The State agrees to conduct a classification review of the Exhibit Designer-Installer positions, used at the California Science Center. For purposes of this Agreement, "seniority" is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. For purposes of this section, departments shall establish a seniority system based on an employee's total seniority in the classification. Personal Necessity Leave may be utilized by an eligible employee who has sufficient leave. If there is more than one employee with an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to the same location on file, one of the top three (3) employees with the greatest amount of department service by class shall be selected. No employee in a classification assigned to WWG E shall have the employee's salary reduced (docked) for absences of less than an entire day. returning to in-person service. CDPH stated they support telework department-wide and see Courses included in programs leading to "Expanded Practice" credentials (see California Nurse Practice Act), such as, University of California Human Services Certificate Programs, Upper Division Physical or Behavioral Sciences, Orthopedically Handicapped Nursing-directly related to activities of daily living, Family Therapy (child abuse, family in crisis, problem families), Ethnic/Cultural Sociology (including deaf/blind), Screening Procedures (sickle cell, scoliosis, hypertension), Second Language, e.g. An employee who fails to report for duty for the exchange and has not provided a medical verification of illness as described, shall not be allowed to participate in an exchange for one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the missed exchange. properly resourcing teleworking equipment and functions to ensure Employees who have received notice for a drug and alcohol test that was mailed or given to the employee prior to the employee's employer's receipt of the employee's request to deactivate from commercial driver status must complete all such outstanding random tests. On the same holidays in two (2) consective years. Staff shall only be assigned an involuntary slot once, until the entire list has been depleted. This meeting was an opportunity to address A mandated holdover of two (2) hours or more is considered a mandated overtime. An employee may lose the right to hold and/or bid a position based on the Department's nepotism policy in accordance with the following: Disputes concerning this section shall be grievable to the Departmental level of review and shall not be arbitrable. The department head or designee shall issue a written final decision within fifteen (15) calendar days. Local 1000 has launched its 2016 contract campaign with these again on Thursday, October 20, 2022, regarding their planned donating cash and hundreds of hours of catastrophic leave as this Any other documents believe would be beneficial for acceptance into 20/20 program. preserve our members rights during the current BOE Double shifts will be permitted, consistent with departmental policies/procedures. All employees hired prior to April 1, 2006, who are initially placed into the salary schedule based upon salary, will move in range upon completion of twelve (12) credits through Range E for Vocational Instructors and Range F for Academic Teachers. The grievance and arbitration procedure described in this section shall be the exclusive means for appealing position allocation or reallocation referenced in Government Code sections 19818.6 and 19818.20. voices were heard. Resources (CalHR) to ensure the implementation was not overly Employees losing the right to bid or hold assignment as outlined above may be administratively transferred to the same watch without regard to RDO. WWG "SE" applies to those positions that under the FLSA are statutorily exempted, (physicians, attorneys, and teachers) from coverage. The dates and times shall be mutually determined and the committee members shall not suffer a loss in compensation. against our members. Article 22, Article 23, etc. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) No more than twenty percent (20%) of the EPR/DIPR in any branch of EDD shall be PI. The State shall meet and confer with the Union over the effects of any changes made pursuant to this section. Where compensating time off is not practical, the appointing authority may authorize cash compensation. Effective with the August 2006 pay period, all full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall cease Vacation/Annual Leave accrual, as provided in section 8.1. Night Attendants will not be offered Counselor overtime unless the Counselor overtime list has been exhausted. Before an employee is required to work mandatory overtime, a reasonable effort will be made to find an acceptable volunteer within the program where the employee works. The State Council of Professional Educators, Ohio Education Association, NEA, has one contract with the state and represents approximately 450 employees in bargaining unit 10. The Bargaining Unit 4 Upward Mobility Task Force met again on May Tax Board (FTB) to meet and confer on FTBs notice of the updated separation of duties for our Driver Safety Hearing officers The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments, or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities, or aptitudes. The parties recognize that when the State deems it necessary to fill a vacant position, the needs of the State must be given first priority. The Counselors will be ranked on the list by the amount of overtime hours the Counselors have been offered since the beginning of the academic school year. fight for living wages and economic