There are currently 494 Navy Crosses awarded for actions in the Vietnam War, 178 of those were awarded posthumously. Born in East St. Louis, Illinois, Washington graduated from Gentry High School in Indianola, Mississippi in 1995. View the profiles of people named Tyrone Washington. The US military became involved in 1965 as a support to the South Vietnamese who wished to remain independent from the communist government of North Vietnam. He was later killed in action on March 30, 1967. The operation was successful and he saved the life of the Marine. The Navy Cross Jolly received for his actions in Benghazi was his fourth valor award. He was attempting to assist the wounded point man when he was killed. Directed his mortar section in destroying four enemy bunkers, single-handedly destroyed an enemy mortar position, and assisted several wounded Marines to an aid station before he was wounded. After his recon patrol was ambushed, he rescued a mortally wounded Marine under heavy fire and then called in danger close air strikes for eight hours. Company commander who threw one enemy grenade from his position, and was attempting to throw out two more when he was killed. His journey through the Marine Corps culminated in March 2020 on a mountainside in Iraq. [5] The Paris Peace Accords of January 1973 saw all U.S. forces withdrawn. He then refused medical care and continued to direct his squad. The operation was successful and he saved the life of the Marine. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. He continued exposing himself to enemy fire searching for additional casualties when he was killed, A4E pilot who located a fellow pilot who was shot down and escorted the rescue helicopter to successfully extract the man, silencing multiple enemy anti-aircraft positions along the way, Led his riverine assault craft in killing more than 200 of the enemy and destroying 600 bunkers, Regrouped his platoon and led the Marines in fighting off the enemy throughout the night, before manning a machine gun and personally killing eight of the enemy, Single-handedly held off an NVA attack on his disable M51 Tank Retriever. Placed his machine gun team in a position where they could deliver the most effective fire on the enemy. He assumed the role of senior advisor for a Vietnamese Ranger Battalion, and despite being mortally wounded, he persisted in killing 10 more of the enemy. It was the first car to feature a double set of wheels up front and a gigantic exposed engine. Fifty years after Ret. Provided covering fire which allowed his Marines to withdraw, and then assaulted the enemy outnumbering enemy force and killed three in hand-to-hand combat before he himself was killed. dallas newspaper obituaries; equus electric water temperature gauge installation. With Fabriano, Washington averaged 9.9 points and 7.1 rebounds. Single-handedly attacked an NVA bunker complex, destroying one bunker before he was killed while advancing on a second. Task Force 117 (TF-117), Despite being seriously wounded at the beginning of an ambush, he directed the fire of his patrol gunboat and defeated the enemy, Flew his A-6 in a single-plane night attack against a heavily defended port facility and successfully bombed the target, Patrol Craft Fast 35 (PCF-35), Coastal Squadron 1, Placed his patrol craft between two fellow Sailors who were blown from another boat into the river and enemy positions and successfully rescued them. Washington Nov. 17, 2018. The Navy Cross is bestowed by the Secretary of the Navy and may also be awarded to members of other armed services, and to foreign military personnel while serving with the U.S. naval services. He was later killed in a helicopter crash in Qung Nam Province on November 18, 1970. Crawled 50 meters to a group of wounded Marines, helped a blinded Marine to safety, and returned to the group and was dragging a second man to safety when he was killed. Led his battalion in a helicopter assault, single-handedly assaulting an enemy machine gun position. mortar at the enemy and assisted a wounded comrade to safety despite being wounded twice, When his platoon was badly ambushed, he ran through enemy fire six times to assist three wounded Marines to safety and recover the bodies of three Marines despite being wounded twice, Assembled an M-60 machine gun using the pieces of two disabled ones, and then used it to deliver devastating fire on the enemy, Silenced an enemy bunker and continually patrolled the defensive perimeter of his recon team despite being wounded, When his recon team was ambushed and all members wounded or killed except him, he directed the fire of his two remaining Marines and called in air strikes for several hours, Inserted and extracted a friendly force into a landing zone under heavy fire, Rallied his company in the defense of a ridgeline and directed air strikes, ultimately accounting for the deaths of 212 NVA soldiers, Led an 18-plane strike group in successfully bombing a heavily defended thermal power plant. [19], Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 05:53, Mississippi State Bulldogs men's basketball, Tyrone Washington, 2003-2004 Regular Season, "Chinese Basketball Association Drafts Americans", Incheon ET land black slammer wins 1st draft pick, Fujian Xunxing stats (archived, in Chinese),, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 05:53. Casualties of War is a meditation on toxic masculinity, on "rape culture," on what turns ordinary men into war criminals. He volunteered to surgically remove a live 60-mm. Assisted numerous casualties to safety and offered words of encouragement to his Marines before he was mortally wounded, Machine gun squad leader who provided covering fire, allowing his gunner to withdraw, Led his company in the destruction of five bunker complexes and then held the objective despite NVA assaults throughout