", Shirou took several seconds to respond. He manifested wings made of sunlight for a moment, reaching the peak of his speed as he dodged and darted around Gilgamesh's assault. "A fellow collector of Noble Phantasms. But this time, the head of Tohsaka got two archers. Gilgamesh and Saber jumped down from a nearby roof. Rin was safe, sitting against the wall outside the temple gate. Astolfo pulled out a sword from nowhere. Shirou reinforced his arms to block another heavy blow from Kirei. Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. Caster had made the mistake of trying to fight back, assuming that Astolfo was focused on winning a battle. Karna blocked a powerful overhead smash, pivoting around and countering with a heavy swing of his weapon that tore into Berserker's side. Shirou asked. More Community Anime/Manga Fate/stay night Fem shirou. Archer let two enormous blades hover beside him, prepared to strike. Every single bit of standard reasoning regarding the Holy Grail War had been flipped on its head in the span of a single battle. Gilgamesh's barrage was less focused than before, the King of Heroes dazed and deafened. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. Lancer complimented. and our "Then is he? "He left me, all so he could take care of you. Kirei was expected to be at Ryuudou Temple, the primary summoning location for the Holy Grail. Lancer parried a blow, stepping back. I disagree actually. Tohsaka explained. Thankfully, his child self is far smarter and ends up not going for one simple flat girl king. She was beautiful. Shirou couldn't defend against them all any more. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Archer relented with a shrug, before creating several blades to block off Astolfo's path to him and grabbing Rin. "So, Emiya, what are you going to do?" Mongrels!" Now he had the range advantage, the blades as long as Shirou's and wielded by a much larger (and more experienced) person. I am stripping your hand of all its nerves to take the seals." He manifested a spear with a sun-like head, and rushed at Saber. The gears in the sky solidified. Fate Series credit goes to Type-Moon, and tv Series writers Gen Urobuchi(Zero), Takuya Sat(Stay Night), Kinkko Nasu(Last Encore), Yukihiro Miyamoto(Apocryph You know the drill, a guy name Y/n L/n get killed, he got reincarnated and bla bla bla. "I suppose it really shouldn't surprise me that Kirei is involved in this war beyond being the Overseer. Archer answered, staring at his hand. Rin actually threw up a little in her mouth at the sight. ", "Well, not everyone can be from so far back in time." A dark hole appeared in the sky, pouring down dark mud that burned all it touched like lava. is the parallel version of the Shirou from Miyu's world. That night, Shirou dreamt of a battle between Karna and a man with dark skin. He stated, before unleashing a fireball from the tip of his lance that completely engulfed Berserker. "Astolfo, get out of the-!" Lancer answered. Because my past self was a fool. While cooking breakfast, Fujimura Taiga arrived, greeting everyone. Astolfo, to her credit, dodged every strike thrown at her. Archer stood atop a hill roughly thirty meters away from Shirou. He closed the distance instantly, attempting to use the moment she was off balance to end the battle. He had shared the suffering of the dying people around him as his own, craved their salvation as if it was his own, and moved his feet with the same desire to live as that which rose in the choked air as countless cries. Summary: Sometimes, Rin gets the Saber she's wanted. By being both Solomon and Amakusa Shirou, he can use any magecraft, though he will mostly use his projection, reinforcement, alteration, and runic magecraft. Karna realized that his Master was about to be put into the line of fire as well, and chose to prioritize his survival first and foremost. What happened to the Holy Grail? And perhaps at the end of the road would be a reunion with the one who helped them down that path. He was more of a distraction that the actual fighter, trying to keep the heat off Shirou so he could get in there. Through use of a Bounded Field, she prevented Archer from being able to interfere, and then made her demands clear. In Figure 3.2, the top edge of the map is a latitude line. "I don't remember the code phrase to activate its full power, but I'll remember it eventually." Rin Tohsaka asked, standing on the roof with her Servant. They began to turn. Caster stood before the figure she had just summoned. Illya yelled. Shirou and Rin decided