The documentary and supporting materials serve as a perfect springboard to have healthier, deeper, more connective conversations about abortion in your context. The ads were the work of an underground abortion network started by University of Chicago student Heather Booth that helped an estimated 11,000 Chicago women obtain safe and affordable abortions before Roe v. Wade was handed down. Since Roe was overturned, such local ordinances have been identified as a tool for officials to control where patients can get an abortion, advocates and legal experts say. Wade.' After Tiller is streaming on Amazon Prime. After the genocide in Rwanda and atrocities in Srebrenica, Bosnia, in the 1990s, the world vowed never again. Then came the conflict in Darfur, Sudan, which began 20 years ago. The film tracked abortion opponents actions: lobbying state legislatures, looking to see where courts drew the line on what constituted an undue burden, then seeking to incrementally restrict abortion access within those evolving parameters. This documentary tells the story of a young doctor named Rebecca Gomperts. GEOR, IOWA, KAET, KBDI, KCET, KCPT, KCTS, KENT, KENW, KLRU, KLVX, KNME, KOOD, KPBS, KQED, KQEH, KRCB, KRMA, KRSU, KTOO, KTWU, KVCR, KWSU, NDAK, NEWH, NEWJ, OREG, SDAK, WCET, WCFE, WCVE, WEDU, WFSU, WGBY, WGCU, WILL, WITF, WJCT, WKAR, WLIW, WMHT, WMVS, WNED, WNIN, WNIT, WNMU, WNPT, WOUB, WPBA, WPBT, WPTD, WPTO, WQED, WQPT, WSRE, WTIU, WTVI, WUCF, WUSF, WXXI. Connecticut Gov. After a Supreme Court draft opinion was leaked last month indicating that the justices are likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, it felt like the time for us to come together to give women a platform to talk about what it looks like when abortion is criminalized, Pildes said. In 1994, John Salvi, a radical young abortion opponent, opened fire on two clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts, just outside Boston, and killed two women: Shannon Lowney, a receptionist at Planned Parenthood, and Lee Ann Nichols, who worked as a receptionist at PreTerm, the clinic down the street. & Sepp Seitz Sepp Seitz. JOHN TILESTON In documentaries and related reporting, weve tracked developments related to this contentious issue including, in recent years, the Mississippi law at the center of the draft Supreme Court decision and the ways states have prepared for a potential post-Roe v. Wade world. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. The film was released theatrically in New York . But for what it's worth, I didn't ask how often or when at all it might happen. Footnote 1 The chair of the Republican National Committee, Mary Louise Smith, supported abortion rights, as did First Lady Betty Ford, who declared Roe v. Wade a "great, great decision." Likewise, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, who had taken a leading role in the fight for abortion rights in New York in the late 1960s and early 1970s . COMMANDER MICHAEL CALDERIN AND THE ARCANA: I think that folks who watch this film will be prompted to ask themselves, what would I do? That feminist history is the subject of The Janes, an HBO documentary set to premiere on the network and begin streaming on HBO Max at 9 p.m. There has been an absolute calamity in terms of public health, human rights, and the response has been middling to poor, Ryan said. Released in 2018, Just after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, Reversing Roe examines how the abortion debate became more heated than ever before. Vessel is Rebecca's story: one of a woman who heard and answered a calling, and transformed a wildly improbable idea into a global movement. The broadcast version of the film is significantly different from the film festival version, in that it highlights USFs role in bringing media attention to the Johns Committee, ultimately causing the committees downfall. This interdisciplinary seminar was a cooperative effort between the History Department and the film program in the School of Visual Arts and Design. Although these doctors are followed by constant threats of violence, these providers compassionately assist women who have to make the decision to terminate advanced, and often wanted, pregnancies. Home Video DVDs of The Abortion Divideare available from ShopPBS. by removing unnecessary regulations on certain drugs. The 30-minute documentary, Grit & Grace: The Fight for the American Dream, features three families facing varied economic challenges a North Carolina man grieving his parents while working to finish college, a family caring for twin sons with special needs in West Virginia and an immigrant mom in California who struggled to keep her business afloat during COVID. FRONTLINEs latest documentary, "The Abortion Divide," paints a portrait of the complicated, personal issues surrounding abortion. DEL BARCO: The film shows how the Jane Collective was different. Many people around them, including children that they already had, would suffer. The organizing principle of the collectives work is care that all health care, fundamentally, should be based on compassionate care. The documentary begins with a cautionary tale. Efforts to revise the ending of the film began shortly thereafter and WUSF-TV in Tampa agreed to pitch the film to the American Public Television Exchange for national distribution. The experience would forever change how they speak to and about each other. Anne Fowler (top row, left) is anEpiscopal priestand outspoken pro-choice advocate who served as theRector of St. John's Church in Jamaica Plain, MA, on the board of directors for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, and on the board of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. We knew that some would be injured. The letter sent on Thursday was addressed to a number of UN agencies and officials, including the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls; the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy. On June 1, 2016 the film will be released to more than 70 local public television stations via APT. DEL BARCO: Then they'd move to another Jane's home, what they called the place. How, despite "Roe v. Wade," anti-abortion advocates successfully led campaigns to pass multiple state laws limiting access to abortion with efforts in Miss. They each were charged with eleven counts of abortion and conspiracy to commit abortion. Prior to the Roe v. Wade case, the so-called Janes built the underground organization and assisted an estimated 11,000 women. Some women tried to self-induce abortions using objects or chemicals, which often led to infection and sometimes death. Pervasive sexual assault by the men conducting abortions. She reached out to women at various activist meetings and, quickly, dozens