//= input is incorrect. @id)) < (.@rpl*. @BR_ID+"["+(@BR_Downed_Spot-1)+"]"),1; if(!.Arena_Status[atoi(strnpcinfo(2))]) end; for ( set . @BR_ID)+1)+"]"),5,0xFF0000; // Right Bottom Corner, viewpoint 1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+2)+"]"),. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Dewata") == 1), else if(compare(. | 14.50 KB, JSON | @o + 1) {. @i]; setarray .@opt_v2[.@c],@inventorylist_option_value2[. @i] == Bound_Account) continue; // Ignore equipped Costume Top + Middle + Lower Headgear. set .@cs,getitemslots(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+. @BR_ID)); set .@w,. ":":""); mes " > Minimum players: "+atoi(.arena$[. deletearray getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@BR_ID),getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. mes "I'm sorry, but you need to create a party first. @BR_ID)); set .@t,. @t+"] = "+getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. "; switch(select("- Dagger:- Sword:- Mace:- Staff")) {, switch(select("- Sword:- Two-Handed Sword:- Spear")) {, switch(select("- Sword:- Two-Handed Spear:- Spear")) {, switch(select("- Two-Handed Staff:- Staff")) {, switch(select("- Bow:- Musical Instrument")) {, switch(select("- Mace:- Staff:- Book")) {, switch(select("- Axe:- Two-Handed Axe")) {, switch(select("- Sword:- Mace:- Dagger:- Axe")) {, switch(select("- Dagger:- Fuuma Shuriken")) {, switch(select("- Revolver:- Rifle:- Gatling Gun:- Shotgun")) {, } else if(getvariableofnpc(.BR_StartWeapon,"BR_Init") == 0 && BR_WeaponType), for ( set . @atcmd_parameters$[0],"9") == 1 || compare(. 4815,4814,4813,4812,4826,4827,4828,4829,4830,4831, // > Expert Archer: 4832,4833,4834,4835,4836,4837,4838,4839,4840,4841. Add comment. // Example: 5 Kills, 4th Place, 50 Base Reward: set . @l < @inventorylist_count; set .@l,. @i,0; . @l]; } else if(getarg(0) == 3) { // Save Equipment. | 13.28 KB, JSON | @min_l+" - "+. @e + 1) {, for ( set . @c < .arena_size)? @p]) == 1). @g]; deletearray .@OptID[0],getarraysize(. @l_y1 && . @l] != 0) { // If Random Options are used. @d+"]"),1; enablenpc "#BR"+( (. @rmax1); deletearray .@rpar1,getarraysize(. @BR_ID+"[2]")); set .@y,rand(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[1]"),getd(".area_"+. "; mes "You have $"+@value$+" worth of credit! | 13.09 KB, JSON | setarray .arena$[0],"Alberta","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"0". @o <= 5; set .@o,. @BR_ID < 10)?"0"+.@BR_ID:. @BR_ID+"[0]"),33,53,257,220; setarray getd(".area_"+. @rmin3); deletearray .@rmax3,getarraysize(. @BR_ID)/60 > 1)?"s":""):getd(".reveal_time_"+. | 12.98 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. //= only shows items that can be afforded. @r+"]"); setarray .@OptVal[getarraysize(.@OptVal)],rand(getd(".@rmin"+.@o+"["+.@r+"]"),getd(".@rmax"+.@o+"["+. @BR_ID+"[0]"),45,36,317,326; setarray getd(".area_"+. 4883,4896,4897,4898,4899,4906,4907,4760,4761,4806, // > FLEE: 4859,4860,4762,4763,4942,4943,4944. @BR_ID] && getd(".z_"+. @i] != 0) {. @rand3[0],RDMOPT_DAMAGE_CRI_USER,RDMOPT_RANGE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_USER,RDMOPT_HEAL_VALUE,RDMOPT_HEAL_MODIFY_PERCENT,RDMOPT_DEC_SPELL_CAST_TIME,RDMOPT_DEC_SPELL_DELAY_TIME,RDMOPT_DEC_SP_CONSUMPTION; for ( set . SHARE. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. "; mes "After passing these conditions and enough player have registered, you'll be warped randomly on the battlefield. @BR_ID)+1)+"]"),1,0xFF0000; // Left Bottom Corner, viewpoint 1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),. "; switch(select("- Game Mode:- Arena's:- Restricted Skills:- Nevermind")) {. @or) { // If Random Options is enabled. Logs, //= will appear in the "npclog" table. Login Sign up. @l]; else if(getarg(0) == 2) { // Drop Item (makeitem usage), set . @p,0; . Script Link: https://venuslockscript.com/ Game Link: https://venuslockscript.com/hunterxRoblox GameScript Free DownloadRoblox cheats free downloadRoblox free scriptRoblox Games==================================================================== Earn $30/PER 1000/clicks: https://venuslockscript.com/linkvertiseGet more subscribers and watch time, and grow your YouTube channel with these tools.Link: https://www.tubebuddy.com/salmasbuddyGet a big discount with my code.CODE: salmasbuddyVisit My Website: https://venuslockscript.com/ How to download: https://youtu.be/ik3jIj59-Qc About The Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/venuslock/discussion Free CODES and Items: https://youtu.be/nqEMmxqQCCc Thank you for visiting my channel. Get Roblox LUA Scripting Full Course Free: https://pastebin.com/KsUifkn3Actually, the course has a fee to see here, https://gum.co/kibiI. @BR_ID); set .@y1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. //= MySQL - 5.0.8 and up highly recommended but not required. set . @OptParam); for ( set . setarray . setarray . @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Payon") == 1), else if(compare(. @rand3[0],RDMOPT_DAMAGE_CRI_TARGET,RDMOPT_RANGE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_TARGET; // ================== Armor ==================. @s,1; . @p + 1). @OptVal); deletearray .@OptParam[0],getarraysize(. "; query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `claimed` = `claimed` + "+@total+" WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); query_sql "SELECT IFNULL((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM `donate`),0)", @total$; mes "Our fund is at a total of $"+@total$; menu "More info",L_INFO,"Make a claim",L_CHECK,"Statistics",L_STATS; query_sql "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'", @version, @valule$; query_sql "SELECT '"+@valule$+"' >= '5.0.8'", @version; menu "Add/Remove Donation",L_GM2,"Add/Remove Items",L_ITEM,"(Re)Set Exchange Rate",L_RATE,"Test Script",L_START; menu "Add a donation",L_DONATE,"Remove a donation",L_REMOVE,"View all donations",L_VIEWALL,"Return to main menu",L_GM; menu "Add an item",L_NEWITEM,"Remove an item",L_DELITEM,"View all items",L_ALLITEMS,"Return to main menu",L_GM; query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' UNION SELECT `id` FROM `item_db2` WHERE `name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"'", @iid; query_sql "SELECT 1 FROM `donate_item_db` WHERE `id` = "+@iid, @check; mes "Please enter the cost of each "+@itemname$+":"; if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@cost$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @cost$; query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@cost$)+"' > 0", @valid; mes "You have specified that donators can claim "+@itemname$+"s for $"+@cost$+" each. "; mes "About what do you want to learn more? @d < getd(".downed_slots_"+. @BR_ID*6-1],"Battle Royale#BR_NPC")); if(killerrid && killerrid != getcharid(3)) // Killed by Player. @t+1)+"]")+", X2["+(. Added checkweight feature. @e]; set .@o,. @rmax4)+", "+getarraysize(. // Note: If you want to change the item reward, change it also in the BR_Shop above! @l]; setarray BR_EQ_EXP[.@s],@inventorylist_expire[. @BR_ID+"[0]"),137,47,267,209; setarray getd(".area_"+. @enchant2[0], 4882,4766,4767,4894,4895,4904,4905, // > MATK: 4883,4896,4897,4898,4899,4906,4907,4760,4761,4806. // BR_TxTColor(3," ") = Just an empty space, didn't want to use mes for that. warning report-link . "; mes "You will retrieve it after the match. @BR_ID)+"-"+@BR_Downed_Spot; doevent "#BR"+( (. @s <= getd(".loot_box_"+. @i + 1) {, if(@BRZ_Start) // Deactivate the zone damage tick delay, viewpoint 1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. @e+10]); else if(!.equip[. setarray .arena$[. Pet Simulator X INSTANT RAINBOW LEAKED USE BEFORE PATCH! set . setmapflag strnpcinfo(4),mf_nocommand,99; // * Restricted Skills for custom Zone 9 > 8192. setmapflag strnpcinfo(4),mf_restricted,9; set . @w+"]"))) != 0) // Checks if the party is not saved yet, deletearray getd(".BR_PTY_"+getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"["+.