to form an alliance for the time being, since working together would get them better results against Berserker (and possibly against this war's Saber) than working separately. ", "Kill him." left kudos on this work. Kama in FSN as Rin's servant. Archer summoned Kanshou and Bakuya to his hands, stepping toward the boy. It was just to try to see if Berserker was going after her. Archer was actually impressed. Gilgameshs eyes snapped open. He stated. "Rider, you're acting more focused than normal." ", "How long was I out? He said. Recommended by Chaosjunction, Darkholme, DaRandomUser, silvercover, nitewind. Einzbern sighed. Lancer closed the distance between them in an instant, thrusting his lance in an odd way that impossibly struck Astolfo in the heart. Chapter 1: Kirei was gone after a long struggle. As for his Master, Illyasviel just broke down crying. ", "He is a naive boy who hasn't quite learned about the workings of the world." It was basically a really long time ago for me, and-". He couldn't. Im Emiya Shirou, he replied, and his brows furrowed. Well, dead was putting it lightly. Shirou forced himself to stand, grabbing onto Astolfo and trying to pull him away. He had taken the attack for Shirou, digging his lance into the ground in an attempt to anchor himself. Shirou moved, drawing the sword Astolfo gave him and rushing at Caster. He must have made a face while enjoying Shirou's cooking. I have business in Fuyuki and am lodging here for the time being." Fighting an Emiya was how he was to end another Holy Grail War. Archer is summoned, along with 2 Sabers. Faker, you will not be allowed to draw breath in my garden any longer. Let's beat Gilgamesh. FJ-20-21 . Saber punctuated her sentence by lunging. They followed up on their lead. Anyone else would have fearfully admired the golden lasers that shot towards the lancer with the mind-melting brightness and heat of what could only be likened with supernaturally righteous judgement, but Shirou watched, wide-eyed, as what his sharp eyes instead perceived was a sword of fine quality from its lovingly-bound leather grip to its oil-quenched blade descend from a ring of rippling light and fly true for the lancers head, simultaneously joined by yet another bladed work of art, and another. This was it. By your will, I answer your call, but by my will shall I form a contract with you, should I find the benefits that you offer pleasing enough. Shirou asked. "Lancer? ", Astolfo paused. Please consider turning it on! A ring of portals opened up around him, forcing him to jump. Mostly by the fact that Astolfo somehow had the advantage in this battle. "Why do I have a human body?'. Shirou, you understand who is truly Master and Servant, here. More portals opened up, bombarding Karna and practically everything within a twelve meter radius of him with the finest versions of the finest treasures the world will ever know. Perhaps his Master wasn't a particularly great Mage, but he was probably the finest chef the world will ever see. Shirou took it head-on, blades rising from their resting places in the wasteland to meet the Gate of Babylon. We both know Caster's gonna make me hurt you the moment she's got me under her thumb.". Really, who wouldn't in the face of something so ridiculous? By my Command Seal, I order you to fight Berserker with everything you've got!" Archer was silent, taking in what Astolfo just said. "Ah, Hippogriff, what would I ever do without you?" Nothing else mattered in that moment. He went out into the living room to find the two sitting there, waiting for him to join you. Astolfo shrugged. Shirou spun on his heel before stepping back, narrowly avoiding Archer's swipe of Kanshou before going onto the offensive. ", "Tch! Archer's barrage only sped up. What would happen when Ritsuka summons Emiya Shirou in Chaldea? Archer stated. All he needed was to buy time. Howsoever the lancer had managed to survive the onslaught, the spearman was gone and the light was not, and Shirou lifted his gaze up to an armoured figure silhouetted by the rings of light behind him almost as golden as he. Shirou and Astolfo arrived at the Einzbern mansion. Rin said. Survivors guilt would eat him out with the tragedy that the countless cries and hands reaching out even in his sleep would not realise happiness once or ever again. Im not confident with the range of our connection if I decide to cross half the city to intercede for innocents., Shirou had apparently guessed correctly, as the king before him exhaled a hm! in dismissal. "Archer?" Even Gilgamesh seemed surprised