Conduct research to determine which tool is best to meet your agencys needs. Simplify complex ideas by using short sentences. I know our superb team of firefighters will do all they can, but the conditions on the railroad are particularly difficult, Smith said. or a non-emergency event. Describe the role and function of the PIO. What do they already know about the topic? A well-executed interview will likely not A. advance leaderships goals. Mayor Holden: Sometimes you have to get your story out very quickly. Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to: A. As exemplified in the Pew Research study, people are getting information from sources other than traditional media. Media pools are used to restrict access to an area due to space limitations or safety issues. Gather, verify, coordinate, and disseminate public information in an emergency from a Joint Information Center. Questions to answer when evaluating a public awareness campaign include the following: You can collect data about your campaign in different ways. D. a required responsibility of the PIO as outlined by NIMS.. Campaign topics can range from recruiting volunteers to fire safety. Holding the session indoors, if possible. Influence an audience to modify behavior C. Sell government or nonprofit products and programs D. Enhance social media, 11. News briefings or conferences and interviews are times when you will need to know how to (or prepare a speaker to) present information and respond to questions. %PDF-1.6 % 95% B. First name. Select it carefully and choose your background wisely. Once again, we see a fire threatening our citizens and their homes. B. Now that you have some tips for better writing, lets look at how to write a news release. . When preparing written products, it is important that your message is understood. EMI is introducing a limited number of IS courses that have been translated to the Spanish language. (For example: The suspicious package was the size of a laptop computer. Mayor Holden: By having that access it really helped us to quell the various rumors that were out there and we were able to keep the situation calm. With passive voice, the subject is thereceiverof the action. Describe the target audiences for the PIO. B. cause the intended audience to act on requests in the message. All of the above, 23. Please review the IS FAQ's for more information. Weegy: The role of the pubic information officer is to gather facts and disseminate it to the media. PIOs shouldA. compile a go kit to allow for lengthy deployments to a long-term incident. A tornado strikes in the Midwest. And thats not all. You can find the complete list of courses in the Spanish language course list. The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Public Information Officer (PIO) training program is designed to provide PIOs with the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities to support proper decision-making by delivering the right message, to the right people, at the right time. Sit on your coat tail to keep your jacket from riding up. Goals should be stated in clear, concise terms that have meaning for those working on the campaign and other key stakeholders. Print medianewspapers and magazinesare the first type of mass media developed. Hundreds are so ill that they end up being admitted to the hospital. Who is likely to be affected by the hazard or threat? Select the correct definition Emergency Public Information A. Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely, and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector B. Jeff Leduff: We are the first line of information for the rest of the team because were out there all the time. Having such knowledge enables them to make informed choices that affect their health and well-being. Describe how to develop and execute a public awareness campaign. Smith activated the State Emergency Operations Center, which coordinates State firefighting efforts in these situations. This lesson presents information on how to use your tools and relationships to communicate information to the community when something happens. (Unit 5). Admissions Fax: (301) 447-1658, Independent Study Program endstream endobj startxref Managing public information is another fundamental element of emergency management. You need to write to your audience. This lesson presents information on tools you can use in support of your role as a Public Information Officer (PIO). Because its money well spent in the end and if your PIOs can learn from other areas of the Nation that are doing things well, send them there, let them learn from the people who have done it before, so that when they come back they can build a system that works for you. People use technology to tell others that they are okay. Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like theWalking Deadwere born. One PIO talking by phone to an on-scene PIO to confirm the number of responders at the scene prior to an initial news release. FEMA does not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications. For more information on the Public Information Officer training program, contact C. Monitors costs related to the incident, and provides . That you will get them information and be back to brief themand then do so. This lesson focused on how to communicate effectively, which involves: In the next lesson you will learn how to use your tools and skills to communicate information about being prepared to your community. B. is to wait for direction from the incident commander. C. includes reporting to the Operations Section Chief during an incident response. D. is only useful on television infomercials. Serves in an ICS role 2. Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, and the CDC Coronavirus page for the latest updates on the pandemic response. Develop and pre-test materials C. Develop an action planD. The latest information on activities, events, and resources. Lieutenant Doug McCleve: One of the reasons why we felt it was so important to put together a Joint Information in the first, Center in the first place is because we knew that there would be all aspects of State government involved in this process from providing basic food and clothing and shelter for these people who have had nothing for up to a week. Proactivity occurs during A. Additionally, students conduct various public information activities and exercises, to include writing messages and conducting press conferences. Determine information to be communicated to the public. Prior to establishing the location for this media area, ask yourself the following questions: Another method you may need to employ to manage the situation is a media pool. C. Managing Public Information for All-Hazards Incidents (MPI) is a four-day course that provides students with the practical knowledge of the role of the Public Information Officer, the National Incident Management System, emergency communications methods, risk communication, and interpersonal skills. Message mapping B. Dissemination C. Tracking and documentation D. Media analysis. If you hope to work with schools, plan well in advance to coordinate with their schedules and curriculum. In order to keep a consistent two-way flow of information with the media representatives at the scene, it is important to make it relatively easy to communicate with them face to face. Increased information needs can be handled. Ability to hold feature stories and run them when space is available or on specific dates or times of year, Audio (sound clips or telephone interviews), Prerecorded segments lack the break-in option for providing emergency information, Exaggerated nature of local television news. This lesson presents information on how to effectively communicate with the media and the whole community. Describe how to have a successful relationship with the news media. It can be taken alone or before Basic Public Information Officer Training (G290). An important difference