@w+"]")+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. . | 13.16 KB, JSON | ",bc_self; if(@BR_Downed_Status == 1 && @BR_Downed_Spot). unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"ALL_RESURRECTION",1,getd(".ID_"+strnpcinfo(2)),.ResTime; if(getd(".ID_"+strnpcinfo(2)) == 0 && getattachedrid() == 0), // If no player is attached an the variable is still set, attach the player, else if(getd(".ID_"+strnpcinfo(2)) != 0 && getattachedrid() == 0). So Index*3, setarray .heal[0], 547,10,50, // Condensed White Potion, // Define the max healing/buff items available, // Max Heal Items per Loot Box (Default: 2), // > Novice = 0, Swordman = 1, Magician = 2, Archer = 3, Acolyte = 4, Merchant = 5, Thief = 6, Gunslinger = 24, Ninja = 25. Pastebin . You'll just need the Athena Royale creative code: 3206-9524-5936. Its for the Game Roblox Athena: Battle Royale! "; mes "How many "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s would you like to claim? You signed in with another tab or window. @m)); // 1x Oridecon Arrow Quiver, makeitem 13200,1,.@map$,rand((.@x-.@m),(.@x+.@m)),rand((.@y-.@m),(.@y+. For example, Phantom Forces doesn't use humanoids. @rmin1)+", "+getarraysize(. @e <= 4; set .@e,. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"12") == 1 || compare(. API tools faq. //= automatically truncates floats to ints. @cards[0],4236,4290,4160,4319,4417,4107; // Alligator, Gazeti, GC109, Greatest General, Ifrit, Mantis. //= Thanks to Toms for implementing the new multi-column, rachel,137,146,5 script Donation Girl 714,{, "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '", "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = ", "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = ", "The value of $1 successfully changed to ", "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `price` <= ", "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `id` = ", "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `price` <= ", "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `id` = ", "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_weapon_db` WHERE `price` <= ", "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_weapon_db` WHERE `id` = ". "; menu "Headgears",L_headgears,"Weapons",L_weapons,"Cards",L_cards,"Zeny",L_ZENY; query_sql "SELECT "+@value$+" / "+@price$, @max; mes getitemname(@name[@m])+"s cost $"+@price$+" each. "; mes "Please go back and claim an item instead. You Asked I Delivered.. Bugxie Providing you the best virus-free Roblox Exploit Videos!JOIN OUR DISCORD:https://discord.me/bugxie Script : https:. @i],2) != 10) continue; // Ignoring ETC Items, except Ammo, if( @inventorylist_id[. setarray .@opt_id4[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id4[. movenpc "Chest#BR"+.@BR_ID+"_"+.@s,.@x,. set .@er,getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. makeitem @inventorylist_id[.@l],@inventorylist_amount[.@l],.@map$,rand((.@x-.@m),(.@x+.@m)),rand((.@y-.@m),(.@y+. | 12.91 KB, GetText | @atcmd_parameters$[0],"5") == 1 || compare(. | 12.98 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. @e+"]"); setarray .@OptParam[getarraysize(.@OptParam)],getd(".@opt_p"+.@o+"["+. This video is not hacking-related as I'm trying to show them an exploit/glitch for the game.Also, I do not infringe any kind of copyright, everything I use in my videos are self made. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Einbech") == 1), else if(compare(. @i+1]); mes " > Maximum players: "+atoi(.arena$[. @a + 1), if(isloggedin(.@pty_aid[.@a],.