Votes: 4, Cancer patients are lied to, not just because the disease is (or is thought to be) a death sentence, but because it is felt to be obscene - in the original meaning of that word: ill-omened, abominable, repugnant to the senses. And yet, the age of persecution was the greatest period of church growth in history. N. T. Wright. To have the truth in your possession you can be found guilty, sentenced to death. Franois de La Rochefoucauld, Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. If death is, I am not. And it's the right not to be tortured and not to be killed. I was not intending to console and love him because he was sentenced to death., Ni fr fri bostad, vrme, lyse och betjning av staten; det r mycket mer n ni frtjnar, svarade Krestian Ivanovitj. And I want to live. Her passion is to help others deal with grief and provide assistance with talking to those grieving. He mumbled some defeated truths and left this world. Steve Jobs, The fear of death follows from the fear of life. 1. Why should I fear that which cannot exist when I do? Their exercise is arbitrary, often capricious, and irrevocable., Why did he not cry? Best wishes, Natasha. Maxime is a father of two, INFJ and also loves running. Her passion is to help others deal with grief and provide assistance with talking to those grieving. You can't reconcile being pro-life on abortion and pro-death on the death penalty. Barrie, I discovered to my joy, that it is life, not death, that has no limits Gabriel Garca Mrquez, Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation. I wanted to bite the earth and taste it. . But I count that man no worse than a governor who won't commute a death sentence because it's unpolitical. Maxime Lagac, There is only one god and his name is Death, and there is only one thing we say to Death: Not today. Famous Votes: 3, Edward Snowden should be brought back from Russia and given due process. It doesn't mean life's over. Barring a stay by Sup Ct, & with my final nod, Utah will use most extreme power & execute a killer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Deportation [ from Germany] that would be a death sentence for me. Having a soft major is nowhere near the career death sentence that so many make it out to be. . Martin Luther King Jr, If youre not ready to die for it, take the word freedom out of your vocabulary. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car Unknown, At my age I do what Mark Twain did. Welcome back. Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it. Langston Hughes, It is the fate the genetic and neural fate of every human being to be a unique individual, to find his own path, to live his own life, to die his own death. Now, even now, when your cruel mouth so calmly speaks my death sentence, I wonder, cold wretch, I wonder still, if I do not love you. Chuck Palahniuk, A normal human being does not want the Kingdom of Heaven: he wants life on earth to continue. William Shakespeare, No one really knows why they are alive until they know what theyd die for. Satiate at length And heightened as with wine, jocund and boon, Thus to herself she pleasingly began. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time. In the human rights perspective, concretising the human rights of the criminal(perpetrator of a particular offense attracting Capital punishment ) by negating Human Rights of the victim is again a murder of justice., In debates about the death penalty, I had started arguing that we would never think it was humane to pay someone to rape people convicted of rape or assault and abuse someone guilty of assault or abuse. The death penalty is ineffective as a deterrent, and the appeals process is expensive and cruel to the surviving family members. if (this.auth.status === "not_authorized") { WebLet us reflect in another way, and we shall see that there is great reason to hope that death is a good; for one of two thingseither death is a state of nothingness and utter Vengeance comes from the individual and punishment from God., In any case, frequent punishments are a sign of weakness or slackness in the government. Oliver Sacks, Man always thinks about the past before he dies, as if he were frantically searching for proof that he truly lived. Banksy, Man cannot possess anything as long as he fears death. the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." This one notebook was particularly chilling. Ashley Montagu, It is nothing to die. Who would yearn for the day if there were no night? Woody Allen, You neednt die happy when your time comes, but you must die satisfied, for you have lived your life from the beginning to the end. WebFriedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (/ n i t ,-t i /; German: [fid vlhlm nit] or [nits]; 15 October 1844 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, prose poet, cultural critic, philologist, and composer whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy.He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. Thank you. Miguel Angel Ruiz, Losing is discovering, which is living. In conclusion, Bryan Stevenson not only defends the wrongly accused but also the minors facing death sentence, the mentally ill and those who lacked resources to Because in no other person but the historic Jesus of Nazareth has God become man and lived a human life on earth, died to bear the penalty of our sins, and been raised from If that difficulty is removed from time to time, death is suddenly there, unintelligibly. But to him who does not fear it, everything belongs. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. Kurt Russell - John Ruth. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. Victor Hugo . Votes: 3. They call this retribution. Wise. This death sentence is not surprising. Only by putting murderers to death can society ensure that convicted killers do not kill again. Though Death be poor, it ends a mortal woe (King Richard II) 36. Every year, 36,000 people in the United States die of seasonal flu. Yet Death is also a seeker. O Death, made proud with pure and princely beauty! (King John) 35. Salman Rushdie, indeed any writer who abuses the prophet or indeed any prophet under Islamic law, the sentence for that is actually death. Glenn Ringtved, It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. Opponents to the death penalty are surely right in holding that Jesus wouldnt allow it. Check out those ones by Einstein, Emerson, Aurelius, Mark Twain, Helen Keller, etc. Votes: 1, Salman Rushdie, indeed any writer who abuses the prophet or indeed any prophet under Islamic law, the sentence for that is actually death. // logged into Facebook user but not a GR app user; show FB button A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. It smells like the goddamn electric chair in here .. Votes: 3, We don't have any real justice in the legal system, you never see a headline that reads, Millionaire Gets Death Sentence. William Faulkner, For life be, after all, only a waitin for somethin else than what were doin; and death be all that we can rightly depend on. William Shakespeare, Neither the sun, nor death can be looked at steadily. WebBible Verses About Death. Votes: 5, Deep down, no one really believes they have a right to live. I remember the way my grandmother used to talk about it, like a death sentence, no-one would even mention the word. With the advent of DNA, we know that people have been convicted and sentenced to death who later proved not to be guilty of the crime. Gabriel Garca Mrquez, Death? AIDS is no longer a death sentence for those who can get the medicines. It will happen to all of us. Im trying to process the death of my son a week ago and needed to hear what greater minds than mine have thought about death. That is true, its called Life. You will be dead soon enough. I went over to Herberts wife as she held him tightly, sobbing softly. Facing reality, calmly, is my only choice. Is it not He whose immortal hand has written there the death sentence of tyrants? Votes: 3, The anguished suspense of watching the lips you hunger for, framing the words, the death sentence, of sheer triteness! We are all under sentence of death, but with a sort of indefinite reprieve. Rumi, Life is for the living. Webour neglect is a death sentence quote. Votes: 0, The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. In a street fight, there are two kinds of guys. It leads to death. Because in that other room I shall be able to see Helen Keller, Death is something inevitable. Votes: 0, Stupidity cannot be cured. Henry David Thoreau. Just as when we come into the world, when we die we are afraid of the unknown. Now it's up to the politicians to create the "comprehensive strategies" to better treat the disease. //]]>. George Bernard Shaw, Death makes equal the high and low. Let life be like music. Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement., The death penalty is not about whether people deserve to die for the crimes they commit. HARRY BLACKMUN. The devastation that the death of a friend or loved one causes is profound. A life sentence will be issued, a life sentence will be implemented. And when you get angry, get good and angry. In the end, this will help WisdomQuotes become better. These deep quotes about death look at dying in a more philosophical and thoughtful way. Many philosophers and authors have written about dying and mused on what it means to us. It is lifes change agent, it clears out the old to make way for the new. He did not create kings to devour the human race. Franz Kafka, The phoenix must burn to emerge. I was 22 at the time and I never thought something like that could happen to me. I really think you can manage pain and suffering by living in fullness and To help you develop a calm, peaceful and powerful mind. Votes: 0, If I am part of a group of 100 people, do 99 people have the right to sentence me to death, just because they are majority? Leonardo da Vinci. Sometimes I test myself saying, 'If I get a death sentence if I don't make this movie, would I still make this movie?'. Sally Collins is a writer and the founder and owner of Sympathy Message Ideas. I shall die of having lived. Learn more about Sally. WebHere are ten facts about the death penalty in the past, present, and where it might go from here. John Heywood, The hardest thing you overcome are the ones that give the most meaning. Hardy had enough problems as it was; living forever sounded like a death sentence for someone with his practical sensibilities. Dennis Miller. Bryan Stevenson Herberts wife Songs/ Hymns Related Themes: Death is always at our side. Yelena: Is that an order Valek? It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.. I want people who have received a diagnosis of Hepatitis C to know that they didn't just receive a death sentence.