security. When staff meetings and training sessions are scheduled on an employee's normal workday and outside the employee's normal work shift, overtime compensation shall be received in accordance with the rules governing overtime. The Committee will endeavor to complete this classification study within one year from the start. CCHCS at Salinas Valley State Prison Salinas, California Pursuant to the entire agreement clause, a department and the Union shall meet and confer over the establishment or modification of monitoring guidelines appropriate to each call center, prior to implementation. A PI employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on bereavement leave. BU 17 classification employees shall be assigned voluntary overtime by departmental seniority, on a rotational basis by classification. A grievance filed pursuant to this Article shall be filed with the department head or their designee within thirty (30) days after the Skelly Officer's decision. Contract Developer jobs 125,268 open jobs Job Developer jobs 103,263 open jobs Developer jobs . The commencement of the 12-month period will be the effective date of the action, not the ending date of the action. Local 1000 has formed a Call Center Work Group to help effectuate members from the Driver Safety branches across the state. The quarter factors also apply to past service that is credited under the First Tier A, First Tier B, and the PEPRA First Tier retirement formulas. Client, Any nursing units required in the Nurse Practitioner Course/Program, Any nursing units included in the BS, MS or Ph.D. The CalHR will meet with representatives of the Union monthly, upon request, to review the notices to meet and confer under the provision of B above received by the Union to determine if the issues to be discussed can be consolidated to reduce the number of meetings required. The new assignments will begin the second Monday in July first watch. The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments, or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities or aptitudes. Subject to any other laws, rules, or regulations as pertain thereto, not devoting the employee's full-time, attention, and efforts to the employee's State office or employment during the employee's hours of duty as a State officer or employee. Less than full-time employees shall be charged time proportionate to the employee's scheduled hours of work. Within 120 days of ratification, the parties shall establish a Joint Labor Management Task Force to develop a pilot Post & Bid process for Medical Assistants in CHCF Stockton. For the post and bid process, seniority is defined as total months of state service. Each call center shall provide notification of the ergonomic evaluation to each employee, along with a copy of an ergonomic evaluation request form, at least two (2) weeks prior to the ergonomic evaluation. There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the RN qualifying post assignments (excluding specialty areas) in the CDCR allotted according to seniority at each facility. decr. An updated seniority roster and a listing of all available assignments open for bid shall be posted no later than April 1st every year. comments and concerns of rank-and-file workers now in his charge. For items not listed here, please contact CalHR Labor Relations. information about the process, and we verified that we never When final approval made, the signed application is returned to Chief of Nursing Services at local institution to submit to Personnel Office for the salary increase ($50.00 per month). Lottery (Lottery) to address issues with implementation and On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, our DMV H.E.A.T. This strategies for bargaining and to understand and respond to issues On April 15, 2022, SEIU Local 1000 and the California Department As such, the PEPRA changes to retirement formulas and pensionable compensation caps apply only to new CalPERS members subject to PEPRA as defined under PEPRA. Our members are a diverse group of individuals, of . This review is pursuant to Section 19829.5 of the Government Code. May be allowed, with approval of appointing power, absences with pay for one or more whole days due to excessive work load or other special circumstances not defined in the employee's duty statement. Transfer of a pre-tenured employee from a special school to a newly established special school for the same type of student; rendition of full-time service for three (3) successive school terms or fiscal years, as applicable, at either or both of such schools, and commencement of service under appointment for full-time service at the newly established school for the next school term or fiscal year, as applicable. . notifying and bargaining with the union. current employees hired prior to 2019 to undergo the Tier 2 who are currently teleworking and in the office one (1) day a The winning bidder shall report for work on the start date listed in the bid notice. ampletime to check emails and study. The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. At the request of the local SEIU Local 1000 job steward or representative, the Post and Bid administrator shall provide information relative to the specific post and bid request. their intent to implement the use of the Dayforce timekeeping The employee is authorized at least ten (10) workdays in advance by the employee's supervisor to take the examination; The employee has a valid, current medical certification acceptable to DMV; Reimbursement for commercial driver's license fees will be for that portion of the commercial driver's license fee (including the cost of endorsement(s) required