@pty_cid[. @BR_ID))+"]"),getcharid(1); setarray getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1)+"["+getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1)))+"]"),getcharid(0); // Saves Players Account ID in Party Array, setd(".z_"+.@BR_ID),getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_IFY[.@s],@inventorylist_identify[. Added logging of claims. @i+2]); mes " > Registration Timer: "+$@BR_RegTimer+" Minute"+ ($@BR_RegTimer > 1)? ",bc_self; announce .n$+": Congratulation to ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] for winning in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! @BR_ID),cell_chkpass) == 0 || checkcell(strnpcinfo(4),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. @BR_ID)/60+" minute"+( (getd(".reveal_time_"+. @p+1)+": x"+getvariableofnpc(getd(".rew_place_"+.@id+"["+. 8 min ago 2 min ago | 13.28 KB, JSON | @c) < 2)? setarray .@opt_id5[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id5[. @rpar1); deletearray .@rand2,getarraysize(. "; if(getvariableofnpc(.BR_StartArmor,"BR_Init") == 1). makeitem .heal[.@h],.heal[.@h+1],.@map$,rand((.@x-.@m),(.@x+.@m)),rand((.@y-.@m),(.@y+. @BR_ID) + getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".@zone_c_y_"+. @e+7)+"]")) // Random. "; query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `claimed` = `claimed` + "+@total$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); logmes "Claimed "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s"; mes "Thankyou for donating! @s+1]; // ====== Battle Royale Arena Settings ======, // > [5] = Randomized Battle Type: 0 = Random, 1 = Solo, 2 = Duo, 4 = Squad. | 13.09 KB, JSON | setarray .@id[.@c],@inventorylist_id[. ",bc_all; deletearray getd(".Downed_"+. @l_y2 && . @s + 2). @m)); // 1x Cartridge = 500 Bullets, makeitem 12148,1,.@map$,rand((.@x-.@m),(.@x+.@m)),rand((.@y-.@m),(.@y+. "; mes "Please enter the donator's username:"; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+escape_sql(@donator$)+"'", @aid; query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @donated$; query_sql "SELECT '"+@donated$+"' > 0", @donated; query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid; logmes "Deleted "+@donator$+" from donation database"; mes @donator$+" is not a donator and has been deleted from the donation database. 36 min ago @id*6-6; // Array Index of the Arena. @o,1; . @r + 1) {, // Delete the whole party from the array, if everyone was downed. setarray . @loot,( (.randlimit == 1)?rand(1,.heal_limit):.heal_limit); // Getting the Item ID via the Array Index. todo-related-topics-headline todo-related-topics-headline-mobile. @t + 4). @rmax3)+", "+getarraysize(. ATHENA ROYALE GUI MADE BY Printer#0002 RELEASED BY Crazor Features: [Local-Player] {Fly} {Walkspeed} {Jump-power} [Combat] {Aimbot} [Visual] {FOV Circle} {Tracers} Coming soon Click-tp Spot Teleport Player-tp Script: Code: loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Printerrr/AthenaRoyale/main/AthenaScript.lua')))() @type) && getd(".Timer_"+. @y1 <= (getd(".area_"+. 7 min ago @place+" in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! set .@or,rand(.equip[.@e+13],.equip[. @c] + 1; // Increase the Counter of Random Options for later, if(@inventorylist_option_id2[. doevent "BR_Arena#"+getd(".BRID_"+strnpcinfo(2))+"::OnClearSpotEvent"; setd(".PTYID_"+strnpcinfo(2)),getcharid(1); addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnResCheck"; while(. setarray .@opt_id2[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id2[. @BR_ID)*1000); // Timer until the Zone actually moves, // Removing the cell_landprotector flag from the current zone of the until next zone. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. @calc+"x "+getitemname($@BR_RewID)+"s."; // getarg(1) = Arena Type (1 = Solo, 2 = Duo, 4 = Squad), // getarg(2) = Array Size of .rew_place_. set .