So reality was far more brutal than the show, the killing caused a gang war. He had the guy's kids killed, he killed several men of the Arellano Felix cartel (including some family), he even killed the guy's lawyer and once he was back in Venezuela he then send men to kill him. John Moore/Getty Images By /Nov. With the Cali cartel falling apart at the seams, mole Jorge Salcedo is forced to return to the city where everyone wants him dead. According toNACLA,Cali was the first major cartel to arise in Colombia, but it had no interest in being the only one. Using cellphones, fax machines and men on the outside, he maintained control over all the new cartels till he was transferred to a maximum-security prison in 1991. During the second raid, Feistlsays the opposite happened if they had waited another minute, Miguel would likely still be a free man, thanks to their knack for building impossible-to-spot hiding places. In February 2011, Gutierrez Rebollo had an interview with journalist Isabel Arvide, in which he stated: I was in Cervantes Aguirre's way thats the reason of everything, that's why he wanted to kill me. In the same interview, Gutierrez Rebollo accused President Ernesto Zedillo's father-in-law of having links with the Colima cartel of the Amezcua brothers, known as the Methamphetamine Kings: There is concrete information of a relationship that has not been thoroughly investigated between the Amezcua brothers and the Velasco family, the father-in-law of President Ernesto Zedillo. Although Murphy was sent out to ID the body at which point he took his infamous photo of Escobar's corpse Pablo had already been dead for a while when he arrived. It is said that prior to the incident, the Arellano Felix family had been living in Guadalajara for a month while they were looking for El Chapo. Historically, not so much. Narcos is clear that Pablo Escobar is one bad dude. The hit Netflix show "Narcos," with three seasons and three more of the ongoing spin-off "Narcos: Mexico," has given audiences a visceral account of the real-life wars of South America's most ruthless and violent drug cartels. At one stage, they owned a bank in Panama together, and both were equally instrumental in the "Death to Kidnappers" project to hit back at guerrilla groups, which is something Narcos depicts as completely excluding Cali. To their credit, these actors mostly attempted local accents. He turned the money down. In effect, the bombing sets up the creation of the very-real anti-Escobar hit squad Los Pepes, who terrorized the Medellin cartel from 1990-93. While Pacho's position meant he was immune from such treatment, he was the lucky one. It wasn't Pea, but another DEA agent named Joe Toft who revealed the corruption in Colombia, and called the country a 'narco-democracy'. But no other group has been portrayed so oddly as M19. Bringing Cali's Reign to an EndThe time Miguel had been captured ended up being a short-lived event. On the night of February 6, 1997, General Gutierrez Rebollo received a call from the Mexican Secretary of Defense, General Enrique Cervantes, who ordered Rebollo to immediately come to his office. In reality, Salcedo was nowhere near the Pallomari capture. While "At the Devil's Table" characterized Cesar Yusti as a skillful and effective sharpshooter he reportedly told Jorge Salcedo that he worked with a laser assisted automatic pistol, and that he "couldn't miss" it is likely that the hitman was involved in yet more disturbing acts of violence. The control of the Tijuana plaza fell upon Javier Caro Payn, one of Rafael Caro Quintero's cousins after the fall of the Guadalajara cartel. It appeared that Yusti's sharpshooting abilities were certainly in high demand. I will say, though it's horrendous, it's not far from the [actual] happenings. It's probably Narcos' most Hollywood moment, and it feels weirdly out of place in a series that otherwise prides itself on being realistic. According to Rempel, whose book derives from extensive first-hand interviews with Salcedo himself, Salcedo and Yusti had a working relationship in which the two were ordered to organize the killing of Guillermo Pallomari, the accountant-turned-informant of the Cali Cartel who also appears in "Narcos." QS World University Rankings 2021. Information found in the media indicates that soldiers tortured Amado Carrillo Fuentes so much that he could not breathe well, which lead to Deputy Attorney General Coello Trejo opting to transfer him to the Federal Attorney General's Office, where he ordered that a cell be adapted as an intensive care unit to save Carrilos life. "Each one of them brought something to the table, which was pretty distinctive," he says. Aguilar Guajardo was an agent of the Mexican Federal Security Agency and one of the founders of the Juarez Cartel, along with Gilberto Ontiveros, El Greas, and Rafael Muoz Talavera. "It had a big impact and resonated," he says. Its