It's you, The Avengers, of course," Loki answers silkily while looking straight at Steve as if to challenge him. Steve challenged Fury, grabbing his shield as Natasha, Clint and Bucky grabbed their weapons ready to defend their Nephew / future-notboyfriend. He left after being ordered to make a copy of his notes for the Daily Prophet, thus avoiding the fate that awaited the remaining officials. In the room, he found the majority of his family trying to restrain Ginny from joining the battle. ", Bruce is surprised to be included as he is barely mentioned in any earlier conversation. ", "That can't be true, I'm sure Capsicle refers to Loki before during the Loki/Steve's debacle. Continuation of Januari and Februari, where I write different shorter fics for every prompt, every day of the month. Because fourteen years ago- he showed me the safe house of the Boy-Who-Lived. I guess you must really need me if you call me that many times so how can I not grace you with my presence?". [14], Percy present after the Heir of Slytherin left their first message on the wall, Due to the attacking of students with following the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, Percy, like the other prefects, was required to patrol the castle to maintain order and report anything suspicious. [14], Percy also advised Harry on his choice of subjects for his third year,[19] and later suffered an immense shock when Penelope was petrified by Slytherin's monster. It can be assumed that Percy had a fairly happy childhood, as all the Weasley siblings did. You're competing for his best Dad spot right now, aren't you?' Thank fuck for that." Thor is confused. As such, Percy is the only of-age member of the Weasley family who did not join the revived Order of the Phoenix. An otherworldly being trying to subjugate the planet would surely fit the bill, wouldn't it? "I honestly have no idea what you are talking about," answers Loki with genuine confusion. End of story! We can each nominate a name and everyone else can vote for and against. How did Father treat you?" "Well, that's why you need me," Natasha answers with a smirk as she also lowers her guns. Percival is also one of Albus Dumbledore's middle names, and Albus formerly had reddish (auburn) hair, suggesting a possible link between the two families. I kept the magic shit away from him. Percy Ignatius "Perce" Weasley (b. Point Break, please send my regards to Darcy, that girl is gutsy and like Coulson has a penchant for using tazers." "Please don't bring my daughter into this!" The Quintessential Marauders Era Community content is available under. Instead of being overjoyed, Harry's disgusted. Also known as A moins que ce soit en ralit de leur faute ? He swore her to secrecy, and in doing so, was inadvertently responsible for the events at the end of that school year, as he prevented Ginny from telling Ron and Harry about her involvement with the Chamber of Secrets, thinking that she was telling them about him and Penelope. Percy is a short form of the name Percival, which is derived from Old French, meaning "pierce the veil". His mother masked this defection by claiming that Percy was too busy in the Ministry to return for the holidays, when in reality, the last thing Percy wanted to do was be around his estranged family. Just after her Sorting, Hermione talked to Percy about her enthusiasm about learning magic, particularly Transfiguration, and it is likely that she admired him for being a Prefect, and being as academically brilliant as her. 'Fourteen - he was entered into a competition - underage by three damn years and fought dragons, nearly drowned and then watched his boyfriend be killed in front of him, before being forced to watch the madman responsible for all his pain come back to full power. Fury released Harry from the hug looking him in the eyes "You mean to tell me you got released from the worst prison on Earth and you decide to visit a bunch of strangers instead of informing me that you're safe!" Percy Weasley worked under Crouch for thirteen months and was absolutely obsessed with him: indeed, Percy's brother Ronald joked in August of 1994 that he should be expecting their engagement any day. Everyone shut up, all on edge as they waited for Fury to give them another mission to save the world again probably aliens, mutants or robots they were the most common world-threatening events. Shit is simple - its a race war. In the 19931994 school year, he made a 10 Galleon bet with Penelope Clearwater that Gryffindor would win the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch match, despite the fact that he didn't have ten Galleons at the time. [22] He was also very dismissive of Ludo Bagman's skills in running the Department of Magical Games and Sports when compared to Mr Crouch, but that didn't stop him attempting to make a good impression in front of him when he met him at the Quidditch World Cup.[23]. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. I prefer the classic Bram Stocker's Dracula. Ironically, this led to Percy's defection from his family. 