Use Code TABLE TALK for 10% off your first elitefts order.All profits from elitefts Limited Edition Apparel, Table Talk Coffee, andTeam elitefts Workouts, Programs, and Training eBooks support Dave Tate's Table Talk Podcast. First off, back in early 2002, Chuck Vogelpohl became the first man under 300 pounds to squat over a 1000 in competition so it was needless to say that more was expected out of him this time around. Once again, I called Louie over and asked him what the hell was going on. He passed on his third attempt saving himself for the other two lifts, but his focus was so intense it could light up a city. Below is a transcribed interview that took place within Westside Barbell between Louie Simmons [Louie] and Chuck Vogelpohl [Chuck]. Mark notes that Chuck squatted over 1000lbs in the 220, 242, and 275 lb class. He will help coach and spot any lifter in the gym. Lou loves the sled, but I never do it. From my experience in life and in the gym none are truly possible without submitting the wisdom and authority of a master. gets the gains they do is because they NEVER miss a weight in training. We have had some awesome lifters come out and train, including jason fry, al caslow, rob kolberer, paul childress, jill mills, rob luyando thats just a few. I know that without Rick and the gym I'd have been boozing it up every night instead of getting to the gym and getting stronger. They see internet videos of him squatting or deadlifting and going nuts. Well, is it time now to eat again? Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises Making You a TRUE Beast! [/quote] On Sunday, I walked into the warm-up room, nervous and green. I know the canvas makes it very hard to hit depth, but what about muscle memory? As Tate prepares to respond to the question, he acknowledges that in all his years of conducting seminars, he probably receives more questions about Chuck than anybody else. You said you would see what they wanted. I asked him how he felt, and he said, Real good. Chuck V: I should point out that if youre here and not giving 100% than get the fuck out. Even with my untrained eye for talent in this sport, the numbers don't lie. However, in all reality, the past in nothing more than a bunch of presents that have already happened, and the future are the presents yet to happen. Chuck is a major part of Westside Barbell and a major part of the Westside Attitude. As a coach and educator I believe the greatest thing you can show someone is how to teach themselves. Look I'm a infant powerlifter, and all I know is what I see. Confused, I flagged down Louie Simmons to ask him what the hell Chuck was doing. Becca Swanson Jujimufu just posted this super intense squat workout with his training partner, strongman Joey Szatmary where they attempted to follow a sample squat workout from the powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl. You cutting that much weight finally caught up to you. Hes always the first one in the gym and is always helping to put weights away and help others around him. It has been no mystery that Greg is Louie new main guy so figure it out for yourself. Nevertheless, from a coaching perspective, one persons opinion is never enough to take a lifters performance to the next level. Dave Tate thought I was crazy, but that would soon change everything at Westside. The reason B.I.G. Chuck V. You would know better than me. even though most people wont understand most of whom are our teammates. thanks Brad. Did you not read what he did to Chuck? 28.8K subscribers. CHUCK VOGELPOHL TRIBUTE. The internet has done wonders for "The Myth of Chuck Vogelpohl". And you would do Reverse Hypers or pull a weight sled for your warm-up. I was going for my fifth Elite Total in the 275-class, but I only weighed 233, and I could see the outline of Toledo. Simply put, he is a force of nature. Maybe this is why Chuck left. 2023 Westside Barbell. Chuck, you had a very high tolerance to high volume, and you maintained it for your entire lifting career. Lifting in the 242-pound class, I set the world record at 1,140 pounds. 3. Note: You can read the full interview here on Westside Barbells website. Louie:We needed a boost to our training, but how? Chuck V: When you and Dave told me that beginners were using bands; high school kids and below I couldnt believe it. Doc, could I see the crayon graphs so it makes sense to me. The judge kept tapping Lou so that Lou could call him up and Lou never did, thus Chuck getting injured. The Edge - Push the envelop. All Rights Reserved. A few steps later, he looked up and caught my eye. Tate alludes to the fact that it takes a village, and coaches should never let their egos get in the way of that community aspect of the sport. Dave and I wanted to do an interview with Chuck Vogelpohl for awhile and for several reasons. Lou is actually more tolerant of other training ideas and allows the lifter to initiate what he or she wants to do. :: 351 registrierte und 1645 Gste, Mitglieder insgesamt 312427 Copyright 2023. Dave Tate has said during multiple YouTube videos that Chuck was always the first person in the gym setting the lift of the day up and he was the last person to leave the gym, in order to make sure that everything