Montgomery Law is a Dallas-based personal injury law firm focused on getting clients the justice and compensation they deserve. Some of the main duties of this office will be to: HB2302, if passed, would make it a Class A misdemeanor for a peace officer in this state to intentionally or knowingly make a false statement in an incident report regarding the commission or investigation of a criminal offense. Reinstating Your License. Some Texas abortion clinics were already turning patients away even before the state's harsh new abortion law went into effect at midnight. If passed, both HB439 and SB151 seek to create a new, lower punishment range for possession and/or delivery of marijuana concentrates. By state law, drivers in Texas must carry at least the minimum auto insurance required. Currently, employees in Texas only have 180 days to file a claim for unpaid wages with the Texas Workforce Commission. TABC License and Permit Fees Chart. Dan Patrick announced that he will be introducing a bill known as the Star Spangled Banner Protection Act (SB4). HCR12, if passed, would designate the City of Kyle as the official Pie Capital of Texas for the next 10 years. HB170 & SB1067 both seek to adds language to Section 105.06 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code to further define a public place in this context. If passed, SB70 would require every peace officer to submit a detailed report to their law enforcement agency regarding each incident in which the officer uses force, or witnesses another officer use force, against a person suspected of committing an offense. The bill also states that officers have a duty to intervene to stop or prevent another peace officer from using force against a person suspected of committing an offense if: Finally, a peace officer who witnesses the use of excessive force by another peace officer must also promptly make a detailed report of the incident and deliver the report to their supervisor. Additionally, the bill would adjust for inflation each subsequent year. Since mid-August, all 11 of the Planned . If passed, HB2157 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code to add Womens Equality Day, which would fall on the 26th day of August, as an official state holiday in Texas. Both SJR13 & SJR68 propose a constitutional amendment which would abolish daylight saving time in Texas. SB881 drt th DMV to reinstate drvng . She received a two-year partially probated suspension, effective Feb. 15, in connection with a case where she accepted $1,200 . The bills further state that officers who violate this law may face civil actions (lawsuits) brought by the defendant in order to recover damages arising from said profiling (including attorneys fees and litigation costs), as well as injunctions against future violations of this law. If passed, both HB1001 and SB327 seek to amend Section 169.003 of the Texas Occupations Code to allow physicians in Texas to also prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to HB1121, any excess revenue made by the department (exceeding the expenses necessary to operate the platform) shall be deposited to the credit of the foundation school fund. The officer reasonably believes it is immediately necessary to protect the officer or another person from the use of unlawful deadly force by the driver of the vehicle; and. Texas law currently prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages during certain hours in a public place. Did you know that Texas recognizes Confederate Heroes Day (honoring Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate heroes) as an official state holiday? Auto insurance companies will often contact car accident victims within hours of an accident claim being filed in order to offer them a quick (lowball) settlement offer. A provision providing that failure to comply with the written verification required by Subdivision (1) for any team sporting event at the teams home venue or other facility: Immediately subjects the team to any penalty the agreement authorizes for default (including requiring the team to repay any money paid to the team by this state or any governmental entity or classifying the team as ineligible to receive further money under the agreement); and. With a two-year interim gap, states like Texas often have to wait well over a year to respond to new federal laws or make other timely policies. See our Carry of Firearms page for more info on this new law. Appropriate commission, department, or law enforcement personnel as part on an investigation related to suspected abuse, neglect, or a licensing standard violation. This bill also seeks to disallow ride operators from simultaneously operating more than one amusement ride at a time. Although spending $666 on average per year may seem like a lot, you will likely spend twice that amount in fines if you skip insurance altogether. HB1943 seeks to go a bit further by stating that a peace officer may not, while performing an official duty, discharge a firearm at or in the direction of a moving vehicle occupied solely by the driver unless: If the vehicle has one or more passengers, an officer may only discharge a firearm in the direction of the vehicle if and when: HB1943 also states that an offense under this bill would be a felony of the third degree. Conduct a hearing or other proceeding as a remote proceeding without the consent of the parties (unless the United States Constitution or Texas Constitution requires consent); Allow or require a judge, party, attorney, witness, court reporter, juror, or any other individual to participate in a remote proceeding, including a deposition, hearing, trial, or other proceeding. The bill seeks to establish basic guidelines, outline responsibilities, insurance requirements, record retention policies, and more. If approved, the sign may remain posted for a period of two (2) years. To properly identify your driver record provide your complete name, date of birth and driver license number on each document submitted and include a copy of your suspension notice, if available. Texas blue laws currently state that alcohol retailers may not sell wine or vinous liquor containing more than 17 percent alcohol by volume on Sundays. Provide a US Coast Guard approved personal flotation device; Ensure the child is wearing the personal flotation device, and; Ensure that the device is properly fitted for the child. If passed, HB1519 seeks to remove this restriction entirely. Texas observes daylight saving time beginning the second Sunday in March, and then reverts to standard time on the first Sunday in November. If passed, the bills would requirethe Public Utility Commission of Texas to, by rule, develop a process for obtaining emergency reserve power generation capacity as appropriate to prevent blackout conditions in the state. Require motorized scooter riders to yield the right of way to pedestrians. If passed, the bills would: While its true