@r,rand(getarraysize(getd(".@rand"+. set @npcname$,"[^2B4F81Donation Girl^000000]"; menu "More info",-,"Make a claim",L_CHECK,"Statistics",L_STATS; mes "Each month, a lot of money is paid to keep this server running. "; mes "Please enter the amount donated by "+@donator$; if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @donating$; query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' > 0", @valid; mes "You have specified that "+@donator$+" has donated $"+@donating$+". @r,0; . @i,0; . @e <= 4; set .@e,. //= 3.6 - Removed name column in donate_item_db. @e+"]"); set .@am,getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @BR_ID) - getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. @BR_ID+"[0]") + getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @BR_ID) - 4; // Moving Index to next zone. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_BOUND[.@s],@inventorylist_bound[. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Lasagna") == 1), else if(compare(. But I give it away for free to my visitors.Help Here and Enjoy The Benefits: https://venuslockscript.com/premium#venuslockrobloxscript#robloxscript2022#venuslockrobloxscript2022 hunter x athena script roblox script hack gui roblox exploit op script auto farm script roblox hunter x deletearray getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+. | 13.16 KB, JSON | @l] == getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) || @inventorylist_id[. if(getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) != 0) delequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP; if(getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID) != 0) delequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID; if(getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) != 0) delequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW; for ( set . If version. @c*6-1] == "2")? "s":""; mes " > Minimum Level: "+atoi(.arena$[. setarray .@OptID[getarraysize(.@OptID)],getd("BR_EQ_OPT_ID"+.@o+"["+. @i + 1) {, if(getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. @id+"::OnRegisterTimer"; } else if(getd("$@BR_Status_"+. @s,1; . You Asked I Delivered.. Bugxie Providing you the best virus-free Roblox Exploit Videos!JOIN OUR DISCORD:https://discord.me/bugxieScript : https://bit.ly/AthenaBattleRoyale(Contact me on discord for credits)Timestamps:0:00 - How to download the script0:55 - Script showcasePagesRoblox profile : https://www.roblox.com/users/1037290265/profileRoblox Group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/5642372/Bugxie#!/aboutExploitKRNL ( FREE EXPLOIT ) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qCdNzTiNzkALL CREDITS GOES TO RESPECTIVE OWNERS! DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HELLLO1073/RobloxStuff/main/Island%20Royale%20V1.lua", true))(), JSON | @c*6-1] == "1")? @BR_ID)); set .@l,. set .@cs,rand(0,getitemslots(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+. @g+"]"); setarray .@OptParam[getarraysize(.@OptParam)],getd("BR_EQ_OPT_PAR"+.@o+"["+. //= Thanks to Vich for helping me with the SQL syntax. @l + 1) {. @i+1],"Battle Royale#BR_NPC")); set .@type,atoi(getvariableofnpc(.arena$[. @id == @BR_ID) {. @y2 >= (getd(".area_"+. @rand2)+", "+getarraysize(. set . announce .n$+": You were killed by ["+rid2name(killerrid)+"]! @type == 2)? @BR_ID); set .@x1,getvariableofnpc(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+.