Colombia Extradites Accused Drug Cartel Leader's Sister to U.S Sobre las 8:30 de la maana, de este viernes, se materializ en cabeza de Interpol Colombia el proceso de extradicin a los Estados Unidos de Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', hermana del tambin extraditado mximo cabecilla del 'Clan del Golfo' Dairo Antonio suga, alias 'Otoniel'. Alias Otoniel se declar inocente ante la justicia de Estados Unidos. [57] On October 15, 2020, one of two Clan del Golfo members who killed a man at a car wash located in the Yal department in Antioquia was killed by the members of the Colombian National Army, while the other was captured. The Gulf Clan also signaled their intention to respond aggressively to their leader's death when they publicly offered a $1,000 reward for each police officer killed in Antioquia, a public relations strategy best associated with kingpin Pablo Escobar. Dairo Antonio Usuga David atau Otoniel, pemimpin tertinggi klan Teluk sekaligus gembong narkoba dikawal oleh tentara militer Kolombia di dalam helikopter setelah ditangkap di Turbo, Kolombia 23 Oktober 2021. . Noticias 24/7 de Sucre, el Caribe, Colombia y el mundo. Fue extraditada a #EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra En tierras aztecas se destac como jugador y hoy es entrenador del Mazatln FC. According to the police, she was stashing money in her brother's . Sabemos que te gusta estar siempre informado. Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the. "[64][63] The joint federal statement, which was released on January 4, 2021, also revealed that the number of Clan del Golfo members arrested during the phase of Operation Agamemnon that started on December 30, 2020, had by then grown to 198. Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, 'Otoniel', era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. Un total de 22 familiares de 'Otoniel' han sido capturados, extraditados o neutralizados. What is helping the Clan compete so far is their military discipline: so far they have proved immune to the kind of infighting tearing apart the Paisas or the Oficina. Colombia: 'La Negra', hermana del narcotraficante alias 'Otoniel', fue [17], On September 19, 2020, The Economist described the Clan del Golfo as now a group "composed of demobilized right-wing paramilitaries. En medio de la investigacin presentada por la Fiscala de los Estados Unidos, el ente investigador precis que Nini suga estuvo involucrada en el envo de, por lo menos, 400 kilogramos de cocana al pas norteamericano. [16] On June 26, 2020, it was revealed that the Clan del Golfo had started a direct conflict with FARC dissidents called Operation Mil and dispatched 1,000 of its paramilitaries from Urab, southern Crdoba and Choc to remove FARC dissents from northern Antioquia and control the entire municipality of Ituango. Felicidades! Colombia extradita a EEUU a 'la Negra', hermana de 'Otoniel' El proceso de extradicin empez pasadas las 8:00 de la maana. Hace pocas horas se conoci que Nini Johana suga, alias la negra, hermana menor del narcotraficante Dairo Antonio suga, alias Otoniel, fue notificada de su libertad condicional por orden de un juez de los Estados Unidos, tras haber aceptado el pasado mes de diciembre los cargos en delitos como el narcotrfico y lavado de activos. a Nini Johana suga, hermana de 'Otoniel'), Neymar public lo que se escribi con sus compaeros de Brasil tras eliminacin, Capturan cuatro colombianos con dos toneladas de cocana en un barco en Honduras, Pap del hijo de Clara Rojas estara vivo, segn 'Martn Sombra', Estafas: los 4 mensajes que ms usan los ladrones, si le llegan, no los abra). Luego nuevamente la capturaron y condenaron a . Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, fue extraditada el 1. EXTRADITADA! Hermana de Otoniel a Estados Unidos Besides Otoniel and his sister, Colombian authorities have arrested several other members of the Usuga David family. The group's power base is currently in the Antioquia, Sucre and Crdoba departments, with a presence in various other departments and regions in the country including major cities such as Medelln and Bogot. The strike completely paralyzed several Colombian departments as shopkeepers and travellers were told to stay at home or face 'consequences'. [27][28], According to a November 2021 InsightCrime report, the Clan reportedly has a strong presence in the Colombian departments of Antioquia, Crdoba and Sucre, a moderate presence in the departments of Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Choc, Nario, Bolvar, Atlntico, Magdalena, Norte de Santander and a low or minimal presence in the departments of Cesar, Santander, Boyac, La Guajira, Risaralda, Casanare, Meta and Vichada. Un juez de EEUU libera a 'La Negra', hermana de 'Otoniel', y ser Crea una cuenta y podrs disfrutar nuestro contenido desde cualquier dispositivo. A collection of moments during and after Barack Obama's presidency. Nini Johana Usuga, the sister of Clan del Golfo leader Dairo Antonio Usuga, who is known as Otoniel, was captured on Wednesday night in Sabaneta, a municipality close to Colombia's second city Medellin, General Jorge Luis Vargas, director of Colombia's police, told journalists. Hay becas para estudios en el exterior. Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. Dicha organizacin, lleg a contar con ms de 3.500 hombres activos y con capacidad de traficar hasta 20 toneladas de cocana al mes. La hermana de Daro Antonio suga David, alias Otonie, acept promover la distribucin de drogas, y encargarse de los temas financieros de la organizacin. Drug lord's sister escapes from Medellin prison - Colombia Reports (DEA) menangkap saudara perempuan Otoniel, Nini Johana Usuga, yang diekstradisi ke Amerika Serikat untuk menghadapi tuduhan terkait . Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. . Otoniel initially was a member of the Popular Liberation Army (ELP), a guerrilla group with a Maoist orientation, but later joined the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), formerly Colombias largest far-right paramilitary organization. The former vice president has become the Democratic front-runner with primary victories across the country. View the profiles of people named Nini Johana. De acuerdo con la informacin conocida desde La Florida, 'la Negra' acept en especifco el cargo deconspiracin para distribuir cocana, considerado un delito federal. Police blamed Rendn's organization for at least 3,000 homicides between 2007 and 2009. Cunto costara la remodelacin y el acabado de una Vivienda VIS? Quin es Astrid Bibiana Rodrguez, la nueva MinDeporte? y esto acord. Otoniel, 50 , was captured during operation Osiris in a rural area of Colombia 's Uraba region, located in Antioquia province. La Negra escaped from prison after fabricated documents ordered her release, but she was recaptured in March 2021 on charges of criminal conspiracy, illegal firearms possession, prison break, falsification of public documents and procedural fraud. [31][30] Inglaterra, who was the group's fifth in command,[33] was injured during this shootout as well[34] and later died in November 2017. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con, Desmantelada la banda Los Champions League, con injerencia en Sucre, Crdoba, Bolvar, Cesar y Antioquia, Seis sectores de Sincelejo no tendrn agua durante unas horas del mircoles, Hoy contina audiencia contra patrulleros implicados en asesinato de tres jvenes en Choch, Armando Benedetti lleg a Caracas con la misin de restablecer de manera plena y progresiva las relaciones entre Colombia y Venezuela, Procuradura alerta por incumplimiento del Estatuto de Ciudadana Juvenil en 36 municipios de 11 departamentos, Alcalda de Toluviejo declara Da Cvico este viernes 19 de marzo, en honor a su patrono San Jos, Gobernacin rechaza presunto hecho de maltrato infantil en centro educativo de San Onofre. [56] Prior to his death El Soldado was serving as the leader of the Julio Csar Vargas substructure of the Clan del Golfo. Corte Suprema da visto bueno a extradicin de hermana de Otoniel | RCN Recuerda que para ver tus temas en todos tus dispositivos, debes actualizar la App de El Tiempo. [63] In December 2020, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Zapata Garzn "for materially assisting the international narcotics trafficking activities of the Clan del Golfo. [] Mayor General Henry Armando Sanabria Cely on Twitter (De seguro le interesa leer:'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela)Los abogados sealaron que suga, en un "acuerdo de entendimiento", acord que el tribunal decidiera su condena con base en atenuantes como la entrega de propiedades e informacin sobre la ubicacin de otros bienes e inmuebles del 'clan del Golfo'.La mujer podra recibir una condena de 10 aos por colaboracin, "desechando la posibilidad de una condena a cadena perpetua porque la misma no se contempla en los acuerdos de extradicin y no es una pena que se imponga en Colombia", seal la defensa. They include Carlos Mario Usuga David, brother of Otoniel and the then-finance chief of the Clan del Golfo; and three of the gang leaders cousins: Luis Angel Usuga Murillo, Alexander Montoya Usuga and Harlison Usuga Usuga. Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, Otoniel, era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. En este libro testimonial, uno de sus hijos repasa su historia, La historia de Jorge Mario Bergoglio, de origen argentino, ha sido de gran inters para la televisin y el cine, y te dejamos algunos ttulos para conocer mejor su trayectoria, Tras una pesquisa de casi dos dcadas, el historiador del cine Fernando Martn Pea pudo comprobar su hiptesis de que el filme dirigido por Fritz Lang en 1927 estaba en Buenos Aires, Rubn Romano surgi en el Globo, pero dej su huella en su paso por el Cicln, club del cual es hincha. Luego de tomar notoriedad, en el trabajo de las autoridades por detener a los cabecillas del Clan, se han capturado al menos una quincena de parientes de Otoniel, mientras que otros tres han sido abatidos, entre ellos Juan de Dios suga David, alias Giovany, dado de baja en 2012 durante un operativo de las fuerzas militares. Nini Johana suga David - RCN Radio Ya puedes ver los ltimos contenidos de EL TIEMPO en tu bandeja de entrada. The authorities explained that the body was