4. The last sentence is uttered with a degrading smirk. [25], On 1 May, 1998, Aberforth tipped Percy off to the fact that Hogwarts was taking a stand against Voldemort. Nicolas Flamel (c. 1326-c. 1992) was a French wizard and famed alchemist who was the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with incredible powers. [Source]. "Bagsie not doing it" Harry and Draco said as they smirked at Fury. His dad left earth and abandoned his friends. If only glaring could burn, there would be two piles of ashes where Clint and Loki used to be. Percy Apparated to the Hog's Head, and travelled down the secret tunnel to the Room of Requirement, hoping he hadn't missed the battle. When the billionaire offers to take him home, Harry takes a chance and agrees to go with him.Of course, he doesn't let it end there. Please consider turning it on! Vampires just don't sparkle. They think you're part of a cult? 22 August[1] 1976 Great Britain If we haven't found a name in the first round, we can go to the second round and so on. 22 August 1976) was an English pure-blood wizard, the third child of Arthur and Molly Weasley (ne Prewett). He snorted. , . "Basically Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard who believes you should do the right thing for the greater good and the Dark Lord Voldemort was of the opinion that you either bowed to him or died" Draco interrupted trying to provide context to the Avengers. how to print avery 5395 labels in word; , , . Thor is there since he can fly. Prompts will vary in lenght, pairing and rating! If he wasn't looking for you, my father would be obsessed with some other technology or women anyway as he was not a family man by nature. The Avengers wince once again thinking of the implication of Loki using fanfiction as a weapon. Clint is on the roll as he continues, "Thor, some episodes have Loki, Balder, and Odin in them. ", Loki says, "Where do you think I got the idea of jinxing my name from? That's why I don't listen to your recommendations anymore. [23], The 1994 Quidditch World Cup that Percy attended with his family and friends, Along with the rest of his family, he attended the Quidditch World Cup, and was embarrassed when Mr Crouch addressed him as "Weatherby" in front of his family. Like Draco Malfoy?' I'm deeply hurt that you reject me even before our first date!" Curiously enough, while it was the twins who were the most angry at him within the family, constantly telling the others that he was no good and to forget about him, it was also Fred and George who were the first to forgive him and welcome him back to the family. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. [25], The Weasley family gathered round Fred's dead body, Over the years, Percy was particularly proud and protective of his youngest brother, Ron. [29] Later that year, when Gryffindor won the final match of the season, vs. Slytherin, Percy jumped "up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten."[30]. Nick Knowles, 60, and girlfriend Katie Dadzie, 32, put on an amorous display as they headed home in the early hours after a date night at Loulou's. The couple spent Wednesday evening living it up . He tried to look out for his sister, Ginny, once forcing her to take Pepperup Potion because she looked ill, and by trying to assuage her fears that Ron's behaviour would get him expelled. Where is the fun in that?" Harry Potter was sent to America on Ministry business, through this he meets Nick Fury, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Family members He cared immensely about his own self-image and always tried to appear sophisticated, intelligent and upper-class, but only succeeded at becoming narcissistic, coarse and rather insensitive. Steve has never seen Clint lose his cool. ', 'What? "JARVIS, don't you dare! I may revise my opinion slightly as only Midgardians can think of such a sick concept," answers Thor with a fresh horror thinking he has to explain Thorki to Loki. How about your comment earlier about freedom of speech?" (sorry, I still love Sally!) Everyone in the wizarding world started celebrating, thinking everything was fine and the baby was hailed as a hero." However, their relationship remained distant as while seeing both of his sons go to Hogwarts, Harry thought he overheard Percy talking loudly about broomstick regulations, and was glad to have the excuse not to stop and say hello but while he apparently preferred to not interact with Percy, he no longer hated Percy and had forgiven him and apparently decided to leave how badly Percy treated him once in the past. [14] A stickler for rules and regulations, he respected authority and, when he attained it himself, expected respect in return. On 1 September 1987, he started at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House, where he shared a dormitory with Oliver Wood. Percy was distraught when Penelope was petrified in 1993, and immensely relieved when she was cured by Professor Sprout's Mandrake potion. 