by what he saw. His hair turned red, as he prepared to unleash the true power of his lance. Drama Fanfiction Fantasy Harem Isekai Mature Romance Slice of Life Smut. "Hey, Karna." Pondering his recent discoveries in this adventure as Chaldea's Last Master, Shirou Emiya thinks about Rin and how much the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar resembles her, to an extent. He tossed it to Shirou, who sloppily caught it. She's still at the estate outside the city, and it seems like she'll be remaining there for the foreseeable future.". ", "She's like family to you, right? Yes, we know that adopting a pet dog can be great fun, but along with that comes a great amount of care and expenditure tags. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Do you have a wish, Master? They were both siblings that had never met . If his goals are the same as canon (kill the Shirou that will become him to create a paradox), the following would be on the top of EMIYA's to-do list: Kill Kiritsugu (erases any possibility of Shirou inheriting his ideals) Kill Irisviel (self-explanatory; destroy the Lesser Grail and the entire ritual is meaningless for another couple of . "Thank you." tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. What Gilgamesh hates are docile, boring people. What would happen if Shirou Emiya summoned the son of the Sun God, or one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne? as well as A gigantic collection of oversized weapons hung from his jacket and belt, and he had a rusty set of chains and a . "Lancer, I apologize for meeting you under these circumstances." Going through all the trouble of saving even me. Saber didn't have time to dwell on this, as Lancer went onto the offensive in close quarters. He still pushed through in spite of the pain. She would be better off trying to fight this Holy Grail War without a Master than to fight it with him. Merely the foolish squabble between mongrels who would delude themselves into seeking my Grail without my blessing., Every treasure of this earth is mine, Gilgamesh dismissed. Shirou deflected them with Kanshou and Bakuya, sending them flying into the air and then landing behind him. You managed to ascertain that Enkidu is a treasure capable of holding you without fail, one that grows more durable when the one it ensnares is of divine lineage." Anyone. ', 'YOU MONGREL FAKER, I'LL KILL YOU AN HUNDRED TIMES FOR DARING TO COPY ONE OF MY TREASURES.' Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Gilgamesh said. The final battle began later that night. Karna was pleasantly surprised to discover that Berserker was able to keep up with him. He needed help. We're going to defeat you, here and now. It was the only reason he had even bothered speaking, to see that look of brokenness. "Let us cross weapons." Karna turned his attention back to Berserker, who had gotten up and was about to swing his weapon for Karna's neck. Shirou's response was to summon Astolfo there with a Command Seal, who blocked Saber's slash with his lance. I'll help you on your little quest.". Gil: reading my Artoria x Gil fanfic . And Shirou easily accept that role. One of the only people who cared for her was just gone. ", "Most likely. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. It was a simple, yet effective threat. Medea just wants an husbando, and he's the main protagonist. He had walked endlessly as if he had known nothing else until the end had finally found him and strangled his throat with glass and dust before his legs had given out and the rain had found his eyes. With many relationships of those who know the certain bowman and even not. The battle sped up from there as Archer began to start taking this seriously. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. . She had done some research on myth before the Holy Grail War, and Gilgamesh's legend was one of the oldest surviving works of literature. Mercifully for our heroes, Gilgamesh and Saber left without fighting them. At least, that was his plan, right up until he noticed that a Servant (a dark-skinned man wearing a red coat) was standing on a nearby roof with a girl. Without Caster or Assassin, the path in would not be a problem. Karna recognized it as Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory. Rin stated. Trifling swords, as you'd probably call them." Unless if Gilgamesh starts murdering bystanders. "Berserker!". Shirou tried to call out, rushing to save Astolfo from whatever Lancer was planning. ", "Perhaps. Astolfo found himself in a familiar flowery field.