the night, For single-handedly assaulting and destroying an enemy bunker and then fighting off six enemies who attempted to flank the platoon, killing three and causing the remainder to flee, Despite being wounded, he manned a machine gun on an. Vietnam Gallantry Cross The others were Purple Hearts (1984), Apocalypse Now (1979), Full Metal Jacket (1987) The Boys in Company C (1978) and The Siege of Firebase Gloria (1988). Listed names are the names of the members reflected in official military records. Medal of Honor [ edit] Current as of: April 29, 2022. Was later killed in action on January 31, 1968. The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Lance Corporal James H. Stogner, United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in action with the enemy on 5 April 1967, while serving as part of a machine gun team assigned to Company C, First Battalion, Ninth Marines, THIRD Marine Division . Task Force 116 (TF-116). When he was moving the Marine to cover, he was mortally wounded. Billy Ray Pike is an even more sensitive type, because he worries about having left his young sweetheart pregnant and later winds up hooked on drugs in Vietnam. He was wounded three times while knocking out an enemy mortar position. Johnson ordered the deployment of combat units for the first time and increased troop levels,[3] reaching a peak of 543,000 in April 1969. Twice shielded wounded Marines from enemy grenades and continued rendering aid throughout the night despite being wounded. He then destroyed the bridge with the explosives he had placed, stopping an enemy assault. 10 Vietnam War recipients. Shielded a wounded Marine from enemy fire with his own body and was applying first aid when he was killed. On five occasions, he dangled under a bridge to place explosives while under enemy fire. I served in the infantry in combat and peace-time. He was killed the following day while leading the final assault against the enemy. mortar round out of an ammunition supply point, Machine gunner who personally killed 40 enemy troops. [17] On May 20, 2008, Washington debuted with the Puerto Rican team Cariduros de Fajardo. Recon team leader who observed an enemy hand grenade land in a Marine's foxhole, jumped into the foxhole, and threw the grenade out. Throughout history, some Marines were awarded the Army Distinguished Service Cross. Eight Marines from 3rd Battalion were awarded the Medal of Honor (1) or the Navy Cross (7) during World War II; six of these medals (Navy Crosses) were for actions during the Battle of Bougainville and the other two (the Medal of Honor and one Navy Cross) were for actions during the Battle of Guam . Chief Surgeon at U.S. River Patrol Boat (PBR) 105, River Section 531, Helicopter Attack Squadron 3 (HAL(L)-3), Detachment 3, Crew chief and door gunner. Despite being wounded twice while treating and carrying a Marine to safety, he began assisting a second Marine when he was killed. He successfully removed the mortar and the patient survived. A4E pilot who located a fellow pilot who was shot down and escorted the rescue helicopter to successfully extract the man, silencing multiple enemy anti-aircraft positions along the way. The mission of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is to honor and preserve the legacy of service and educate all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War. The public should not rely on the information on this website as a definitive identification of all those members who are recipients of the subject awards. It is Labor Day weekend. In making this information public, DoD does not represent that all those members who are entitled to wear the subject awards are identified. near Elliot Combat Base, Qung Tr Province, Saved the life of a wounded Marine from three mortar rounds by shielding him with his own body, Underwater Demolition Team 12 (UDT-12), Detachment GOLF, River Division 593, River Patrol Flotilla 5, Led his PBR crew ashore to assist a six-man patrol which was engaged with an enemy platoon. Members listed multiple times were recognized for valor the number of times listed. Threw an enemy hand grenade off of his PBR and then put suppressive fire on the enemy with a machine gun. After killing two sappers who threw satchel charges at him and a fellow Marine, he placed his own body between the Marine and the satchel charges and was killed. Aviation Electronics Technician Second Class, Combat aircrewman who descended 150 feet from his helicopter into the jungle and rescued a wounded USAF pilot, Machine gunner who held his position with his team leader, putting heavy fire on the enemy and allowing their platoon to withdraw before they were both killed, Covered an enemy hand grenade with his body and threw it out of the compound before it exploded, Threw himself on an enemy hand grenade which failed to detonate. Threw an enemy hand grenade out of his PBR, and then directed suppressive fire on the attacking enemy despite being wounded. Guided 18 aircraft to a landing zone under heavy fire to evacuate a besieged combat outpost, Led his battalion in intense close-quarters fighting, Single-handedly assaulted an enemy machine gun position and killed five of the enemy, Provided covering fire which allowed his machine gun team to withdraw. When an NVA battalion attempted to overrun his camp, he fired an 81-mm. It is received by personnel who distinguish themselves for extraordinary heroism in combat with an armed enemy force. Suppressed the enemy with machine gun fire, and then shielded a wounded Corpsman from multiple enemy hand grenades, throwing two and kicking the rest of the grenades away, Led his PBR crew ashore to assist a six-man patrol which was engaged with an enemy platoon, Remained at the machine gun on top of an amphibian tractor to provide covering fire for the wounded, Assumed command of his squad during