100 daily push-ups, sit-ups, and sq (This story has been discontinued) Loki stares disbelievingly at Tony and says, "Why should I answer questions that won't benefit me? In the comic, Fury loses his eye in a Nazi grenade blast. "First off, he's my kid. Course, if it was that simple, I wouldn't be telling you this. Signature He let a long sigh escape him when the dark skinned Midgardian began repeating his previous arguments. Harry Potter and the Wastelands of all Time Genre: Action/Adventure, Time Travel Harry's determination to triumph against Voldemort directs him to create a pact with the devil (figuratively speaking). Everyone has a timer that counts down until the moment they meet their soulmate.Too bad Nick Fury's never had good luck with things in his personal life because a hostage situation is probably not the best first meeting. In this fantastical Otome Game you will find, drama, intrigue, tragedy, and so much doki-doki that your heart may explode from excitement. "Captain Rogers, no, Mr. Stark hasn't fulfilled his promise. The Burrow, where Percy grew up along with his family. [13], Later that year during Christmas, Percy returned his traditional Christmas jumper to his mother unopened without a note, much to her distress, and neither visited his father in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries nor at least asked about him following his wounding by Nagini, much to Fred and George's fury. ", "As you asked me so nicely, Captain, and you don't resort to violence nor insulting me, I will answer it," Loki answers and winks at Steve, who in turn blushes. He actually hates paperwork and barely tolerates debriefing so that's saying something. When Percy returned from his first quest, he came home to find his mom had been murdered by Gabe. I will keep that in mind. He was a close friend and partner with former Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. [13], Percy with Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office after the discovery of Dumbledore's Army, In early 1996, Percy was one of the Ministry officials summoned to Hogwarts following Professor Umbridge's discovery of the secret organisation, Dumbledore's Army. Finally, a reason to buy a bigger TV. "Trouble in paradise, Hawkeye? For more information, please see our Harley was sat at Wanda's feet while Bucky was sat on the floor leaning slightly against Harry's legs. In fact, Loki may watch it with you so you two can bond over your father issues." "Why must I tell you? 3. He says, "Tony, now it's not the time and place. Twelve years later the Avengers Initiative is put into play after the Tesseract is stolen by visiting alien, Loki. [22] For the most part, Percy liked Harry, and awarded him full marks during the Triwizard Tournament when he stood in for Bartemius Crouch Snr during the Second Task. [17], In his third year, Percy, along with his brother Bill, choose to study all five available elective subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes. What! Harry was sandwiched between Wanda and Tony as Fury paced the room. [13], Percy developed a rather cruel, elitist and callous personality after he estranged himself from his family, having a scornful attitude towards his parents and siblings due to their support for Albus Dumbledore, and became very dismissive towards Harry Potter, whom he had been supportive towards previously. "Finally! "It's my so-called beloved brother of course.". Fury glared at them for interrupting and they gulped. Who summoned you?" Percy and his five brothers Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, and Ron as well as his younger sister, Ginny, grew up in the Burrow on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England. I'm deeply hurt," Tony says that with the mock gesture again. Nick Fury approaches Tony Stark about his idea to create a group of superheroes that work together to face any possible alien threat that S.H.I.E.L.D can't handle on their own. Having been the hero of not on After the war, everything ended well. Harry meets reunites with Fury in-front of the avengers they are confused. It's not enough that you subject me to watching it with you, must you bring it into The Avengers' meeting? Steve asked suspicious of the child's identity. Tony, at first, thinks it's a ridiculous idea and tells Fury just that as he calls the unformed team a super-secret boy band and doesn't really think that it would work. Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. You can help with a lot of Stony stuff as well," teases Tony while he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively again. "Brother, you don't want to know about Thorki. Harry has told me so much about you! As a reward for this, Percy was given a Screech Owl whom he named Hermes, and new robes by his parents. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Steve snorted in frustration. Blood status Percy, during both moments, heartily agreed with Fudge's decisions, and even laughed when Fudge made insulting mockeries at Harry and Dumbledore. Fury sent him an approving look but didnt say anything else.