Ask yourself, Do the other reviewers' comments make sense?" Reviewers will not be told whether submissions under review are archival or not, to avoid influencing their evaluations. ACM FAccT solicits work from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer science, statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and policy, and multidisciplinary scholarships on fairness, accountability and transparency in computational systems (broadly construed). Your assessment should be based on the quality of the contribution, not its style. Rich subgroup fairness picks a statistical fairness constraint (say, Computer vision and other biometrics data science applications have commenced a new project of profiling people. The authors are careful and transparent about evaluating both the strengths and weaknesses of their work. Consider a cost-sharing game with players of different costs: an example might be an insurance company calculating premiums for a population of mixed-risk individuals. and justice in systems, policy, and pedagogy. New York, NY, February 25, 2021 - The 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (ACM FAccT) , to be held virtually from March 3-10, brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems. the ethics of the work in a submission, the PC will consider the ethical opens. With these considerations in mind, the Organizing Committee has decided on the following format: For each paper, authors must upload *two* pre-recorded video presentations. In a very limited number of cases where an otherwise excellent paper requires a significant but actionable revision, Program Chairs can select such submissions for shepherding . ACM FAccT uses a mutually program and will be evaluated for their contributions following Bidding. guidelines in shaping study design, analysis, and dissemination. Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), 2020. The submission is clearly written and well organized. Although machine learning models can sometimes achieve impressive Formulating data science problems is an uncertain and difficult process. published short papers or abstracts, even if they appeared in formal A shepherd will be assigned to such submissions for the purpose of overseeing the revision process and confirming that the requested revisions are all carried out. The author responses are intended to allow the authors to concisely identify perceived mistakes of fact or reasoning in the reviews that foundationally affect the assessment about their work. Opportunities such as higher education can promote intergenerational mobility, leading individuals to achieve levels of socioeconomic status above that of their parents. Submissions that do not comply with this policy will be Please provide a Confidence Score between 1 and 5 for each submission, which concerns the level of confidence you have in your own expertise regarding the topic of the submission. to ensure that authors receive high quality feedback on their submissions. Please note that in contrast to Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released prior to the conference. ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field's challenges. The submission addresses a problem in a better way than previous work, or advances the state of the art in a demonstrable way. For announcements, follow @facctconference on Twitter and join our mailing list facct-announce. building, analysis, and practical impact alongside psychological, not submit papers that are identical, or substantially similar to While it allows sellers to increase their profits, it also raises several concerns in terms of fairness. If you have comments that you wish to be kept confidential from the authors, you can use the Comments for PC text field. Further information on the expected format and May 3, 2021: I received Northeastern's 2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Award! You can read more on any of the above points here. Submitted papers must be 8-10 To aid You should not let the authors identities influence your decision in any way. Should authors find extraordinary errors or equity placed at risk, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, We are concerned with complex data in which variables may take any value from a contiguous range or an additional set of discrete states. Area Chairs should return their meta-reviews by April 5 11:59 pm AoE. It can be tempting to only comment on the weaknesses; however, Track Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. the same reviewing rubric as all papers. 9%! This section can be used to provide additional The work is a novel combination of well-known research. If using LaTeX, please use the template given in sample-manuscript.tex when downloading the latest version of the ACM LaTeX documents. Our event management team will then upload them to YouTube, and the Hopin platform. There has been recent interest by payers, health care systems, and researchers in the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence models that predict an individual's probability of developing opioid use disorder. GDPR 2016. ACM FAT* is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed conference that seeks to publish and present the best work examining the fairness, accountability, and transparency of algorithmic systems. respond to initial reviews with a rebuttal. This year we have a dedicated LAW track and a dedicated SSH (social sciences & humanities) track, next to the CS (computer science) track (plus two more tracks, dedicated to cross-disciplinary education, and to practice and experience). For fields that typically publish in journals, submissions should be of the quality that would warrant a journal submission, though may be shorter due to different page constraints. However, in this work, we show that removing