ongoing longevity is arguably thanks to its creators' deft turn away from Escobar, who was the primary focus and main draw of the first two seasons. Maybe he headed into the countryside, or maybe he just sat around with Limn talking soccer and drinking lukewarm cans of Aguilla in a cruddy hideout. Sanchez Ley says that, among the documents, it is written that Aburto's cousins retracted their original statements, mentioning that the Judicial Police told them that "if they did not declare that their cousin had shown them the gun a month before, they were going to put them in a hole.". Y'know, the one where fugitive Escobar grows a beard and goes to visit that old peasant dude living on a farm only for us to discover the peasant is his dad, and then the two spend like 45 minutes fixing fences together? Nor did the tortures and executions stop with M19. In addition to phone calls, where he says he mainly fielded questions to help solidify the timeline and accuracy of events,Stahl-David visited him at his home for several days. Caius Julius Caesar was born around July 13, 100 B.C. At the beginning of this season, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who at the time was the leader of the Juarez Cartel and is otherwise known as The Lord of the Skies, can be seen flying a small plane filled to the brim with cocaine. I think it was really beneficial to them to see that lay of land and see what we were working then.". opentable system design. The Lord of the Skies also knew that the Arellano Felix brothers would not have killed the Cardinal because they were a highly religious family (as shown in the series) and had a close relationship with Cardinal Posadas, who had even baptized a daughter of Ramon Arellano Felix, when he was bishop of Tijuana. Don't be fooled everything is in my file if you want to see it, I caught everyone, of all colors and flavors, of every cartel, I got tired of giving good results, there they are, everyone I fought against. Ignacio Flores Ruiz, a friend of the Cardinal since they were children, testified before the Public Prosecutor's Office that on May 5, 1993, a few days before his assassination, he met with the Cardinal. She even stopped speaking to them for a while when she suspected that they had indeed killed the priest. ", He continued, "Where Medellin really revolutionized that Caribbean corridor, Cali revolutionized that trafficking through Mexico, which the North Valley cartel jumped on after extradition. The shift in Season 3 to the Cali cartel saw a whole slew of new characters added to Narcos' roster. If they say it was you, then it was you and there is no way to say it wasn't you. Not that his fellow Congressmen were under any illusions: The justice minister, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, publicly denounced him as a gangster. ELN barely shows up, and FARC is portrayed in Season 3 as little more than a bunch of farmers living in the jungle (rather than an insurgent army that once controlled a third of Colombia). When Colombia's government dismantled this faux state with bullets, the farmers fled for the jungle. What's more, his alleged ties to the Juarez Cartel seem to be groundless. The series? Yeah idk either.I was just reading Chris Feistl's interview for Narcos, and he said real Navegante was Cesar Yusti, who IRL was not killed by DEA, they had nothing with it. Netflix's Narcos has probably been responsible for teaching more Americans about Colombian history than decades of Discovery documentaries combined (and the same for Mexico with its spinoff Narcos: Mexico). apes chapter 4 quizlet multiple choice. "I told him on more than one occasion that catching Miguel was a distant second and that his safety and the safety of his family was my number one priority," says Feistl. He vanished off the grid, so any show that wanted to tell his story would be forced to make something up. The death of Pablo Escobar marked the end of the line for agents Steve Murphy and Javier Pena. A guy who isn't afraid to use the narco terrorists' own tactics on them, he's the dark side of the law but also the best chance at catching Escobar. Cali's social cleansing gangs would track down gay people alongside street kids and prostitutes murder and mutilate them, then throw their bodies into the Cauca River with a sign tied around their necks that read "clean Cali, beautiful Cali." So, who really murdered Hctor Flix, El Gato, the founder of the Zeta Weekly? The third season introducedAmado Carrillo Fuentes, aka the Lord of the Skies, of the Juarez Cartel and Newman pointed outthat if and when the show goes to Mexico, the show will focus on the war moving closer to U.S. shores. Hollywood Reporter explains how producers immediately approached them about selling their stories. It's a major turning point in Narcos, the moment when Escobar finally wins election to the Colombian Congress. Amado worked in the DFS for five years, not two. To Colombian viewers' everlasting disappointment, they mostly failed. Resident On My Block couple Cesar Diaz and Monse Finnie broke our hearts at the end of Season 2 when they once again went their separate ways following the whole Paula scandal.But it's clear to fans that these two are endgame despite their complicated dating history. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I've never killed anybody," Salcedo recalled. And serious is exactly what Narcos is until you go digging into actual Colombian history and find out just how much Narcos distorted, or exaggerated, or just plain made up. Ortega Sanchez has also mentioned that the Cardinal was preparing himself to make a trip to Puerto Vallarta where he was set to meet with a high-ranking official of the PGR in order to present him with all the information he had, for example, evidence of the relationship of Mexican politicians with Bolivian, Peruvian and Colombian drug traffickers. So who is the real navegante, and if its Velasquez, then why do so many sources say its Yusti? Some might even believe that its almost as if you are watching a documentary based on historical events, without any kind of fiction in its content. He was shot six or eight times, I believe.". Later, Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, lawyer for the Archbishop of Guadalajara, accused General Jorge Carrillo Olea, future Governor of Morelos, of leading the state operation that killed Cardinal Posadas, which would imply that neither the Tijuana Cartel, nor El Chapo Guzman, nor Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez, had anything to do with the assassination, as the series suggests. Something Feistl helped them with were the small details, such as the mannerisms and personalities of each. ", What the third season zeroed in on, however, was the DEA's dealings with Salcedo and in fact, the Cali insider was only playing for both teams for a short amount of time. Feistl says the depiction of the death of Miguel's son, David Rodriguez (played byArturo Castro), was accurate in the show. By 1988, the organization had 30 chiefs and commanders of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police on its payroll, who were in charge of guarding drug shipments. Sponsored by Homesily Who can be comfortable after sitting 8 hours a day at work? Apparently, not true at all and for better or worse, this seems to be a consistent theme throughout the season. How Feistl and his partner (whose name was changed for the show since he is still an active DEA agent) met up withSalcedo on the show was accurate. When the Mexican cartel offers Pacho the chance to turn on his old employers, Pacho turns them down, saying the Cali godfathers never ostracized him for his sexuality. In the series Narcos: Mexico 3, the main voice narrating the history of drug trafficking in Mexico, particularly the rise of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, belongs to Andrea Nuez, one of the youngest journalists of the newspaper La Voz (The Voice). "I saw one episode, the first or something, where they pull apart one bad guy with two motorcycles. According to the real Jorge Salcedo, Cali's hit men would do things like pull people apart using two vehicles driving in opposite directions. "Both those guys said I would be a good resource to speak to, and also because of William Rempels book At the Devil's Table: The Untold Story of the Insider Who Brought Down Cali." Narcos also introduced a handful of other casualties left behind in the wake of the Cali godfathers. I think he felt that he was involved in something and was a part of and belonged to something.". TheAssociated Press reported on the peace deal. All Rights Reserved. Speaking to Hollywood Reporter, real-life DEA agent Chris Feistl explained that Salcedo was holed up in fear of his life when the real Navegante died, and we still don't know who pulled the trigger. El Azul was arrested in March 1986, and therefore would've been in jail for most of the season. Arriving in Bogota with his wife, Connie, in tow, he initially clings to her as his lifeline to the real world, before parting with her in Season 2 when the threat to her life becomes too great. Hector Yusti. When Agent Breslin asks the General if the accusations against him are true, Rebollo simply replies that their countries - Mexico and the United States - don't really want to fight the war on drugs, but only to pretend they do. Rather than doing so under Escobar's orders, M19 attacked the Palace of Justice after President Betancur violated a ceasefire agreement with the group. Almost 30 years after his death, many questions remain unanswered: Who killed the Cardinal? But do the details of Yusti's life match up with those of his fictional counterpart? 