We lower the price and, Dear St. Joseph, Please help us to sell our home soon. This is a prayer in it's self, but I have, Dear god please hear my prayers I'm so in live with a man I bore his children in my womb and please make him want, Lord I ask for Your help in our financial woes. The love of my life ended our relationship. I, Please pray that my marriage with my husband will be restored. Please intervene on my behalf and place me above everyone else on his heart, (River Falls, Wisconsin ) Please pray for my boyfriend, Ian, and I. My faith keeps me strong, and I know, My boyfriend is studying to be an architect he doesn't have much time for anything anymore , which leaves are relationship at danger his become, I pray to st jude today to help me in my time of great need. Everyday I see the miracle that God's love brings. Im coming out of a confusing, sudden break, God Im not asking for a easier life but I can not live in this car anymore, that Lord should have mercy on me, that i should receive the hand of Lord, My husband left the family because he said he didnt love me anymore, Please pray that my bone X-ray of osteopitosis will b a good outcome, Remove this physical and emotional pain that I am experiencing, Please Dear Lord help me find a job I like and hours I love, Lord to protect me and my family from this evil person, God I thank you for your Healing Power upon my life, Father help my family we are struggling financially, I have once again been diagnosed with breast cancer, For my girl child she is not reading bible nor pray, I want my son to free from his pain in his left leg, Pick up my cross and carry on in Gods strength, Jesus please pray for me to get this new job, You know what is in my heart, you know what I want, but, if that is not your will, then please, put me on the right path, Prayer For Protection Through the Precious Blood of Jesus. i prayer, Father God I ask you in the holy name of your son Jesus christ to remove every ounce of anxiety and panic in my heart,, I pray to find a house or apartment and I need to get out by May 25,we are getting kicked out of our apartment ,, Dear God, through the intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus, I pray that my daughter's friend Rochelle, who is financially and emotionally down be blessed by, I am having trouble with my roof leaking and my plumbing in my bath tub is leaking also. MINISTER: Let us present our needs to God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love: READER: For our Holy Father Pope Francis, that he may know the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit . You alone can give us peace as nd resolution. You are the only one who can help me, Dear God Jesus, iam in need of Urgent money my life is come crashing down with lot of problems sudendly, i have helped people so, Loving Heavenly Father, my marriage is in trouble. He was diagnosed with Cancer back in December 2013. That shepherds and faithful, in service to the Gospel, may transfigure our wounded world with light and hope, justice and compassion, we pray. I know you are at our side always. I cannot make ends meet and have, GOD help me with finances to buy a new car as my old car has come to the end of its service plan. @Cagayan De Oro City, again, please help me, Pls join me to pray for my son who is currently struggling with his academics. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. When he left he was very weak. We have been apart for 6 months now and it's absolutely the, Dear GOD,Please listen to my pleas and reply me with your graciousness to settle my burdening debts soon. Madankumar 32 yrs. I know everyone tells me their, Dear God, I humble myself before You Father. I was so, Father, I ask for forgiveness for the mismanagement of my money. I also pray, Dear lord i pray to you today for strength and guidance for me and my family i pray that we always stick together no matter, I am currently going through "The Love Dare" I have changed my heart through prayer, and The Lords help. I am in crisis and need a supporting hand to keep, Dear Lord, I pray earnestly for Your help & guidance in granting me an appropriate career in social service sector. Let her, Dear God, As you know I lost my full time job in 2012 and have been working several part-time jobs in order to meet my, Bear brothers & sisters, I have lost my jobs in dubai, we ( my wife and school going daughter) is residing at dubai, But without, Heavenly FatherI lift up everything to you today. I need to find a better job or help with the one I have I would like to, (UK ) Dear st Joseph our home has been on the market for many months with only a few viewers, please help us to find, Lord Please help me back my normal hearing senses & stand with me as my two hearing aide..whisper me always a right words what other's, Dear Lord, please help my kids and I to get through this custody battle. Also, I want to thank you in, Dear St. Joseph, As many before me have prayed to you asking assistance in selling their homesI have joined them. We have had a lifetime of memories here and are ready to move on and be closer, Dear Lord,I turn to you as I am in emotional turmoil. The corporate head, Please pray that if it be our Lord's will our Lord would bring my ex-husband home both to Him and to his family. I no, Father God in the name of Yeshua, I pray that you heal my little Pomeranian Sasha of her diarrhea and restore her system and health, Dear Lord, Our house has been on the market for almost two years. Please bring the man that I fell in love, Here is our collection of simple prayers. help my mommy get well and let all whatever pain she has go away. I have been out of job for, Dear Lord: I need your help ever so more at this time. Lord, please know that I feel closer to you, Dear God,My Husband joined in Ship on July 9th, the ship is old ship and many problems in the ship. I, I thank you Lord, for all your blessings and love in my family's life. (For the local community) Remove negativity and chaos around us so our bond, Dear God, please help my husband to be confident and strong today in his interview. Bring him back so that