, I mean that the Moon of one person makes no aspects to the chart of the other person. I am sure you can imagine how this would feel in a marriage. Chiron usually breaks things up, so it breaks up itself. The romantic person within you charms your personality and enlightens your aura. But Im not. Moon: 1107 Aries MC: 1135 Capricorn Venus in the 12th house also points to valuable and cherished possessions being lost. There's a lot of empathy with this position and probably artistic ability. Its important to avoid self-sabotaging behaviors related to love and unrealistic expectations involving romance. She was confused by his behaviour because she always know him as cool guy who can get along with everyone. Most people have a different ascendant to 12th house, which means most people have a public self and a private self. RELATED: 5 Reasons A Gemini Will Be The Most Interesting Person You'll Meet. The 12th House also rules self-undoing. It's possible that you are an enabler. Venus in 12th house in Libra is for Scorpio Ascendant. Venus in 12th House means that one of the things others love about you is your open mind and heart. They have wonderful vision and if they are able to find a suitable outlet to channel it, it is possible they can impress others with the things they can bring to the light. Some of the associations of the twelfth house: If you want to learn more about the twelfth house, heres an in-depth article about the twelfth house in astrology. Pisces in 12th House: Discover Your Soul's Deepest Desire. The love you have for one another may be secret or private, and/or you are called upon to take a leap of faith in order to be with one another. Venus in the 12th house cultivates a spiritually profound form of love and a desire to experience love on a higher level. How rare or significant is that? You express your love in really big ways, but that also makes you more vulnerable to jealousy and suspicion. You are a kind and compassionate soul. Sun: 625 Aries AS: 1508 Taurus The way you long for love can break you when used on the wrong track. Like the usual Venus/Mars combo. And I get the vibe from certain people, that they think I am being nosey, even when I am ignoring them, because I can SENSE that they think I'm being nosey. You make others happier while forgetting you need to be joyful too. CalRegistered: Dec 2010. that would be more or less gemini rising for my venus in taurus and yes they do seem to keep our relationship/ friendship very hidden.. Venus in the 12th House promotes love and wisdom for growth. People should at least experience deep love, at least once in their life. Your deep intellect makes you naturally lean towards the supernatural and strange, and this is heightened with this 12th house placement. Those with many secrets catch your attention. Venus is Scorpio means that your romantic side is mysterious and seductive. It is a tough lesson either way. Your partner is often suffering or has experienced great pain in life. In Astrology, the planet Venus represents compassion, cooperation, beauty, and the Arts. Since you lived in vanity, lust was also a part of you. In: Finchley, London (United Kingdom) Because the 12th house person feels at ease around you, it is easy for you to take advantage of them. Being braggy is for 1st house people. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. They may harbor idealistic perceptions that become real for them even though they may not have a strong basis in reality. You ignore the persons shortcomings. A strong Venus is able to extract good outcomes out of the 12th house, which signifies expenses and losses. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. However, its important to keep in mind that one has to help themselves first before others can help them. Twelfth house people are very sensitive and often shy. His sun, saturn, mercury fall in my 1st house and his pluto falls in my 12th house along with my own natal sun. The Venus in 12th House brings a lot of drama into your marriage life. RELATED: 6 Strange Myths & Facts About The Virgo Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology). The Venus would be read as being in your first house since the conjunction is so close to your Ascendant. This profound love makes you want to experience something new. If you get too close in a strong Chiron relationship, you repel each other. Venus in twelfth house people often experience that right when they are on the verge of giving up, the rescue comes. Mars in pisces*, just to mention, pluto in scorpio. That makes a lot of sense. Venus is the planet of love which makes him lovable by his likable behavior and persuasive way of talking. With your Venus in Libra, you want to be in a comfortable, stable relationship. The Ascendant person feels an unconditional love when the other one is around. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. You are a walking flag of compassion, and you have this urge to feel reciprocated. There would almost have to be something missing from one chart causing a lack of interest. It does feel fated. Our Venus and Mars touch each other at sextile (He was the Mars I was the Venus) at 4 degree. She also has Moon square Pluto. It also describes your feelings about love. But when the 7th or 5th Houses are emphasized, the condition of solar return Venus will probably have much to say about your love life. Therapy has been ongoing, on and off for the past 7 years. Your whole chart would lend more clarity on the matter. Venus or the planet person? In: Caudran (33) (France) That's what is so difficult about it! I feel like our relationship is really missing romance in that crazy sweet manner and I dont know why, this only seemed to me like the problem.. We have a lot of aspects with moon in composite, even with neptune (opposite), mars trine moon and pluto, but I thought that this venus could be the problem.. Good for a quiet, reclusive lifestyle. We share the nodal axismy nn is almost conjunct orb of 7 from his sn. Venus in Capricorn, you are practical, family-oriented, and stubborn to a fault. Of course that last sentence doesn't fit, I don't know what the author meantbut I don't want any of this whatsoever. Our emotions. In terms of your Venus sign, Aquarians will utilize their problem-solving skills to work through any issues they may encounter in their relationships. RELATED: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By One). With a more evolved type, the feeling of unconditional love comes easy to them and they may even be able to . You love so much that you can feel like you're being taken advantage of. Once you have fully processed your feelings and the lessons the relationships were meant to provide you will be able to let them go. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You may be interested. This pleasure was your bliss of art, and it meant so much for you. Youll find yourself willing to give up all your time (and your money) to others if it means theyll be happy. Setting a boundary is one of your biggest issues. In: Barranquilla (Colombia) The spirituality you have can channel and arise with your love. With the Unaspected Sun, it has a different slant. In: Arlington (VA) (United States) RELATED: 20 Quotes That Prove Scorpio Women Are The Queens Of Sass. This is unusual. Venus in the twelfth house people tend to fall in love with people who are emotionally unstable. Theyre meticulous, pragmatic, and logical, almost to a fault. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! But when I show some signs he just stop. You must learn how to balance the love you give and receive. You enjoy spending the night-in with your date. Another story. The twelfth house is the house of isolation, confinement, places of seclusion, for example, hospitals, jails or monasteries. Mans moon does make couple of aspects to womans planets. xoxo, The Venus will feel a love of how the Mercury person communicates and how he expresses himself. The 12th house is studied to see if you have the ability to give. This is an extreme example but I hope it makes the point. Spouse will be loving and caring but infidelity may cause temporal separation. You become selfless. It governs pleasure, romance, socializing, art, and everything that makes life enjoyable. Yes, we understand how love affects you so much. Moon quincux Mars exact. Those who have Venus in the 12th house of their natal chart are attracted to the unknown and are likely to harbor an interest in secrets and obscure things. Possibly centering around stalking or unrequited love. Mars in Pisces is a hard Marshard to stick to goals, stay focused. You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries. When Venus is in the 12th House, you are a romantic person. This aspect affect us powerfully. But boy Moon/Mars plays as more important. Mercury trine venus aspect for second question. I still need securities from him. Moon: 2251 Pisces MC: 507 Virgo Moon: 1035 Libra MC: 246 Scorpio They dream about lovely things that may only ever exist in their minds eye. Thanks. Venus here is in the house of Pisces, and Pisces is its sign of exaltation. Venus in the 12th house People is very romantic because Venus is the planet of love and the 12th house rules over self-destruction. The Moon is soul but not passion. You may also find yourself to be drawn to supernatural topics, and you may even feel like you have some psychic connection or abilities. RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Pisces Man. Married life will be happy sexually as well as mentally. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Moon: 1818 Capricorn MC: 2248 Pisces The relationship is private and occurs away from prying eyes. There may be special objects or people that likely become estranged from people with this placement. I honestly don't mind the "intrusion" lol. Venus in House 12 Sagittarius, Charlize Theron Born: August 7, 1975 Love is very all or once your in your all inthere is a lot of intensity, depth and seriousness with regards to love and relationships. Recently, something unusual happened to me. I dont know what to think. Very difficult!! I guess my bigger issue is discovering whether the way I feel is a product of an illusion and not letting go OR if I genuinely found someone who was my ideal partner. Unrequited love is a great topic. To see what one person feels, the Astrologer should focus on his moon, first and foremost. Venus in the 12th house generally means spendthrift for luxury and cosmetic items. This may be a secret relationship. Sun: 2900 Taurus AS: 837 Cancer This could be a lonely love because you feel alone in the relationship. People with Venus in the 12th house draw a lot of inspiration from the arcane and hidden recesses of the mind. Thank you! Required fields are marked *. Additionally, it is also possible that there may be secret affairs at play or matters relating to love that you prefer to keep private. When pleasure is around, arises your drive to do things. She does not behave like typical light airy Gemini or fiery Aries. From reading the Linda Goodman site, I thought it was the house person who had the feelings aroused by the others planets. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. This is a good question, Kristie. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Hes just too cold, not romantic and always want me to listen to him always when at the same time hes not really showing his feelings to me by words or gesture (He has retrograde Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Moon square Mars) Venus square Pluto is double whammy in our synastry and his Jupiter conjunct my Sun, Mercury and Mars. But it often has a Neptunian feel to it also, so it's either a very uncomfortable type of energy, one that makes you want to run and hide, or a very mysterious, inspiring and deep connection. We know how big you are in a romance. In: Tottenham (United Kingdom) Aries Zodiac Sign: 25 Things To Know About The Ram, Taurus Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign, INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type), INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type, 12 Shades of INFJ | Zodiac Signs and the MBTI, 12 Variations of INFP: Zodiac and the MBTI, Taurus Gemini Cusp | The Cusp of Energy (May 17 23 Birthdays), 6 Reasons Why Taurus and Capricorn Fall In Love, 56 Funny Quotes From People of Each Zodiac Sign, Are Scorpio and Pisces Soulmates? The 12th house is associated with the planet Neptune and the zodiac sign of Pisces. One is Taurus and the other is Libra. Venus in House 12 Pisces, Joseph Stalin Born: December 18, 1878 I never loved anyone who didn't want to be seen with me in public and seriously doubt I ever could. Venusian Moon Knowflake . The married life of these natives will be happy and full of adventure and traveling. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Keep reading to learn more about a natal Venus in twelfth house in astrology! However, you lack the finesse to realize when your partner isnt comfortable. I found this info from There may be a spiritual connection that other people don't understand. When examined, turned out she has Moon opposition Pluto. You have so much affection to help others when they long for it. I mean, if synastry is great but composite horrible, who wins? that the other person doesn.t have. I was approached. Synastry Placements for Unrequited Love . He doesnt pursue me hard. While there are positive characteristics associated with this aspect (artistic abilities, compassion), how does one resolve what seems like instances of fated unhappiness in love life? Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. I really cannot say, for sure, but I would say both. I was so attracted to him it hurts everytime I saw him. A girl said have overlays with a stellium Aquarian guy whose personal planet dropped into her 8th house. Posts: 1962 From: Asia Registered: Nov 2018: posted May 10, 2019 06:41 AM . edit: I reassessed my chart and realized I was wrong, Venus in the 12th reminds me of this tarot card. Venus in the twelfth house often projects this emotional need for example into overeating or overspending. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Many Thanks. This spiritual involvement can make you a person longing for admiration and compassion! The degree and star is important to analyse correctly. We also have Mars sextile AS. In: Summit (NJ) (United States) If you were with a partner, life was already complete for you. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. About the Venus, the relationship would be missing something and it would show up in marriage, maybe not dating, in my opinion, A. So with venus, an artistic planet, by secretly advancing in the arts, hiding your talent until the productions are ready for people to consume (again, ascendant), you can create some wonderful things. This placement can bring you a lot of happiness. Their goal is to cultivate strong emotional relationships with people, especially their romantic relationships. Here, Venus often needs too much of good things, and people with this placement are often self-indulgence. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. In some cases you choose not to let the person know of your feelings. They do not openly divulge much of what they feel and the only glimpses of their rich inner fantasy world may be witnessed primarily through their art and writing. You are a person of compassion, appreciation, and admiration. Hence, falling in love is Moon to Moon. Venus tells how you give and receive affection, what kind of partner you want in your life, and also how you can attract them. Read more:, Anyway, I have Cancer in the 12th so I will be sure to stay away from Cancer Venus people. You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Aries, Aquarius, and Libra. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. I should add that, Lesley. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Leo, Libra, and Gemini. Communication is not your strong suit, so be sure to share with your partner and master the art of compromise. Maybe because it was a sign of love from me. psychological possibly even therapy where you can delve deep and talk about your feelings in a safe, private setting, especially with venus in the 12th house where true feelings can be well hidden even from ourselves.