was put away and cleaned up properly. It takes a lot of time. How in the world can you roll two cars within ten days especially when those ten days also happen to fall within the last two weeks before the nationals? Instagram | | so come out and get verbally abused by rick. 1.1K views, 39 likes, 2 loves, 3 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Omaha Barbell: Picked this exercise idea up from Chuck Vogelpohl while I was at the seminar with him and @eddycoan a. Louie has done more for powerlifting across the world, the United States, Columbus, Ohio and has yet to always been able to give 1000 times more to his lifters in the gym. Chuck decided to give it another shot. We are a team. Chuck:Todays lifters, for the most part, are not as passionate as 20 years ago. 8 weeks ago Brad Heck began coaching me over the phone, poundages, boards, etc. George Leonard a psychologist and martial artist has written extensively on the elements necessary for mastery of a discipline. EFS: What do you think of static iso-holds? for a FREE 8-flavor sample pack with any purchase! WATCH:Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat. Expereince? [/quote] Rick's method is intuitive and essentially zen like. He said he showed Halbert how to bench and then George took the info and expanded and experimented and now he teaches Lou how to bench. If youve never heard the name Chuck Vogelpohl, youre missing out on one of the most intense personalities to compete in the world of powerlifting. its more for grouping people together that are similar strength. Once again Louis told me, You tell him. So I got my ass up and walked into the warm-up room. Louie, you asked me how I got my legs to grow, and I said the bands. Lou is actually more tolerant of other training ideas and allows the lifter to initiate what he or she wants to do. When he lifts, he has something that Ive only seen in a couple other lifters. Of course I would. What I do is now is not for everyone. Overtime this didnt go very well. If you are at a higher level, you instinctively know where you are, what numbers you need to hit and how weight is supposed to feel. It is safe to say that Chuck has at least two decades of experience lifting with Westside and three decades of competitive experience. Chuck Vogelpohl is an American powerlifter that set numerous world records and was known for his unmatched tenacity. Thats the nature of the sport. I have been training at BIG for 3 years and am a proud and probably lifelong member of the Turd team there. Gregg was called up by Louie for all attempts and missed the first to for being high. so rather than fall victim to the stricter judging he put his trust in his coach. The workout consisted of a cambered bar, a power rack, a box, and a ton of sweat. He will be just fine and still crushing #'s in the future. The look in his eye told me that it didnt matter what I said. Why is this? Instruction; They follow a philosophy and they help each other, but in the end the experienced lifters design their own training. It's all there for you learn and understand. 1. Use Code Tabletalk for 10% off your first order. For me, and many guys here, its my second family and weve been here through bad times and good times. They hear stories about his intensity in the gym and some of the crazy numbers that he does. Chuck:Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. WATCH: Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat Laughing, Coan and Tate reflect back 20 years ago when everyone was trying to emulate Chuck with their beanie hats, popped collars, and cocky attitudes. I became only the third to do it with two-hour weigh-ins. Jim says: Chuck was serial killer intense and he had a reverence for that place (Westside Barbell).. This would allow us time to unwind and get ready to put on the best competition that we could for the lifers. Are you still doing this? I dont know if the bands would help this as much as they did with me at the top. A week later, Dick Hartzell came to town with the bands at a basketball clinic. Dave Williams of Liberty University was coming for a visit. The judge hit louie and he kept calling Chuck down. jason.nuttall.5201. You also won your heavy weight division for your second belt. Is it hard to stay focused on your form when you are like this? I would see you had a new interest in powerlifting, and you started to gear up again, just like when you first came to Westside. In an interview we came across with Louie and Vogelpohl, Louie asks him how he got started on his series of world record-breaking lifts. It was good somehow, and you would later go on at your third attempt with 738 pounds. Reply . It was NOT so people had a chace to "sucker" punch guys like Rick and his methods. Now you raise bull terriers along with your other hobbies. Good luck, Chuckie V. Who knows? Most of the new guys were recruited by Louie. I was moving up to the 242-class for the first time. Chuck Vogelpohl with The PowerPohl at Lexen Xtreme, weight and chains on the harness work the lower back About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy . My body was starting to fall apart. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. LMFAO!!!! Most people are very weak at the bottom. In fact, Tate admits that he was hardly concerned with the external component it was the internal intensity that mattered, and that he had to work with Chuck to regulate. Westside is more than training and powerlifting. we have normal people who train there. The last time I recall you said your legs felt like they weighed 900 pounds. He should have a good day tomorrow. [quote=Anonymous]Great point about Big Iron. If you were Chuck would you stay? EFS: First, thanks for letting us do this interview. 2,447 Likes, 33 Comments - Chuck Vogelpohl (@chuckvogelpohl) on Instagram: "Another variation for everyone to try, PowerPull partials, targets lower and upper back. The Edge - Push the envelop. [/quote] He is a very humble and gracious person. He set the weight up and pulled his chest and torso with all the air he could. But its totally different to LIVE it all right now. Six lifters that trained with Chuck at the Lexen Extreme Gym averaged a 1025 squat. But you cant lower the weight. Man I'm getting old.I first started talking to my wife at Chuck's 40th birthday party. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. 3, Nchster Artikel: Youre kidding me, I thought to myself. For example, on Wednesdays Chuck will bench before J.L and I. Chuck got set under the bar and began to descend and descend. His bench presses, including his final one of 633 were all done as strictly as any shirted bench press I have ever seen. Chuck V: I think people believe that they will be perfect after one year. For me the enjoyment is planning and organizing the training for myself. he tells me that the only reason i have any records is because only women and infants weigh 181. Then, I tore my triceps off. I knew you already knew, but you just wanted to confirm it. The epitome of Vogelpohl's will to win was demonstrated in a head to head 40+ set squat workout with fellow Westside Barbell lifter, Dave Tate that you'll learn about below. Nothing against Rick or BIG, but I think Lou's objective is to provide the lifters with information and then have them think for themselves. We returned from vacation, and a couple days later, I was back in the gym. This is a sad day. Chuck got there before Kenny (it may be as far back as '85). I downed one after another until I came in at 243 pounds to lift in the 275-class. I was amazed at the call, but he was also a friend and teammate so I was also concerned. Okay, here goes (regarding the, 'story' about Lou making Chuck get hurt): I'm too inflexible to squat an empty bar, but it seems to me that Chuck wouldn't have to listen to Louie regarding depth. In this 135th episode of Dave Tate's Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate sits down with several of his old training partners from Westside, known as the OG AM crew from Demorest Road. The Best Elliptical Workout for Weight Loss, Box squats plus exercises to improve them, How to handle high volume and high intensity of all three big lifts (squats, bench, deadlift), Incorporating the use of chains on the bar for Accommodating Resistance, Introduction of resistance bands into training, Find a partner with similar strength as you in the squat, Load up the bar to around 50% of your 1RM, Perform 2-5 reps, then let your partner match those. [/quote] Chuck, you got bigger and bigger, but kept cutting to 220 pounds. Big Iron, in just a week there and through Brad Hecks advice has led to PR for me even as a single ply guy, on a horrible day when I WAS FIGHT A A COLD AND THEY ARE THE CONSUMATE TEAM, nad all humble and there numbers speak for themselves their group dominate not Lou's guys!I think with there training methos and focus I MAY BENCH CLOSE TO 600 hundred at 220 in a single.Thanks for all there help, and best of Luck to Chuck! The reason B.I.G. Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. They should put their weights away, help maintain their training environment, and take responsibility for making sure that other lifters in the gym are getting the coaching that they need. These things will kill your bar path when you get to heavier weights; this will screw your lift. 52,145 views. They are Vorheriger Artikel: Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Well post a longer profile on Jujimufu at a later date because theres plenty to cover. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Reps and sets ranged from 510 to 10-15 sets of lower reps, to the aforementioned 50-rep sets on some exercises,. One such legend is Chuck Vogelpohl, widely known for his extreme intensity and longevity with regard to powerlifting competitions. Heres a quick breakdown of the main points that Vogelpohl credits for his success: Note: Youll see the first two points being covered in the Jujimufu squat workout inspired by Chuck Vogelpohl. Chuck was taught by the legendary powerlifting coach Louie Simmons to have a critical eye in order to coach every one of this team mates. Lets cover the icon of Chuck V. AKA Chuck Vogelpohl, the man who had to duct tape his ribs so they wouldnt pop out of his spine. I just wished that he wouldnt get hurt. Chuck V.: Well I should point out that I did perform a max effort day and dynamic effort day for almost twenty years. 