by the appointing power) which exceeds the cost of the regular noncommercial Class C driver's license, provided the employee applies for the required license and any required endorsement(s) simultaneously. PI employees will be entitled to continuation of health, dental, and vision benefits pursuant to Public Law 99-272, Title X, COBRA. Health Care Services (CCHCS), California Department of If the employee arrives to find the position changed or no longer needed, the employee shall not be required to work that position, but may be offered an alternate assignment. Courses included in programs leading to A.D.N., B.S., B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. in nursing, sociology, psychology, management or administration that are obtained after being employed as an RN II. If an employee has indicated on a signed survey form that the employee is unavailable and does not choose to work overtime on certain days and/or times, the employee will not be offered overtime for those days and/or times. program and meet with Local 1000. The vacant assignments that have been determined by Management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. The Fresno Action Committee, the Joint Labor Management Committee Records System (EHRS), the system will begin its rollout in As a result, what would have daily basis. A written tabulation of the results shall be submitted to the Union. Date: Sunday, December 12, 2021, 10:00 a.m. On Friday, October 29, 2021, our Union met with the Department of After sixty (60) days, management shall decide whether or not to fill the position. If the Form 215 contains confidential or proprietary information, it shall be redacted as discussed below in subsection D (1). A regular alternate work schedule shall not exceed twelve (12) hours per work day. Security Background Clearance: For those facilities that require an employee background security clearance, the most senior qualified bidder will be selected. Atascadero. Only approved courses shall qualify toward the differential. (This expressed intent, however, does not preclude BU 17 employees from volunteering to work overtime in classifications other than the employee's own, when it is appropriate.). The Union may request from the CDCR, Adult an exemption from the existing class size to the superintendent or designee. No standby credit will be earned if the employee is called back to work and receives call back credit. July 30th they were able to sign 19 tentative triers of fact for these hearings. meeting and has talked with members in order to find out which work related issues should be . benefits and working conditions. Each department shall endeavor to provide a PI employee with seven (7) calendar days but in no case less than seventy-two (72) hours' notice of the employee's work schedule, except when the employee is called in to fill in for unscheduled absences or for unanticipated operational needs. All affected CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Vacation/Annual Leave credits accrued prior to the termination described in paragraph A. above. Time frames to accept and move to a new position: Employees selected under the terms of this Article shall have a maximum of five (5) workdays in which to accept or reject a job offer unless otherwise agreed by the hiring supervisor. Upon completion of the classification review, the State and the Union will jointly identify recommendations for changes to the Graphic Designer Series. Such programs shall operate within the policies, procedures, and guidelines established by the 2010 Statewide Telework Model Program. On the first day of the qualifying monthly pay period following the completion of each period of paid employment, the PI employee shall earn eight (8) hours of credit for sick leave with pay subject to the following provisions: A PI employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on sick leave. with the public daily, holding Lottery accountable for mandates The administration of sick leave for PI employees shall be in accordance with Article 8, section 8.2, Sick Leave. PI employees choosing the FlexElect or CoBen Cash Option Program must also meet all of the following criteria: must be eligible to enroll in health and/or dental coverage as of January 1 of the Plan Year for which the employee is enrolling and; must have a PI appointment that is effective from January 1 through June 30 of the Plan Year for which the employee is enrolling and; must be credited for at least four hundred eighty (480) paid hours during the January through June control period of the Plan Year for which the employee is enrolling and; must have submitted the enrollment form during the FlexElect or CoBen open enrollment period or as newly eligible. client demands) and in accordance with Unit 15 provisions. Article 6, section 6.11 (Arbitration Level) shall apply to out-of-class and misallocation grievances except as otherwise provided in this section. Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 17 classifications to work overtime. If the employee refuses to sign the receipt of notice, an affidavit of service made by the person delivering the notice and filed with the superintendent of the school shall be deemed the equivalent of acknowledgement of receipt of notice. This year, the State Bargaining Team set out to renegotiate . Other Restrictions: An employee may be denied the right to bid for specific positions under this program for reasons related to safety, security or for other job related reasons (e.g., to avoid violating nepotism policies or where the appointment would pose a demonstrable threat to the health and safety of any employee). Each work site shall post the PI schedule and record of PI hours worked per week on an ongoing and weekly basis. Classifications are assigned to the workweek groups as shown in the Lists of Classifications attached to this Contract. Shift changes required by emergency situations shall last no longer than the emergency that occasioned the change. particularly on the Return to Office Plan and Telework. November. Department of Public Health (CDPH) regarding the new Telework Nursing Program, Supervisory/Management principles and practices, Health Assessment in Advanced Nursing Practice, Health Care Finance and Quality Management, Population-Based Community Assessment, Planning and Partnership Development, Teaching Strategies for the Health Care Client, Concepts in Community Health and Home Health Nursing, Pathophysiology Basis of Disease for Advanced Practice Nurses, Assessment and Management of Family Health Care, Advanced Clinical Nursing for the Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner Role in Primary Prevention, Nurse Practitioner Role in Secondary Prevention, Secondary Prevention Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Secondary Prevention Geriatric Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner Role in Tertiary Prevention, Nurse Practitioner Role in Tertiary Prevention - Pediatrics, Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Role in Tertiary Prevention, Professional Collaboration Nursing Practice, Principles of Leadership/Management in Nursing, Contemporary Issues in Health Care Management, Public Human Resources Administration and Labor Relations, State, local and Intergovernmental Management, Graduate Survey of Public Policy & Administration Public Management and Organizational Change, Introduction to Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, Introduction to Counseling and Multicultural Population, Psychopharmacology & Alcohol & Drug Abuse & Psychotherapeutic Medication, Understanding Psychopathology and Treating the Dual Diagnosis Person, Internship for Mental Health /Substances Abuse Care. If payment is made for such time off, the employee is required to remit to the State the fee(s) received. voice for workers to demand respect at that worksite. If the appointing authority or the CalHR disapproves the transfer, the employee shall be returned to the employee's former position; shall be paid the regular travel allowance for the period of time the employee was away from the employee's original headquarters; and the employee's moving costs both from and back to the original headquarters shall be paid in accordance with the CalHR laws and rules. If there is more than one employee with an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to the same location on file, one of the top three (3) employees with the greatest amount of department service by class shall be selected. represented employees have access to upward mobility programs Meal periods taken shall not be counted as part of total hours worked. There shall be no inter-institution bidding on assignments. Management may contact, meet with and/or make inquiries to ensure that bidders satisfy the eligibility criteria and understand the objective qualifications. that affect our lives at work and at home. Most qualifying pay periods in the department with the vacancy; Most qualifying pay periods in the classification of the vacancy; The most senior timely bidder who satisfies the eligibility criteria shall be offered the position. Speaking to members statewide on a conference call for Local 1000 Resources (CalHR) to negotiate on behalf of our Health (NOTE: this list, which is attached to this packet, does not list specific classes, as not all classes within a subject area may be considered job related. The Special Needs Area Overtime List will include only those Counselors who are assigned to the Special Needs area. on your seniority, you should contact the Local 1000 Member Prior approval from management for the use of formal leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, personal leave, personal day) for absences of an entire day or more is required. If a PI employee works on the holiday, the employee shall also receive the employee's hourly rate of pay for each hour worked unless the provisions of section 19.2(B) apply. When filling permanent full-time vacancies, a department shall consider eligible PI employees within the classification. Employees may elect to use PLP in lieu of approved sick leave. and CalPERS as made applicable to the State of California under the provisions of the California Public Employees' Retirement Law (California Government Code section 20000, et seq.). While on standby duty, employees shall receive standby compensation at the rate of two (2) hours of compensating time off for fifteen (15) hours of standby duty. Start New Search. This section is not subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure of this Contract. represented employees contacted our URC to get additional The survey shall be jointly conducted by the Union and the Department designee. Preservation of Eligible Post Ratios: When management alters or modifies the shift and/or RDO of a post that was awarded through the annual post and bid process prior to the end of the twelve (12) month appointment, management shall implement an interim annual post and bid process. Salary Increase Effective on the first day of the pay period following ratification by both parties, all SEIU Bargaining Unit employees will receive a 4.55 percent salary increase. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 17 employees: More than three (3) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than two (2) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, In excess of sixteen (16) hours continuously; or, In excess of two (2) overtime shifts within an employee's scheduled work week; or, More than two (2) consecutive calendar days; or. The term "employee contributions" shall mean those contributions to the STRS/CalPERS which are deducted from the salary of employees and credited to individual employee's accounts. Agresso unit-4 developer. The Bank shall consist of sick leave credits donated by Unit 3 employees at the State Special Schools and Diagnostic Centers. The State reserves full discretion to dismiss an employee for a first positive drug or alcohol test or for refusing to test. Overtime will be credited on a one-quarter () hour basis with a full quarter of an hour credit granted if seven (7) minutes is worked. Introduction: The Post and Bid (P&B) process is designed as a method to allow employees to secure an assignment based on seniority. Official transcript is reviewed by Chief of Nursing Service to establish courses do meet criteria and applicant successfully completed course. For the purpose of mandatory overtime rotation, employees who are charged FMLA leave shall be considered to have met the employee's overtime obligation in accordance with section C 1 above. to the negotiation table to support the Seasonal Clerks in their An employee shall be permitted to leave the employee's work area during the rest period. current employees hired prior to 2019 to undergo the Tier 2 The bid request form may be made available on the department's intranet. All awardees are entitled to a thirty (30) calendar day trial period, during which time employees can opt to return to the employee's former position as defined in Government Code section 18522. and 49 CFR 40 et al. Submission of Bid Request Form: Beginning on the last Monday in August every year, eligible employees who wish to participate in the annual post and bid process can begin to submit bids. to actively participate in workplace change. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The meeting focused on maintaining health and safety for all CDCR management agrees to provide training to CTC RNs who are involved in the Keyhea process and updates annually, if needed. represented employees through the transition back to the office $500 is accrued for all employees that meet the criteria For current and new employees with less than ten (10) years of state service, outside qualifying experience in a full-time credential teaching position can be used to place the employee into the salary schedule up to a maximum of Step 10 (120 months). who are currently teleworking and in the office one (1) day a SEIU Local 1000 has a telework agreement! Departments shall make available information on education opportunities and training to Unit 20 employees upon request. Discipline shall only be imposed for cause. The period of non-availability may be revoked based on operational needs. Notwithstanding Government Code sections 905.2, 19818.8, and 19818.16, an employee may be temporarily required to perform out-of-class work by the employee's department for up to one hundred twenty (120) calendar days in any twelve (12) consecutive calendar months when it determines that such an assignment: Is of unusual urgency, nature, volume, location, duration, or other special characteristics; and. 30 minutes prior to the start of their shift, rather than within On August 7th, 2018, our union met with the California Department On Thursday, September 9, 2021,our Union stewards and hundreds more who heard the call at listening When it is determined that there is a lack of work, a department head or designee may: Pay the Seasonal Clerk employee in a lump-sum payment for accumulated vacation/annual leave credits; or, By mutual agreement, schedule the Seasonal Clerk employee for vacation/annual leave; or, Allow the Seasonal Clerk employee to retain the employee's vacation/annual leave credits; or. Through the establishment of a seniority volunteer overtime system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, distribute overtime fairly among volunteers insofar as circumstances, security, or health and safety permit and provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. Employees may bid for these assignments using the "Bidding" process below. A copy of the written denial shall also be sent Attn: SEIU Local 1000 Headquarters. If because of coverage or other legitimate operational need, it is determined that a bid assignment's posting criteria must be altered, the employee filling that assignment shall be notified of the proposed changes and the reason for such change in writing. Vehicles (DMV) to discuss the Field Office Temperature Screening Union membership ratified: 06/28/2021. offers and supports four informal options (depending on If the State determines that changes to the specifications are appropriate, the State agrees to pursue the revisions in accordance with section 14.1. In the event that an official application form may not be available during this specific thirty (30) day period, the CDE shall accept a written document from a prospective donor that includes the donor's printed name, signature, date, work location, classification, social security number, and permission to deduct one day of sick leave from the employee's accrued sick leave balance. All current full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be credited with three (3) Personal Necessity Days the first work day of each academic calendar year annually, so long as, the accrual does not result in a total balance in excess of six (6) Personal Necessity Days.