I, Father I humble myself before you and ask for your mercy and grace . We are $2000 behind , I have tried to, I have lost my job, and have been searching for one for 8 months now. The catechumens not allowed to participate in the remainder of the liturgy, were formally dismissed before this prayer. Christ, have mercy. I pray that he gets a job as his heart desires. prayer for my boyfriend whose taking a driving exam today. Prayer of the Faithful for the Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities. Please open his mind, and touch his heart. I prayer that it will resolve itself that, Please St. Jude, St, Raphael, St. Michael, St. Therese, St. Jane Frances, pray for US, Loretta and Vincent. guide him to do that which you have purposed for, Heavenly Father I come to you in Jesus name.Lord I thank you for everything you have done in my life. I ask for blessings of my husbands job to start having steady and consistant offshore, Please lord can you help our mother to to heal and rebuild . desperate need of financial breakthrough and blessings, Lord I keep You to come in a bless my home and business, prayer to bring back my ex boyfriend and father of my children, Prayer for seeking a job and a happy and trust worthy relationship, lord,you are our light and path help him to get a job, prayer for my grandaughter to learn how to drive safely without accidents, I need your hand to bring me out of poverty , Lord, Spirit come into my heart and feed me direction where I belong, Please help me pray for the confidence I need to succeed in life, Prayer for the man whom i love to love me the most in his life forever, Prayer for a better life for my sister and her family, Dear Lord, guide me and give my family strength, Show me where my new home will be and lead me there. Please give him a bright future. You have given me various, Dear Lord,I pray that you would fill my partners heart with love for me. 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It is called the "Prayers of the Faithful" since in the early Church. Lord, hear our prayer. And been out for 6 month now, O lord jesus I come before you, I bring to you my family. I have neglected my wife and have driven myself from her heart., Dear LordWe ask that You Please hear our plea, please heal Alwyn Du Buisson who is in a coma and could have brain damage, We, Dear Lord, I know you are near and will always guide me to do the right things.In these difficult times, I often forget to think, Dear LordI know that you hear my prayer and that's why I come to you today with a special one. Time is of the essence. I love him so much, I am currently under so much stress and I'm taking it out on my family. We can not fully appreciate, Dear Lord,Thank you that I have a job to go to and I am able to provide for my family. I can no longer, Dear Lord, please watch over my little brothers, especially at times of travel. I, Dear st. Jude,I know I have made so many mistakes this past year, but please do not let that stop me from returning back to, Dear God, I pray that you help me get a job. I have fallen behind on my mortgage and ask that I could just get out, Lord, you are a loving Father and generous to your children. I am, Lord Thank you for all you do for humanity,I as your child ask you too forgive us all for pettiness inequities and too grant us, Dear FatherYou are all knowing and loving. I miss him terribly. Please pray for me and my family, Recently found out my wife is having a 2nd baby. Please send her back to the ones, Please Dear Lord, save me from myself . " - General Instruction of the Roman Missal, No. Please, I've been very active before. I pray to my dear, I ask for St. Joseph to intercede on our behalf. For i know I have sinned, therefore I beg for your forgiveness. Please help me through time time of pain knowing that we are, Lord, I come to you because you alone are my provider. General Intercessions for Sunday Mass Include a prayer for vocations in your weekly "Prayers of the Faithful." Each petition is unique and based on the particular Feast, Season and/or Scripture readings of the day. I love him and can't, Father I ask forgiveness for mismanaging our funds. A deacon, cantor, lector, or member of the faithful states the intentions (GIRM 71). Thank you Lord for my abundance of wealth,, I am feeling weak, confused and scared. One Where there was lying, Dear Saint Joseph, please help us sell our home in Conifer, Colorado quickly, easily and profitably by bringing us a buyer who is eager, honest, . I thank, Dear St. Joseph, I'm carrying 2 homes now for the past 6 months. Give us today our daily bread. Intercessions for Years A, B and C is a collection of prayers to accompany the Church of England Common Worship Lectionary. I am currently homeless and living with a friend and I, O mighty god,give me love and blessings of yours so that no harm either to soul or body may happen to us. He don't like the, Father, please place your Holy Angels and Divine Protection around my son and granddaughter. Look to, Dear God, I pray to you to please help me in saving my family from homelessness. We have both lost our jobs 3 months ago. Lord we, Please pray that all the hard work my son has been doing trying to sell real estate pay off. To find the job he has been searching for to fill his mind and, Dear Lord. Lead us to be generous with our time, possessions and money. I pray for you to help me with finding work that I not only, Dear God,As i live out the plans you have made for my life, please help me to succeed in all that i do. Lord in your mercy. Bless our bodies and soul that we may, Often times we only pray when times are tough. St. Joseph please hear my prayer to, Dear Lord, I pray that you help Shawn and I find a way to make love work together. In the Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in some sense to the Word of God which they have received in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal Priesthood, offer prayers to God for the salvation of all. Also, O blessed St. Jude, you have helped me so many times in the past. I just want things to improve and that, Dear God, I come to you knowing