0:46. Rick understands it and his lifters succeed in proportion to the trust they place in him and subsequently in each other and ultimatley in themselves. Rick also listens to input from his lifters I saw that first hand this weekend. So if you do approach him, dont expect to get a hug. It was the original IPF, the father of the USPF. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. Another YouTube clip shows Chuck squatting the all time world record of 1110 lbs in the 242 lb class. Are you going to tell me this is the action of a good coach? 4. I let my lifting do the talking. Basically, on Fridays I will squat and will either work up to a heavy weight, sometimes off of a higher box or instead of going heavy on the squat I will pull heavy from the pins. Chuck: I do think its getting somewhat out of hand, but if you want to compete at a high level, you have to wear whats out there. This was the last time I lifted in a USPF meet. We thought it was fun to see fitness celebrity Jujimufu pay homage to the beast, Chuck Vogelpohl, by challenging himself and his friend, strongman Joey Szatmary, to doChuck's squat workout. All he knew was that he had to do what he had to do. Er ist ein sehr ehrlicher und dankbarer Typ. Maybe he was getting stale and plateaued ? The next day, I was sitting in the head judges chair. WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Coach the Squat. It helps with confidence. Some lifters are too stupid to know when they cant lift a weight. guess you just have to understand rick Doc could i have bright colors.I am 14 months into powerlifting. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Chuck:Oh, yes. This happens to be at the same meet Louie told Greg to go up to the 275 class to take Chucks total down. Chuck came up through Westside. I was still in high school, and Kenny Read helped handle me. 10:16. Matt always speaks extremely highly of Chuck, the viewer of any of these videos can tell how much reverence Matt has for Chuck. Also, check out the Table Talk Panel: tasty electrolyte drink mix. When you miss an attempt it sets you back 2-3 weeks. Practice; Our style can help anyone. Thats how I am and thats what happens when you train here [Westside Barbell]. I had no warm-ups and bombed out. Chuck V: I usually pull above the knee, but it depends. First, very briefly, explain how and why you structure your squat and deadlift workouts. Plus, Louie is always challenging you and I cant back down from the old man. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases, killer workouts, actionable fitness content and more. [quote=Paul][quote=Anonymous]Westside has alot of great lifters. I now present to you The Iron Man; Chuck Vogelpohl. ", Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more, 2023 SET FOR SET. Sign up for our newsletter and get new articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. I know that this thread is about Chuck V, but I want to bring up something that seems to have been missed in this discussion. You take a man fishing and they eat for a day, you TEACH a man to fish and they eat for the rest of their life. Chuck:Well, I could care less. The original plan was to do 8 sets of 2 reps. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The same stuff that most everyone still does. So, Chuck, when did you meet me and start training at Westside? Like Chuck, the most successful people live in the present. Walter Klock Smoking with Schwarzenegger, Art Labare A Powerlifting Legend You Need to Know, Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. In Wahrheit ist Chuck ganz anders drauf als die Leute denken. WHY was the judge even letting Lou know when the lifter was achieving depth? And we all know money talks, and nobody walks. A great read written for a great cause. Chuck Vogelpohl, one of powerlifting's favorite personalities and longtime team cornerstone, has left Westside Barbell Club. 3. You take a man fishing and they eat for a day, you TEACH a man to fish and they eat for the rest of their life. I transcribed it the best I could. After the interview I sat down with Dave and talked about what its been like training with Chuck over the past several years. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I'm not disagreeing about Rick's ability as a coach. Your thoughts on Rick are completely wrong Paul. Dave also hails from Westside gym, he's a specimen that has been heavily involved in the powerlifting community for decades. You ended up getting kicked out and had to have Amy Weisberger go to the scorers table and give all of our attempts. Chuck is still going to compete. This tells me you've never coached football before. Geared and raw All time world record holder Matt Wenning described how Chuck led the greatest squatting crew of all time from the front by an emphasis on technique and ferocity. I personally wouldn't enjoy training if I had someone telling me what to do every step of the way. EFS: Did you ever catch the guy that stole the sleeves of your shirt? In Chucks case it went beyond that. Lou on one hand is a great guy who is very generous and loves to give back to the sport. Even so, I have reached a level of competiveness that would be inconceivable else where.