that the Texas Transportation Code already requires drivers to yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully using a crosswalk (marked or unmarked). The driver responsible for the incident was cited with failure to yield, but was never charged. Under current Texas law, even possession of less than 1 gram of marijuana concentrates (e.g., edibles, vape pens, etc.) HB390 aims to establish a human trafficking awareness and prevention training program for employees of commercial lodging establishments (i.e., hotels, motels, inns, etc). If passed, HB3325 & SB1945 both seek to amend several sections of Texas Transportation Code (as well as portions of Texas Business & Commerce Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, Education Code, Family Code, Government Code, Insurance Code, and Occupations Code) in order to replace the word accident (when used to describe a motor vehicle collision) with the word crash.. The amount billed by the medical or health care provider. Two years later, the district attorneys office presented evidence to a grand jury asking that they charge the accused driver with criminally negligent homicide. A written verification that the professional sports team will play the United States national anthem at the beginning of each team sporting event held at the teams home venue or other facility controlled by the team for the event; and. Driver's license suspensions will continue, but under the new law, a person would only have their license suspended if they had three or more traffic tickets in a year, or four within two. HB3248 & SB1345 both lay out the infrastructure for cannabis sales, the licensure of cannabis growers, retailers, testing facilities, and more. Material: Titanium. 0:00. The grand jury declined to indict the defendant. HB1980 also seeks to outlaw nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements which prohibit an employee from disclosing to any person, including during any related investigation, prosecution, legal proceeding, or dispute resolution, facts surrounding any sexual assault or sexual harassment committed by an employee of the employer or at the employees place of employment, including the identity of the alleged offender. If passed, HB937 seeks to amend Section 24.07 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code in order to allow stores which hold a wine only package store permit and a retail dealers off-premise license to sell liquor on Sundays from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. If passed, SB585 would allow alcohol retailers to sell beer and wine (containing 17% or less alcohol by volume) for off-premise consumption on Sundays between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Similarly, HB2481 seeks to require each provider of generation in the ERCOT power region to implement measures to prepare generation facilities to provide adequate electric generation service during a winter weather emergency. In Texas last legislative session two years ago, lawmakers passed a bill into law which increased the maximum amount of money that one can recover in small claims court (called justice court in Texas) from $10,000 to $20,000. Possession of more than two (2) grams and less than two (2) ounces of marijuana would still be a Class B misdemeanor. This bill seeks to disallow cities, counties and municipalities from enforcing more-restrictive laws or regulations relating to the use of wireless communication devices (i.e., phones) while operating a motor vehicle. A number of California's new laws for 2021 are efforts to root out systemic . Drivers would still be permitted to use dedicated GPS devices, dash cams, and (if 18 or older) hands-free communication devices. The parent(s) of a child who is involved in an alleged incident. Under HB1117, once a toll road is paid off, the road would become part of the state highway system and must be maintained by the commission (or shall continue to be maintained by the entity operating the project if certain criteria is not met). Each of the three bills listed above seek to amend several sections of Texas Government Code (as well as the Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Family Code, Estates Code, Health and Safety Code, and Code of Criminal Procedure) in order to permit or require the attendance of a court hearing or proceeding remotely through the use of technology and the Internet.. HB2808, HB3370 & HB3494, on the other hand, seek to do away with variable rate energy plans for residential customers entirely. If passed, HB1955 seeks to amend Section 9.51 of Texas Penal Code to state that a peace officer is only justified in using deadly force against another when and to the degree the peace officer reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary to make an arrest (or to prevent escape after arrest) if: HB1757 seeks to add additional rules relating to the recording of a peace officers performance of official duties and interactions with the public. HB3580, if passed, seeks to increase the salary of any classroom teacher in the state to a minimum of $70,000 per year, beginning with the 2021-2022 school year. If passed, HB371 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code (a list of official Texas state holidays) to add the day after the Super Bowl as an official state holiday. Violations of this Act (which are not remedied) would result in administrative penalties of not less than $25,000. If a person with such knowledge knowingly fails to make a report, theyre subject to a state jail felony. Similar to SJR13 (above), SJR30 and HJR78 both propose a constitutional amendment which would authorize a statewide referendum allowing voters to indicate a preference for observing standard time year-round or observing daylight saving time year-round (rather than switching back and forth). The annual $50 fee will be deposited into the state highway fund. Histotechnology is the science of detecting tissue abnormalities that indicate diseases such as cancer. HB809 seeks to allow the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of medical cannabis for medical use by patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By Heather Navarro Published December 27, 2021 Updated on December 28, 2021 at 1:46 pm HB383 seeks to raise the minimum wage to $12/hour, while HB60, HB1827 & HB4484 seek to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour. On the other hand, HB255 seeks to raise the minimum wage annually based on the consumer price index (called an adjusted minimum wage). If passed, a person does not commit an offense involving the possession of a controlled substance or marijuana if: Following the tragic death of Javier Ambler, who died of heart failure in the custody of the Williamson County Sheriffs Office during a recording of the now-canceled Live PD TV show last year, many people have argued that we shouldnt allow policing to become entertainment in our community.