Black Site info NOTE** one of the sites is the Naval Brig in Charleston, SC. What about Memphis, Elvis, Little Egypt, and the new Madrid fault line? . In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, or the town of Roswell, an area which is popular for its history with UFO-related subjects. The Roman legions made sacrifices to Mithras a Persian solar deity similar if not the, Same as Tammuz of Babylon whose symbol was also a cross. Connecting the Dots Treason Regarding Bill Clinton and his support for 33rd parallel located and largest -by several orders of. Two of Bushs top Mexican-American backers linked to Mexicos feared Gulf. We all know that number 33 is not just any regular number. 9 + (1+1) and 32 stories equals the pyramid on the US dollar with the missing 33rd story. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. TWO LEADERS ON THE 33RD PARALLEL ALONE HAVE STOPPED THE OPIUM TRADE- THEY MET THE SAME FATE AS THE CHINESE EMPERORS, THAT TRIED TO STOP IT-THEY WERE REMOVED FROM POWER, 1. Realty that will involve this event prior to its occurrence. Interestingly, his brother Robert was also assassinated on parallel 33,in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. FURTHER ,THE, JANUARY 17 DATE AS NOTED IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE EXECUTION OF, GARY GILMORE -THE FIRST SINCE THE LEGAL RESUMPTION IN 1977 AND THE. Most of Florida and Louisiana are in parallels that begin with 2. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. . 9. Depends who you ask. sports arenas generate much crowd/mob energy. Warner Bilderberger- Mark Warner only Governor invited to attend. The Memphis Mizraim are a black magic cult that are said to be active in Iraq in Baghdad in particular. 1001 Club (again the 11). 3. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Mr. Clinton in fact interrupted his campaign schedule to fly to Arkansas to sign. San Juan Capistrano is on latitude N. 33.29 (See wiki on City itself). Both families assisted the rise of the Third Reich . 02. At Arizona State University and Phoenix to events in Baghdad. The first cadaver of such a superhuman entity ever found. Tucker State Prison Farm home of Death Row 34.43917 . This dovetails with a belief, In the importance -for reasons until now unknown of the geographical location known. Back in the polls and winning re-election to the Presidency. JWL came to California from Silver Spring, Maryland. The Capital of Texas , Austin is named after a freemason. 1. January 17, 1977 executions resume. . That performed ritual, Murder by strangulation as an offering to Kali , the hindu goddess of death. Needless to say, all does not appear normal with the situationfurther inquiry found the, 1. In addition, the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. . Texas The Lone Pentagram State & Mother of All Death Rows, Governor Rick Perry (R ) strongly favors the death penalty he recently executed a, Mexican national despite direct pleas from Mexican President Vicente Fox. 6. He has a ring shaped plain west, of the Mare Crisium on the Moon named after him by scientists Beer and Medler in their. In 1840, an allegation was made that jews were kidnapping and engaged in the ritual murder of two Christians in Damascus, Syria, a city , like Baghdad , right at the heart of the 33rd parallel. . He was the heir apparent to the throne. SINCE THE DEATH OF FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT IN APRIL OF 1944 ALL PRESIDENTS DIE ON 33RD PARALLEL BISECTED STATES: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, place of Death Warm Springs, Georgia. The cult of the assassins, Was largely wiped out by the Mongols. The Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, Georgia was also on the 33rd parallel. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. GILGAMESH CADAVER IS THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF A, HUMAN GOD HYBRID. The 9 and the 1 as in the two, Numbers in 9/11. d) Women prisoners forced to have sex with dogs. Many British interests and companies involved. The esoteric writer Peter Moon has written extensively on the Pleiades and their role in. . The 11 again. Both are in favor of the death penalty. Further: Father of Jesus could theoretically be a Pleiadean. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. The return of their god kukulkan in 2012. 3. 4) El Paso is on 31.47 N Latitude, 5. It is. . All on the 33rd parallel. all of this on the. Google Black Goat Sacrifice A ton of black magic sites will appear discussing, All aspects of the sacrifice of black goats in Santeria, Satanism and anything of an. Pontius Pilate had a great career. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. The State Flag the solar cross is a Zia Pueblo symbol. . It happens to be as close as possible to the 33rd parallel, and as noted in near alignment with Texas again bringing the number of aligned sites to. The King denies involvement and has never been, This is an awful lot of activity in a very small city in a very small country. The freemason symbol of an eye as capstone. The Aga Khan has ties to a swiss foundation with Neil Bush and the current Pope Benedict before he became Pope. Elohimin Hebrew this means the gods. Did the 33 rd US President target these two Japanese cities on the basis that they both straddled the 33 rd parallel? takeover of all aspects of life and brings about the New Age, the New Order. California is the heartland also of the favorite food of Lord Shiva Sinsemilla marijuana. . Their home so near to a place where so many died horribly, including children? Kukulkan is described as bearded, light skinned, with reddish hair and gray eyes. Richard Branson will actually be the primary owner of the spaceship company. Pinochets military was taught torture techniques there. The Parliament of Worlds Religions is in Cape Town and is associated with the. Human sacrifice or at least the sacrifice of a prized goat or bull. The 33rd parallel, Passes through Alabama. Death Row South Carolina : Ridgeville, SC Latitude N 33.0326 ( 3+2+6= 11). The Music Industry and 33rd Parallel Influences from India in California: Everyone has seen video or even cartoons of the hindu fakir lulling a deadly cobra into, Docility through music and movement. Again, the test range for obvious reason is vast. . In direct alignment with the 3. . . Be getting orders to commit the savage crime from the beatles White Album. The excavation or. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Bush Fraud Investigation Update by Wayne Madsen. BHUTTO was Pakistans FIRST Democratically elected President. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Ancient sites around the world in a mathematical code or alignment. Oklahoma City is located on N. Latitude 35. He was given a cell so he could witness the hangings which sometimes took place SEVEN AT A TIME. . His death was a propitiation or offering anointing for evil the, Entire prize begun by Khan and the military click ushered into power in a CIA sponsored, Coup , which Benazir Bhutto, the murdered leaders daughter BELIEVES WAS DONE. SADDAM this , of course , is this writers speculation based on an analysis of known facts. Connection to the martial aspects of his behavior. January 17, 1991 George H W Bush launches attack into Iraq in Gulf War I. . The most in USA history. 2. Apple Computers founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Palo Alto , California. e) Election in which Clinton won Presidency vs. Dole and Kemp; 1. All of this occurred in 1947. 7. . This means that the decision to purchase this ranch at precisely this location and, Area was a decision made AFTER the Branch Davidian Holocaust. The purpose to this is to allow a different consciousness to develop, That allows for changes in behavior and outlook a form of hypnotism. . Stalin, wanted his scientists to create a superman by creating a hybrid human-gorrila warrior, a, Form of humanoid King Kong. Death Row Mississippi : Located in Parchman, Mississippi in SunFlower, County. Help . 33 vertebra in the human spinal column when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually; 33 days in the "intellectual cycle" in the . The 33rd Parallel has a southern counterpart to the more important northern one. 7. He was the link that forged. Santa Fe, NM 87502-2486. Office. He in fact was the Senior Managing. What city is located at 30n 97w?Where is 33n 97w located? denial in that situation. There were links, To the UNs Maurice Strong now implicated in the Oil For Food scandal. Carthage was a major center of human sacrifice and demon, Worship. A mere scroll through of any Buddhist site will confirm this. Legalized death penalty whose face is on the Iraqi dinar became intertwined. The Mayans associated their existence with the constellation Pleiades and the Star Alcyone. & Steve Jobs went to India. 3. 6. But for the rise of Hitler funded in part by Bush ancestors there would not be a country, Named Iran it would still be named Persia. f) Richard Nixon was in favor of resuming the death penalty which happened after he left. BNFL is wholly owned, BNFL is now trying to sell Westinghouse nuclear assets and its representative is. Various JFK conspiracy sites, articles, And books, place former President George H W Bush in the web of the assassination, The nazis , funded by his forebearers have been implicated as part of an operation, Conducted by the previously mentioned Gehlen group of german and east bloc fascist, Operatives forming the backbone of the CIA. . Also, associated with demonic forces in the bible.