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Or should we say, he liked the girls. December 31, 2021. Dont get involved and stay away from this kind of life. The problem is the wall was so thick that we broke two or three drill bits and we ran out of drill bits. But Carlos Castao was particularly familiar with the workings of Medellin. Manuel Castells went into some depth in his book End of the Millennium. Velasquez also did an interview in 2009, and Yusti died in the 90s. gustavo narcos real lifehow long can a turtle hold its breath. Feistl explains that they were looking for one of the few insiders who had precise intelligence about the Cali godfathers and their whereabouts, and Salcedo saw the writing on the wall and was looking to get his family to safety. It's also total fiction. Or is there another version that none of us know about? Navegante has . What happened on May 24, 1993 in the parking lot of the Guadalajara Airport? Cesar Yusti was a real life "sicario" or hitman for Colombia's Cali Cartel during their brief reign over the country's cocaine network in the mid-90s. Caught sitting in a car by Navegante, the two have a creepy chat before Navegante pulls his gun and is instead blown away by Salcedo, who does a Han and shoots first. The real-life Colonel Carrillo was Colonel Hugo Martinez. On the show, Feistl's inner torture of catching Miguel but also keeping Salcedo's"rat" identity a secret is something that is well-captured. Hours after the death of Cardinal Posadas was made public, the Mexican Attorney General's Office (PGR) published their official statement where it was established that the Cardinal had been killed when he was caught in a crossfire between the Arellano Felix and Joaquin El Chapo Guzman Cartels. "Often times, we said intel came from a different source and if we had a human source giving us good information, we would disguise it. The Story of General Gutirrez Rebollo and Amado Carrillo, The Lord of the Skies. Rockets were used. Ft Lauderdale, E Sunrise Blvd 5 Chairs 7 OP's Dental Office with Real Estate for Sale. After two seasons depicting all cartel members (not unreasonably) as murderers, Narcos decided to change things in season three with the character of Jorge Salcedo. But Newman has not confirmed if he's ready to head straight there just yet. The bank remained in Hank Rohn's hands long after Gutierrez Rebollo's arrest and the bank was bought by the well-known Spanish group BBVA. But the DEA had nothing to do with killing Yusti. As played by Boyd Holbrook, DEA agent Steve Murphy is the lynchpin of the first two seasons ofNarcos. At that time, Attorney General Jorge Carpizo stated that Cardinal Posadas and Perez Hernandez had actually been mistaken for El Chapo himself and one of his men. Throughout the series it is mentioned that Professor Carlos Hank Gonzlez was the one who appointed Colosio as the future president, and who was allegedly behind his assassination. The bank is still operating today just under a different name, BBVA Compass. His death at the season's climax, though, was handled strangely. ", Though Fesitl balks at their self-described label of being "gentlemen," he does admit that it is rare for a group of cartel bosses to not betray each other. General Gutirrez Rebollo's Version of His Arrest, The Story of El Paso Savings and Loans Bank. "It took us quite a bit of time to locate Pallomari and assist him in getting out of the country," he says. Thats when we went to look for the hammers because once we were able to hit the air space, we knew there was unaccounted for space behind that wall.". Hector Yusti. With Cali kingpin Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela aware of Salcedo's apparent knowledge of Pallomari's whereabouts, the cartel's head of security was put in the unenviable position of being tasked with leading the sicario to his target, an order he couldn't resist without blowing his cover. This weekly was founded by Jess Blancornelas, presented in the series as Ramn Salgado, and by Hctor Flix, known by his nickname El Gato. He'd been a sicario, or hitman, for the cartel back in the day, while his brother, Fidel, was a full member. 6 days ago. Feistl adds, "All of those things contributed to them then contacting me to give them a little bit of background on Cali.". In Narcos Season 3, the Cali Cartels brutal violence is enacted by El Navegante, a hitman and enforcer based on a real-life killer named Cesar Yusti. A key event in the third season of Narcos: Mexico is the arrest of General Gutierrez Rebollo, who served as the Mexican Anti-Drug Czar. Narcoscontinues to walk the fine line between presenting its villains as characters who are addictive to watch, but who are not glorified. As the series progresses, Andrea Nuez's character becomes more relevant until she turns into the spokesperson for "the historical truth of drug trafficking in Mexico". The Hollywood Reporter is a part of Penske Media Corporation. In reality, Navegante was a guy called Cesar Yusti, and he was