found near Dabeiba in the northern region and . Colombia had offered a reward of up to 3 billion pesos (about $800,000) for information concerning Otoniel's whereabouts, while the U.S. government had put up a reward of $5 million for help locating him. Revolcn ministerial: cambios en Educacin, Deportes y Cultura, Reforma a la salud: Gobierno abre la puerta a modificaciones del proyecto, Bundesliga: Bayern Mnich cumple en Stuttgart y se mantiene en el liderato, Remontada azul! The many daring ways drug lords escape from prison a Nini Johana suga, hermana de 'Otoniel')De igual forma, el tribunal podra imponerle una multa, el pago de entre 5 y 10 millones de dlares,cifra a evaluar de acuerdo a los bienes que entrege a las autoridades norteamericanas. [37] In October 2018, it was reported that as a result of the deaths and arrests of these three senior leaders within a year of either each other, the Gulf Clan saw a major reorganization in its leadership, with Giovanis vila Villadiego, alias "Chiquito Malo," reportedly the main person in charge of maritime trafficking routes to the United States and Europe; Nelson Daro Hurtado Simanca, alias "Marihuano," in command of the Central Urab Bloc (Bloque Central Urab) and some 700 men in the Caribbean sub-region; and other commanders of regional blocs. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Bogot D.C., Colombia. Tras fugarse de prisin, en Medelln, luego de falsificar unos documentos, fue puesta de nuevo a disposicin de la justicia en 2014, cuando fue condenada por concierto para delinquir, porte ilegal de armas de fuego, fuga de presos, falsedad en documento pblico y fraude procesal. 'La Negra', la hermana de 'Otoniel', acepta los cargos por narcotrfico The United States is offering a $5 million reward for information that leads to the capture of Otoniel, who is accused of trafficking hundreds of tonnes of cocaine to the North American country, while Colombia is offering just over $800,000. La DIAN abre 4.700 vacantes de trabajo, Atencin! Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors. At the time of his arrest, Otoniel was Colombia's most wanted drug lord. ( FOTOS COLPRENSA) ? explic que esta banda ser conocida como siempre se le ha debido . Hay vacantes de trabajo para profesores oficiales, Aprovecha! The city of Arezzo, situated in the South-West of Tuscany, rises up a hill which takes in 4 valleys: Valtiberina, Casentino, Valdarno and Valdichiana. Colombia extradita a EEUU a la hermana de 'Otoniel' The Gulf Clan has recruited accomplices at the highest level of the military hierarchy, such as generals and colonels. nini johana usuga. Gustavo Petro respetar no tener control de servicios Arezzo is a bargain hunter's paradise.Every first Sunday of the month and the Saturday before, piazza Grande, the city's main square, is packed with over 500 stalls, spilling out onto the side streets and alleyways. Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', ha llegado a un acuerdo con la Justicia de Estados Unidos y ha aceptado los diferentes cargos por narcotrfico, comprometindose a colaborar en . En 2019 capturado Carlos Mario Usuga, hermano de Otoniel y jefe de finanzas del Clan del Golfo. In less than six years, Otoniel has seen at least 16 relatives captured, usually in joint police and military operations. [40] According to the Colombian Navy, those arrested are alleged to have been responsible for smuggling more than 13 tons of cocaine into Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama during 19 drug trafficking operations. tus temas favoritos. [58] On October 16, 2020, Colombian National Police announced that a senior Clan del Golfo financier who served leader of cartel's Edwin Romn Velzquez Valle substructure was among four Edwin Romn Velzquez Valle members who were arrested in the Antioquia municipalities of Buritic, Saznta Fe and Livorina. [53] On June 12, 2020, Urab police arrested alleged Clan del Golfo member Alexander Asprilla, alias "Perea. (Por contexto, lo invitamos a leer:'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura). Segn las investigaciones, se ha desarrollado como una estructura familiar que, luego de la detencin de Daniel Rendn Herrera, alias Don Mario, qued bajo el mando de Otoniel. Le puede interesar: Cae presunto responsable de Plan Pistola y homicidio del polica Yueyler Blandn en Antioquia. It was allegedly ACC fighters who first began calling the Centauros "those from Urab," "Paisas," or "Urabeos," all references to the Antioquia region where many of the paramilitaries hailed from. Dozens of his lieutenants were also captured and killed during an operation in 2016. La Negra, es requerida en extradicin por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida, Estados Unidos, por narcotrfico. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. 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(Reporting by Luis Jaime AcostaWriting by Oliver Griffin; editing by Grant McCool and Richard Chang), Tags: Colombia, United States, South America. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. [56] Among those arrested included regional Clan del Golfo leader Edwin Enrique Caballero Santander, known under the alias of El Brother. Se trata de Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Otoniel y conocida por el alias de La Negra. The Clan del Golfo (English: The Gulf Clan), also known as Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia - AGC) and formerly called Los Urabeos and Clan suga, is a prominent Colombian neo-paramilitary group and currently the country's largest drug cartel. Al respecto, Gustavo Petro volvi a hablar del tema este sbado 4 de marzo, escribiendo en sus redes sociales: Mi gobierno respetar, como es lo bsico en un estado de derecho , la decisin del magistrado Serrato de suspender mis funciones constitucionales respecto a los servicios pblicos. [67], In 2012 the Gulf Clan also got into conflict with The Office of Envigado over the drug trade in Medelln. Nini . INICIAR SESIN Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, fue extraditada el 1. - novedades del sector automotriz, - toda la informacin para padres, - consulte antes de comprar, - videos de entretenimiento, - carreras profesionales, 'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura), 'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela), Extraditan a EE. Nini was already extradited to the U.S. to face drug trafficking and money laundering charges. [16] At the time of this revelation, the Clan del Golfo reduced its drug trafficking route to the Caribbean region and also named a Cinaga native with the alias "Diana" as the new head trafficker. Gustavo Petro respetar la decisin. [43] He is wanted for not only drug trafficking, but also numerous atrocities in the departments of Crdoba, Antioquia and Choc and has a bounty of up to 580 million pesos for his capture. [43] It was also suggested that his role in the cartel was exaggerated a little and that while he was heavily involved in the cartel, and serving as the cartel's No. Nini Johana suga David "La Negra", hermana del n arcotraficante Dairo Antonio suga David, mejor conocido como "Otoniel, exlder del Clan del Golfo, fue extraditada por Colombia a Estados. Quin es Aurora Vergara, nueva ministra de Educacin? Firmamos la Resolucin que autoriza la extradicin de Nini Johana suga David, hermana de alias Otoniel, para que responda ante la justicia de EE. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. The Antiques Fair, the oldest one in Italy, draws huge crowds, sometimes up to 30,000 visitors, both locals and tourists alike, all looking for unique items. [citation needed], When it comes to drug trafficking, the Gulf Clan are similar to rival DTOS like the Rastrojos or the Paisas in that they are uninterested in controlling the entire chain of drug production. Av. Authorities seize Dairo Antonio suga David, wey also dey. [9][7] As of late 2021, it is considered the most powerful criminal organization in Colombia, having some 3,000 members in the inner circle of the organization in 2016 with its current numbers unknown. UU. [17][18] On October 23, 2021, the group's leader Dario Antonio suga David, better known as Otoniel, was captured. In 1997, top paramilitary commanders Carlos and Vicente Castao began sending troops to the area to co-opt the drug business from the guerrillas. Nini Johana suga, Cuarentano and Otoniel's sister, has also been jailed since 2013. By. [10][11] Its rivals include the National Liberation Army. Under Rendn's supervision, the Centauros became one of the wealthiest factions within the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombian (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia AUC). . LATAM POLITICS TODAY-Colombia extradites sister of - Devdiscourse Alias 'La Negra' estaba encargada de las finanzas del grupo criminal [] El jueves 16 de febrero, el juez estadounidense Darrin Gayles dej en libertad a Nini Johana suga, conocida como La Negra, tras cumplir el "tiempo servido" en prisin. More cocaine is coming out of Colombia than at the height of Pablo Escobar's power Credit: Getty. Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias Otoniel, ya se encuentra en camino a Estados Unidos, donde es requerida por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida por delitos relacionados con el narcotrfico. Nini Johana Usuga, alias "La Negra", es esposada por agentes de Interpol al ser extraditada a Estados Unidos desde Bogot, Colombia, el viernes 1 de julio de 2022. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. Extraditan a EEUU a Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', hermana Nini Johana suga es hermana de 'Otoniel'. "[16] An operative from Cinaga with the alias "Diana" was also named as head of the cartel's financial operations, money laundering and drug trafficking operations. 9. She also is alleged to have served as a liaison who coordinated the shipment of drugs from Colombia to other countries. Dairo Antonio suga David naci en Necocl, Antioquia, el 15 de septiembre de 1971. By 2008, Rendn Herrera was one of the richest and most-wanted traffickers in Colombia. Nini Johana suga, alias "La Negra", hermana del capo del narco colombiano Dairo Antonio suga ("Otoniel)", recluido en Estados Unidos, fue extraditada este viernes al pas norteamericano .