of women joined her. We must care with compassion, and unlike in the male-dominated medical establishment, encourage collective care and knowledge. Word spread, and by 1968 Booth realized she needed more help to continue her referral service. Click here to download the complete press kit. These norms must be deployed against the state here at home as well. Abortion had been illegal in Illinois since the early 19th century, and few doctors were willing to defy the law. Abortion is a common procedure ( one in four American women will have one, according to the Guttmacher Institute) that has been so flattened into an "issue" that it can feel revelatory to just. There's reason for people on opposing sides of abortion to talk, even if they disagree Kate Isaacs, Excellent, important, timely, urgent and needs to be seen and discussed widely Peter Coleman, Founding Executive Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) at The Earth Institute at Columbia University and author of. In fall 2011, professors Robert Cassanello and Lisa Mills taught an Advanced Documentary Workshop class at the University of Central Florida. Kaplan, stopped doing them under pressure from organized crime. The Florida Orange Growers Association, UCF Burnett Honors College Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. How American Politics Reached This Fraught Moment: 12 Documentaries to Watch Ahead of the Midterms, How the Supreme Courts Conservative Majority Came to Be, Mass Shootings, a Supreme Court Ruling, Bipartisan Legislation: How America Reached This Moment on Guns, From the Archives: How the World's Deadliest Ebola Outbreak Unfolded, Russias Invasion of Ukraine, One Year Later, War Crimes Watch Ukraine: More Than 650 Documented Events, From the Archives: How the U.N. & World Failed Darfur Amid "the 21st Century's First Genocide". Seven Janes were arrested, along with the clientele in the apartment. Himes said he consulted friends who work in television for advice on who should narrate the piece. Mississippi residents might get back the ability to enact public policy through statewide ballot initiatives. They were so detailed in care, said Doris, whose second abortion with the collective was remarkably different from her first one, via the Mafia. Access to postabortion contraception. A decade after Roe v. Wade, FRONTLINE visited an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania, covering the conflict over reproductive rights like never before on American television. We'd love to read your comments. On May 3, Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the documents authenticity, said that it did not represent a final court decision or the final position of any member on the issues in the case, and requested an investigation into the leak, which he called a singular and egregious breach of trust. Beginning in June 2016, the film will be broadcast on more than 70 local public television stations through the American Public Television Exchange, via presenting station WUSF-TV. From left: Martha Scott, Jeanne Galatzer-Levy, Abby Parisers, Sheila Smith and Madeline Schwenk. After Tiller is an essential watch to understand the emotional and misunderstood elements of the late-term abortion debate. The US must be castigated on the world stage for its treatment of women, girls and others who can become pregnant the scale and intensity of human rights violations that the US is inflicting on its population are near unfathomable at this point, said Christine Ryan, legal director of the Global Justice Center, in a phone interview. It was successful in either firing or expelling more than 200 suspected gay The centerpiece of their message: The most dangerous place for an African American child is in the womb.. Lie back and do as I tell you. Send questions and comments to This is going to hurt, but it won't hurt for long. Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Emma Peldes. O n the day Angela Saini talks to me from her book-lined study in New York, the patriarchy is hard at work all over the world. In the spring of 2012, the film began screening in film festivals in Florida and over the next two years it screened in festivals all over the world, winning many competitions, prizes, and awards. Abortion reversal laws are based on contested science but states keep passing them. The constant threat of not just being arrested for getting an abortion but for even talking about one which was a felony. The 2005 documentary traced those state laws back to how anti-abortion advocates had seized onPlanned Parenthood v. Casey the 1992 Supreme Court decision that upheldRoe v. Wade but changed the standard by which abortion laws were judged. Overriding nearly five decades of legal precedent, the Supreme Courthas overturnedRoe v. Wade, the landmark1973 ruling that legalized abortion in the U.S. For years, illegitimate authorities have been chipping away, state by state, rule by rule, impacting women's lives on the most intimate decision of our life. Fifty years ago, Floridas Legislative Investigative Committee, led by Senator Charley Johns sought to remove homosexuals from Florida's state universities. So we thought, We can be of use.. (Amy Davis) Sullivan, a . the committee documentary abortionthe renaissance apartments chicago. Saturday, June 24 at 7:30pm. With intimate access, The Abortion Divide featured interviews with women with unplanned pregnancies, doctors and nurses who provided abortions, and those who counseled women against the procedure. But finding women who actually obtained abortions from the Janes was more difficult. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Women dying in septic abortion wards from self-induced efforts (one OB-GYN interviewed recalls seeing a woman who used carbolic acid), and clandestine abortions gone wrong. IE 11 is not supported. AT UCF Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. The 8-5 vote along party lines in the House Judiciary Committee came shortly before a Senate Health Policy Committee also voted Wednesday to repeal longstanding Michigan abortion policies. Nobody wants an unstable banking system.. Experts believe that the use of a law traditionally used against physical threats could change the landscape. Directed by Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes, this film spotlights the Chicago-based underground abortion network called The Jane Collective. Since Planned Parenthoods decision to remove itself from Title X, the federal program that provides reproductive care for nearly 4 million low-income Americans, thousands of health care workers and administrators have been scrambling. April 23 and August 27, 2019 The complexion changed, noted Marie Leaner, one of the only Black women in the collective.