in these evolving media is that anyone can report the informationit could be a reporter, you, someone in your organization, or anyone in the public. A micro-blog is a type of blog where the message is shorter. Grab the attention of your readers so that they will continue reading. Work within the emergency management system. A news conference or briefing may be used when you want to: A news conference or briefing may be announced by using a press release or media advisory. Television is the main source of news for Americans. FEMA IS-29: Public Information Officer Awareness Answers. As a PIO, when you get to the scene, you will first make contact with the Incident Commander to gather information and assess the situation. The following are excerpts from some successful blogs by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ventura City Manager in Ventura, CA, and the Arizona Department of Health Services. Poor grammar and misspelled words can confuse the audience and hurt your credibility, but the most important goal is to communicate. What do you want people to know or do after hearing your message? Angie Welling: Reporters understand change really well because our days are always changing, but just have that plan in place, know basically what you want to do, whos going to staff it, what will be available, what hours you will be available for the media. Many Web sites include a blog as part of the site. The Student Self Service Portal allows you to print or download Independent Study (IS) Completion Certificates, Student IS Transcripts (for personal or employer use) and Official IS Transcripts (for educational institutions only). Create clear and easily understood messages. Another way to express your key message B. Develop and implement your campaign by setting a goal, creating a message, choosing your medium, and identifying timing. Timely updates and corrections to information in evolving incidents. It includes features and characteristics that are not available in a traditional news release, such as: In addition to having good written communication skills, a successful PIO also needs to be able to speak effectively. What is happening in other areas? Joanne H. Moreau: So Mayor Mouse, our mayor, along with the real mayor actually goes to that event and interacts with the people that are present. Use the media area for all media releases and conferences. Make sure the media area is far enough away and/or your workspaces are shielded from prying cameras, microphones, and eyes. Break your ideas into one subject per sentence. A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated. Successful written communication conveys your key messages and: More information on writing clearly and effectively is presented in Lesson 3. Transparency in government promotes efficiency and effectiveness and allows the people in your community to understand and participate in your processes. Consider your resources and your role in ICS. The PIOs primary responsibility to organizational leadership as an advisor is to: A. . Themes weaved throughout the series include the 95/5 concept and an emphasis on whole community strategic communication planning. Mayor Holden: We need to get in advance of different things that could happen, and begin to put a television show together to talk about the things that people should be aware of and what they can do. Establishing relationships with news media representatives by being accessible and prepared. The goal of this awareness course is to provide an orientation to the public information function and the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) in the public safety/emergency management environment. Time is a crucial element in any public awareness campaign. In the Incident Command System (ICS) structure, the Public Information Officer (PIO): A. The course culminates with a practical exercise designed to plan, develop, integrate, and disseminate public information for an emergency, incident, or disaster as part of a Joint Information Center. NIMS Overview Communities across the nation experience a diverse range of threats, hazards, and events. Making sure community members understand the events that unfold during severe weather, pandemics, and non-emergency scenarios . Illustrate the multiple roles of the Public Information Officer and the media in planning for and responding to an emergency. While local, tribal, territorial, and State governments may have different laws regarding transparency and open government the general principles are to be: As a PIO, it is important to know the laws that apply in your area because of your role in providing information to the public. At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: The previous lesson introduced tools the PIO can use to communicate with the community. AZ Department of Health Services Directors Blog. The role of the public information officer A. is strictly dictated by the National Qualification System position task book. Public Information and Warning . Many different social media monitoring tools are available. 17. Additionally, it can provide those in executive level roles the necessary knowledge of PIO roles and . For example, change the location or angle of the lectern so cameras dont capture an unwanted view. A news release should be used when an activity or incident is newsworthy based on: News releases should be printed on your organizations letterhead and include a header with contact information (name and number), date, and a news release number. A social networking site is a great tool for: Now you know about the many tools available to get your message out. Joanne H. Moreau: We are able to work with all agencies and give a real solid unified message. Please note that the is program now requires a fema sid to be used instead of your ssn. Lieutenant Doug McCleve: So what we felt like it would be best to do is provide a one-stop calling center for the news media to be able to access whoever they needed to in this process. There are also professional social networking sites with sections for jobs. How to Remember Better: A Study Tip for Your Next Major Exam, (13 Tips From Repeaters) How to Pass the LET the First Time, [5 Proven Tactics & Bonus] How to pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Exam, 5 Research-Based Techniques to Pass Your Next Major Exam, 2023 Civil Service Exam (CSE) Reviewer: A Resource Page, [Free PDF] 2023 LET Reviewer: The Ultimate Resource Page, [52 Test Answers] FEMA IS-251A: IPAWS for Alerting Administrators, [26 Test Answers] FEMA IS-284A: Using the Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0 Tool, [32 Test Answers] FEMA IS-1120: Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs), [23 Test Answers] FEMA IS-101C: Preparing for Federal Disaster Operations: FEMA. Participants will benefit from participating in entry-level incident command system training prior to taking this course. Media management skills including knowing what the media wants, managing amateur journalists, and using media pools and media areas. The first step in developing a public awareness campaign is to research issues to identify relevant topics for your campaign. Narrator: Red Stick Ready demonstrates how you can develop a strategy that prepares your community for a disaster and effectively provides critical information when an incident happens. Speak to several members of the media at one time, especially during an incident. I would urge you to be careful whenever you travel, Smith said. The activities a PIO chooses in non-emergency times (95%) has a significant impact on how successful he or she will be in the 5% spent in emergency response and recovery. For some incidents, implementing a media area may be an important way to manage the situation. Add to the measurable statistics C. Enlist support and involvement of organization personnel while communicating a consistent message D. Demonstrate commitment to the organization, 16.