probably as violent as his fictional version. Most places Ive seen has Navegante as Cesar Yusti, however there is a book about the Cali cartel written by Jorge el Navegante Velasquez. In 2005, the group had more than 40 branches in that state, 110,000 customers, 3.52 billion dollars total assets and deposits for 3 billion dollars. Quite literally. Elected in 1982, Escobar was allowed into the Liberal Party thanks to a corrupt senator named Alberto Santofimio. "That really opened our eyes to the corruption that we were dealing with there.". It's powerful stuff, and Connie's return to the U.S. with their adopted daughter is a great way of showing how the hunt for Escobar is leaving Murphy isolated and hollowed out. essence of the golden fleece titan quest Menu Toggle; coldwell banker huron, sd. When Walt Breslin arrives to confront the General, he sees the military burning documents, destroying evidence and virtually dismantling the Mexican government's anti-drug offices in Tijuana. With this purchase, Carlos Hank Rohn became the majority shareholder of the group. Based on the real rebel-turned-drug-dealer-turned-paramilitary Diego Murillo Bejarano, Don Berna is portrayed by Mauricio Cujar as not just being connected to the narco-world but also having a long-standing relationship with Agent Pena. 1. "Miguel Rodriguez ended up getting arrested in August of 1995 just six weeks later, so we were only talking and working with Jorge for the two months. The official version that Mexican authorities continue to defend to this day is that one of "the lone assassin" thesis, according to which Mario Aburto fired two shots at Colosio, one of them in the head that caused his death, during the Lomas Taurinas rally in Tijuana on March 23, 1994. According to Salcedo, Yusti was a "nervous, jittery type," who was simply "plain and balding, with a bad combover" (via the Internet Archive). The end of season three sets the show on track to follow the drug war to the next "real" threat of Mexico. That's what this platform is for. It was actually inspired by the Zeta Weekly, a media outlet known for touching on sensitive issues such as organized crime, drug trafficking and corruption, whose print distribution is done in several cities in Baja California state, mostly in Tijuana. Newman said he did not contact the brothers about the show. Flores Ruiz even mentioned that Cordoba Montoya threatened to slap Cardinal Posadas. The real Cali cartel was poisonously homophobic. But yeah there is a book and also an interview by Jorge Velasquez Vasquez El Navegante who betrayed Gacha then later strarted working with Cali Cartel. > Click Here, The Truth About Notorious Hitman Jorge 'Rivi' Ayala, How Woody Harrelson found out his dad was a hitman, Mickey Featherstone: The Dangerous Hitman Currently Free In, The First American President To Be Assassinated, How I Made A Necklace With 3000 Individual Diamonds & Sapphires, Alex Murdaugh Makes Chilling Admission About Wife & Son He Murdered, Balancing On Bottles, Human Barbells & More | Extreme Workouts #extremeworkout #shorts, Pete Townshends Real Feelings About Mick Jagger #shorts #RollingStones #MickJagger, Cute Little Hidradenitis Bumps in Armpit! "He said, 'Im not going anywhere. Hollywood Reporter quotes her as saying of Escobar-era Colombia, "I would have never left my husband there!". "It was a good day for not only DEA but also for the Colombian government, but it was short-lived because we realized at that point we still had a lot of work to do," he says. Navegante 's real name is Cesar Yusti, and not Jorge Velazquez. Both Gutierrez Rebollo and his family argued that he had been framed, seeking to damage his reputation, and insisted that if he had ever had contact with any drug trafficker, it had always been with the intention of arresting them. This idea of confusion was completely discarded when Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, lawyer for the Archbishop of Guadalajara, assured that during the attack one of the witnesses heard one of the assassins say they were going to kill the priest. cesar yusti real life. In the same chapter, La Voz newspaper reporters find that Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez erased his tracks by disappearing El Paso Savings and Loans Bank in Texas, which was allegedly used to launder drug money. In April 1990, the Medellin cartel blew up the Martinez family apartment. "We arrested Miguel, but then it was, 'Ok, now we need to focus our attention on Jorge. Still, it's hard to feel sorry for a guy who once helped his father run a drug empire even larger than Pablo Escobar's. Recounting a meeting between Salcedo and Yusti in June 1995 in which the pair staked out the apartment block where Pallomari lived, Rempel writes that Salcedo became aware of Yusti's restlessness. Discussion of the Netflix original series "Narcos" & "Narcos: Mexico", Press J to jump to the feed.