@z+"]"),"BR_Arena#"+. todo-related-topics-headline . @type) && getd(".Timer_"+. mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),.n$+": The final zone has been reached! The latest ROBLOX exploits provides maximum security so that you can fly around and gain unlimited cash and experienece while banning other ROBLOX users as well as to chat unrestricted without the feeling of being watched and getting banned. @BR_ID),rand( (getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]")+getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID)),(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[2]")-getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @a,0; . //= 3.10 - Applied previous fix to other variables and forced, //= dialogue box closure every time database is, //= 3.11 - Explicit reset of another variable. setarray .@opt_id3[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id3[. @y,CELL_CHKLANDPROTECTOR) == 0) {. "Aldebaran","2","15","50",""+.m_level,"0". @z+1)+"]") - getd(".zone_move_"+. //===== Athena Script =======================================, //===== By ==================================================, //===== Version =============================================, //= 1.0 - First release. @l+"]"); setarray .@OptVal[getarraysize(.@OptVal)],getd("@inventorylist_option_value"+.@o+"["+. 4811,4810,4809,4808,4820,4821,4822,4823,4824,4825, // > Spell: 4815,4814,4813,4812,4826,4827,4828,4829,4830,4831. "; mes "Also your whole inventory will be saved before the actual match starts, to prevent anyone from cheating by having unstoreable equipment. setarray .@OptID[getarraysize(.@OptID)],getd("@inventorylist_option_id"+.@o+"["+. // > .loot_box = How many loot boxes are available? | 0.24 KB, JSON | Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. @p,1; . @BR_ID)); announce .n$+": Well done! @es + 1) {, if(!getd(".@c"+. @cards[0],4032,4322,4045,4609,4254,4058; // Choco, Giant Whisper, Kasa, Noxious, Orc Baby, Punk. @e+6)+"]")) {, // Andre, Archer Skeleton, Armed Guard Soheon, Atroce, Banaspaty, Breeze. @m)); if(@inventorylist_option_id1[. @rmin4)+", "+getarraysize(. @i < getarraysize(. You can claim as much as "+@maxzeny+"Z. @e+11]) // If random amount of Enchantments is enabled. @BR_ID)-1)+"]"),cell_landprotector,0; setd(".z_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".z_"+. set .Arena_Status[atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(2),3))],1; set .ZoneRefresh,100; // Timer in milliseconds to refresh the zone. waitingroom "Battle Royale - Inactive",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWaitingRoom"; for ( set . | 12.98 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Aldebaran") == 1), else if(compare(. @i]; if(@inventorylist_option_id4[. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Morroc") == 1), else if(compare(. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please come back later. @w,0; . Pet Simulator X! TWEET. @i] == getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID) || @inventorylist_id[. // Skill Formating - Use the function like below: // BR_TxTColor(1,"Class") = Color for the Class, // BR_TxTColor(2,"Skill") = Color for the Skill. @i+5],"Battle Royale#BR_NPC")); setd(".Timer_"+.@id),getd(".Timer_"+. @BR_ID)); sleep 2000; // Let the players finish loading. "; if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1) != getcharid(3)) {. @BR_ID) != 0) {. @p,0; . @et == 1) { // Depending on loop counter, choose the equipment type. "- "+.arena$[. mes "There are 3 different Types of Battle Royale, which are randomized every day per Arena or are specified:"; mes "To register just select \"Register\" in the main menu. 4720,4721,4722,4723,4724,4725,4726,4727,4728,4729, // > INT: 4710,4711,4712,4713,4714,4715,4716,4717,4718,4719. mes " - "+(. @i]; setarray .@opt_p2[.@c],@inventorylist_option_parameter2[. @m)); // 1x Flare Sphere Pack. "; query_sql "INSERT INTO `donate` VALUES ("+@aid+", '"+@donating$+"', 0)"; query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `amount` = `amount` + "+@donating$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid; logmes "Credited "+@donator$+" with $"+@donating$; query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @newdonated$; mes @donator$+" has donated a total of $"+@newdonated$; mes "Account name "+@donator$+" does not exist. mes "It seems like you can't reset your starter weapon. @BR_ID) == 0), if(getarraysize(getd(".rew_place_"+. @BR_ID)*1000); // Timer until the next Zone will be revealed, set .