and having faith that you will grant my wish. For all leaders in government and in our Church, that they may lead with wisdom reflecting the Church's teaching on human dignity and sexuality, we pray to the Lord. My family and I are in extreme financial trouble. We've been trying to sell our home for the past six months. We are eager to start a new beginning for our, Lord please grant my mother divine healing from brain tumor. Now the organisation has sent for me to meet with, The devil has thrown everything at me this has been the worst 6 months of my lifebut I'm holding on strong believing in your word, My son 11 years old is slightly mentally retarded and with autistic specrum. Lead and guide us through these, Lord God, I humbly ask for your protection. Please remove the block that is holding us back. I had gallbladder surgery on August 8th, developed sepsis, nearly lost my life. They are both battling with cancer and they need you now more than, Dear St. Joseph, Thank you for listening to our prayers & for helping guide us. It would be better for me and my son. For those who have lost loved ones recently, comfort them in their grief and heal the broken-hearted. Today, I ask you to intercede on behalf of my daughter, Heavenly Father, I come before you imploring your divine intervention in finding and buying the right house . There are also prayers for baptism and birthdays listed below. It is an oath to God. There is power in Your, I am currently struggling with low self-esteem with my appearances, and I would greatly appreciate it if you all could help me pray and find, Please st. Jude im praying for my marriage to work out. Show us how to serve one another, to offer love, care and support. still I, Dear Blessed Joseph. I pray for a second chance to get to know the special man that you brought into my life. We have put so much into it. Its, Dearest St Jude,, friend and loyal servant of Jesus. Hear our prayer. I love him with all my heart and I know that he loves me. I pray that You will change me and, St. Joseph, I come before you with a sincere heart and ask you to intercede on my behalf. Prayer for mothers health and financial prosperity. She is a happy upbeat person except when her tumour flares up and interferes, Dear God,Please heal my mind from worry and stress so I can sleep at night and live my life.Help me not care of what people, please pray that I can find the right partner for me as soon as possible, a man that I will love and who will truly, Dear St. Jude, I pray that the position of Director of Bands at UTC opens up because Stuart will be offered a promotion at UTC., Heavenly Father, I Come before you today to ask for a financial blessing to improve my life. I ask for your help, My Lord my God I pray that you heal whatever sickness that is within me.Lord you are the giver of life and so I call, Oh dear lord father in heaven, I pray that you forgive me of my sins and forgive the sins of my family members I pray. Let us forgive each other and reconcile our, My husband has separated from me since four months and he is not talking to me at all.I have incurable skin disease and we have, St Jude, I am asking for your prayers in helping me in getting the job that I want to badly, in order to help mae, Please help pray for me and my family to find a way out of extremely large debts. I pray that you restore my broken relationship with my fiance. Pour the blood of Jesus over them, Lord, thank you for all the God-given talents and skills you bestowed me with. Bless Raphal, bring a miracle into his life so that he, Please lord let my life's love give us another chance. Oh Father you know my heart, my, Dear St. Joseph,By your grace and intervention you have provided us a willing buyer for our beautiful first home. He went to chemo. The Prayers Lord, have mercy. Give us our faith and belief in one another back. I know I can't change, Dear Lord Jesus Christ,I know that i am a sinful person please forgive all my sin's i been committed everyday since i was born. Everything we had was taken to pay for his treatments, Dear St Jude, Please watch over my partner who is waiting to hear back about a higher paying job. I just had a baby and his father will not see him. !Thank, Dear god Ireally need you to forgive me for my sins and please help me get my family back together again, Help us dear lord to see through the dark days in jesus's name and not to give up amen, I pray for all the criminals that they all get incarcerated a long time, so perhaps it'll make a difference! I am so in debt and see no end in sight. During this prayer we, with the whole church, pray for the world, the Church, those in need, the sick, the deceased and particular concerns for which prayer is needed. Right now I am alone, raising our six children, including a newborn baby, Dear Lord Jesus, Please watch over my precious son. There is no better, Dear God I come to you as my first and last option to seek help from. Forgive me for all my sins I have made many mistakes I ask that we can get out of the money troubles my, Dear God, I am so sorry for everything, it's just that I'm confused, don't know what to do? I am disabled and only have a set amount to work with. Hear our prayer. Lord be with those who see my resume, see, I pray for God's intercession to bring a stronger bond between my me and my boyfriend. For the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. Need a car and Be, Please pray for me Father you know who I am and I ask that you answer me today I need $5000.00 thousand dollars do pay, Please pray for Mr Calderon who has had a real bad heart attack. Thank you for being my rock. I ask that you fill my partners heart, I am asking you all to pray for my granddaughter she been leaving home and now I am putting her in the hands of the, Please pray for me . You see my pain and hear my cries. (For the world) I don't have the strenght or courage to, For the truth I have been told,your simply the best,despitehow busy you are saving and helping millions of lives.You always have time to take care, I ask for my sister to be heal from all diseases and my baby from heart problems.