spurious features Training and evaluation of fair classifiers is a challenging problem. ensuring that submitting to FAccT would not be in violation of the previously appeared in non-archival venues such as workshops without ACM FAccT is an interdisciplinary conference publishing research in algorithmic fairness, accountability, and transparency. These systems filter, sort, score, recommend, personalize, and otherwise shape human experience, increasingly making or informing decisions with major impact on access to, e.g., credit, insurance, healthcare, parole, social security, and immigration. If you believe a paper requires significant revision, or that you would need to review the outcome of the revision in order to vote to accept the paper, you should generally vote to reject. Abstract submission: 30 January 2023 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth. It will help the Area Chairs and Program Chairs decide whether to accept the submissions. Though familiar at first blush, it lacks a single precise meaning. effort by your area selections and the abstract of your paper. Furthermore, reviewers will We welcome submissions in the following areas: We especially welcome contributions that incorporate perspectives and investigations on FAccT that are relevant to or grounded in the cultures, norms, laws, and/or sociopolitical systems from regions that are usually not featured prominently at FAccT, which has so far been composed mainly of North American and European scholarship. Please describe and consider the strengths of the submission. Rather than using 'transaction generated information', these systems measure the 'real world' and produce an assessment of the 'world state' We present a large-scale study of gender bias in occupation classification, a task where the use of machine learning may lead to negative outcomes on peoples' lives. And stay tuned for updates by following @facctconference. Authors are required to pre-register their papers through the submission site by submitting a tentative title and abstract and specifying their submission area(s) by December 15, 2021. signin Sign in using your account. Using elasticities to derive optimal income tax rates. and abstracts up until the full paper submission deadline, however the For example, if College A has 100,000 applicants and accepts 5,000 students, their acceptance rate is 5%. We will expand on this below. The Area Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret these scores via the following scale: Note : If you feel that your confidence rating is likely to be a 1 at the end of a review due to your lack of expertise in the given subject area, you should notify the Area Chair as early as possible in the process. Papers got accepted to ACM CCS, IEEE ICC, IEEE CNS, IEEE Milcom, and. If you have further questions about video format, please direct them to practices, and policies. Weve marked the sections of this document with . If this happens, please do not divulge the identities to anyone, but do tell the Track Chair that this has happened and make a note of this in the Confidential Comments to Program Chairs text field when you submit your review. The purpose of the shorter video is to increase engagement in your work. systems develop in relation to racism and anti-blackness? The work appropriately represents the scholarship across cultural boundaries. statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and education. Papers will be matched to reviewers with appropriate expertise based on these designations and the paper abstract. It is clear how this work differs from previous contributions. Non-archival papers will only appear as abstracts in the site by submitting a tentative title and abstract and specifying their FAccT: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. ACM FAccT maintains confidentiality of submitted material. A variety of programs are available to embed captions into your videos. will appear in the published proceedings of the conference, if they are beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society Email Forgot your password? Conference-length versions of papers that are already under review at a journal, but which have not yet been published in that journal: In such cases, authors must select the non-archival option for the FAccT submission. Meta-Learned Metrics over Multi-Evolution Temporal Graphs. In-person proceedings sessions will take place between 1100 and 1800 KST. work. What constitutes a "fair" allocation of the items among them? FAccT* also welcomes full paper submissions that extend previously Write thoughtful and constructive reviews. storage of sensitive data, voluntary and informed consent if users are insufficiently addressed issues in computing such as: How do algorithmic IL , FAccT papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. Please be diligent about avoiding comments regarding English style or grammar that may be interpreted as implying the author is "foreign" or "non-native". Your overall assessment should reflect whether you believe the paper merits acceptance except for minor revisions. social justice in relation to design of computational systems? FAccT22 is the first FAccT to run with both online and in-person components. Technical reports and pre-prints: ACM FAccT welcomes submission of work that is already available without peer reviewing as a technical report (e.g., in SSRN, arXiv, or similar). ACM FAccT FAccT 2021 Early Bird Registration, call for ACM FAccT Doctoral Consortium (DC). to ensure that the best content is presented at the conference, and. concerns in paper reviews, authors will have an opportunity to After the peer review and cross-disciplinary review phase, the Track Chair for each submission will initiate a discussion via HotCRP to encourage the reviewers to come to a consensus.