@m1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]")+(distance(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. @p + 1) {. @m + 1), // * Allowing Admins(Group 99) to use @commands. 25 min ago @BR_ID)); set .@p,. Added logmes for GM operations. @id),"BR_Init")+" seconds"; mes " > Reveal Timer: "+getvariableofnpc(getd(".reveal_time_"+. @pub_txt$,"Registration - "+getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@p))+"/"+atoi(.arena$[. @BR_ID); // Calculating each zone away from the centre/last zone, for ( set . "; query_sql "REPLACE INTO `donate_item_db` VALUES ("+@iid+",'"+@cost$+"')"; logmes "Changed the price of "+@itemname$+"s"; mes "Item "+@itemname$+" does not exist. 6 min ago @BR_ID+"[0]"),22,22,290,290; setarray getd(".area_"+. @BR_ID) - getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @q + 1) {. "; mes "Please be sure to match the correct player limit. @id)); set .@q,. "; mes "After the match your inventory will be restored back to how it was. @BR_ID = "+. @a+5],""+( (. @g+"]"); setarray .@OptVal[getarraysize(.@OptVal)],getd("BR_EQ_OPT_VAL"+.@o+"["+. @rand2); deletearray .@rmin2,getarraysize(. set .@ref,rand(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(.@e+4)+"]"),getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. setarray . @c*6-6] + " - ["+ ( (.arena$[. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. @BR_ID); set .@x2,getvariableofnpc(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(.@z+2)+"]"),"BR_Arena#"+. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Splendide") == 1), else if(compare(. @place+" in the Battle Royale Arena ["+getd(".arena_"+.@BR_ID+"$")+"]! set .@or,rand(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(.@e+13)+"]"),getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Yuno") == 1). @atcmd_parameters$[0],"18") == 1 || compare(. @z+3)+"]")); for ( set . @id) + 1; if(getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. Claim menu now. @a]) == 1) {. @l+"]"); setarray getd("BR_EQ_OPT_PAR"+.@o+"["+.@s+"]"),getd("@inventorylist_option_parameter"+.@o+"["+. this script for rush point gives you, aimbot, esp and other features which makes the game super easy to play and win footer-imprint-headline footer-terms-of-service footer-data-headline . Hunter x Athena Script GUI Roblox has auto farm stamina, strength, speed, and auto push-ups. @pty_ct; set .@p,. @i] != 0) {. @i] == getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) ) {. | 14.50 KB, JSON | 6 min ago @w,0; . @id+"::OnBRStart"; setd(".@zone_c_x_"+. "; setarray getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @a < . Pet Simulator X MINI FARMING GUI SEPTEMBER 2021, Free Roblox Script Chinese Event Game Thingy - Infinite Coins Script, Free Roblox Script Monke Game | GUI | *NEW* 2 | INVISIBLE, PURPLE MONKE |, Club Iris RAINBOW NAME REQUIRES GAMEPASS, [OP] Demonfall [2.15] Infinite Level Farm (FAST), Free Roblox Script Verdant Moon: Shitty trinket esp (and proximity trinket collection), Free Roblox Script Blood GUI - Lumber Tycoon 2 Game ID[13822889], Free Roblox Script Drive City - Autofarm Cash, Free Roblox Script Pro Piece GUI (Auto Farm, Auto Quest, God Mode, Bring Df & MORE), Free Roblox Script The Mimic / Chapter 3 & 4 Nightmarization, Free Roblox Script Shootout | Silent-Aim, Speed, Jump, Free Roblox Script Ragdoll System Test | Godmode. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"14") == 1 || compare(. (Experimental - Default: Half of max players), // Note: There are 10 duplicates ready, if you require more just add them; Search for "duplicate(#BR".