an ambush and fought his was to the wounded, Rendered aid to wounded Marines for two hours despite multiple wounds, and then shielded a Marine from enemy fire using his own body, Single-handedly destroyed an enemy mortar position and then retrieved a machine gun 100 meters forward of his platoon, Landed his helicopter a minefield while taking sniper fire to extract wounded Marines, Medical evacuation pilot who landed his helicopter under heavy fire to extract the crews of two crashed Navy helicopters, Delivered devastating machine gun fire from his door gun for four hours, and then left his helicopter on four occasions to assist wounded Marines back to it. Shielded a Corpsman and a wounded Marine from an enemy hand grenade blast and was seriously wounded. Led a Vietnamese Marine Brigade in the successful assault of a village despite being wounded multiple times. Threw an enemy hand grenade off of his PBR and then put suppressive fire on the enemy with a machine gun. A-6 Bombardier/Navigator who precisely dropped several bombs on a heavily defended port facility, Assumed command of a reaction force during an ambush, moved several wounded Marines to safety, and provided covering fire despite being wounded himself, allowing the force to withdraw, Despite being wounded twice, he continued to provide aid to wounded Marines for three hours, Shot down two enemy fighter jets in a single action, Led four wounded Marines to safety after being cut-off for over one hour, Despite being wounded, he carried two wounded Marines to safety and was attempting to assist a third when he was killed, Assumed command of his platoon during an ambush and was covering the evacuation of the wounded when he was killed, Carried his wounded platoon commander to safety across 75 meters of open rice paddies under heavy fire and was mortally wounded as they reached safety, Rendered first aid to several wounded Marines, shielding them on two occasions from enemy fire using his own body before he was killed, Reported accurate information over the radio for over one hour despite being wounded during an NVA attack, and was later found with five dead enemies in front of his position, November 30, 1964, January 13 & 24, 1965, March 16, 1965, Naval advisor to the River Force Vietnamese Navy who was involved in more than 30 combat operations, Remained at the controls of his crippled aircraft, allowing seven of his nine crew members to bail out and be rescued shortly after, Despite being wounded in the leg at the beginning of an ambush, he dragged himself to an exposed position when he fired his machine gun at the enemy until he lost consciousness, Extracted several groups of Marines with his CH-46 helicopter while under heavy fire, Led his platoon in an assault against a Viet Cong battalion, saving the lives of approximately 40 South Vietnamese soldiers, Single-handedly assaulted enemy positions on two consecutive days, killing several of the enemy, near Hill 881, Khe Sanh, Qung Tr Province, Single-handedly attacked and engaged an NVA force which had penetrated the wire in hand-to-hand combat and, despite being wounded, continued fighting for another two hours, After assisting one wounded Marine to safety, he ran 75 meters to assist two more wounded Marines and was wounded before he fired a machine gun into an NVA bunker and killed three of the enemy, Single-handedly assaulted two enemy machine gun positions despite being wounded, Assumed command of part of his platoon and led an assault to rescue several cut-off Marines, Despite being wounded, he provided covering fire to allow his fire team to withdraw, killing four Viet Cong, Directed precise air strikes from an exposed position for five hours before he was seriously wounded, Led his battalion in killing more than 200 of the enemy, Single-handedly defended an amphibian tractor that was stuck in a rice paddy for 20 hours, Rescued a downed Navy pilot, and later successfully flew his helicopter to the coast and ditched it in the sea after it was badly damaged and all crew members wounded, When he observed a helicopter crash 150 meters from his position, he single-handedly ran to the helicopter, pulled two men from the helicopter, and held off a large enemy force for over an hour, Led his company to relieve several beleaguered companies, Twice ran 150 meters across an open rice paddy to pour devastating machine gun fire on the enemy, Lone Vietnam Navy Sea Commando to join lone US Navy SEAL, Company commander who threw himself on a grenade which failed to detonate, Originally awarded the Bronze Star which was upgraded in 2006, Senior Marine advisor to Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps, Led a strike force against the heavily defended Hai Phong petroleum and oil storage area. During [[Operation Texas he rendered life-saving first aid to a wounded Marine while exposed to enemy fire. Village of Dai Khuong 1, Qung Nam Province. When he regained consciousness, he returned to his weapon before he collapsed. This is a listing of recipients of the Navy Cross during the Vietnam War. When his UH-1E helicopter landed to extract four soldiers from a downed helicopter, he killed many enemy with his machine gun, and left the helicopter twice to help carry wounded men to the helicopter, killing one Viet Cong at close range with his pistol. Led his company in an assault which inflicted 250 casualties on the enemy before suffering the loss of both of his legs from a land mine. [14] The Henan Jigang Dragons of the CBA drafted Washington as the top overall pick in 2006. He then searched for a missing pilot for one hour until low fuel forced him to retire, River Patrol Section 531, River Squadron 5. Naval Support Activity. Washington averaged 1.8 points and 2.1 rebounds as a freshman; he also blocked 13 shots and made 41% of field goal tries and 60% of free throw attempts.